Group 7-day waking average?

I bought one as advised on here, but couldn't face reading the manual so insisted my sister swap with me because she'd already shown me how to work her Contour Next and it was easy. My brain gets hurty very quickly these days! If I can't get any strips off the doc I'll try the Codefree...needs must. 🙂

Hope you get better asap Mark.
I think most operate on the same principle Ditto...put the battery in...then ready to go...finger easy...hope you can get the testing strips..if not.try the codefree...,.it really is so simple...good luck.
Good morning all . 6.1 this morning this way. . Hope everyone has a pleasant day .
Morning...6.5 for me today.
Morning all . 5.3 today🙂
Morning folks.🙂 11.6 here - must've been the pasta I had for dinner. Haven't eaten pasta for aaages - doing a bit of an experiment this week.😉
Back to rain again :(. It's a 4.9 from me.
Went to bed a bit higher than normal at an 8.0, dropped to my normal overnight 5.5 about 30mins after taking Lantus, and seemed to go low between about 1am and 3am. Will be keeping a beady eye on that...
Morning all! An improved 6.0 today. Was 5.5 before bed, so nice & steady.🙂
Morning guys, I'm joining @Robin on the 5.4 bench today x