Group 7-day waking average?

Aah there you all are! It's thick fog here today and a 3.5 for me 😡

Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday, my one working retina has a lot of scar tissue from all the laser surgery which is highly risky to remove but highly risky to leave and the surgeon is considering whether to operate on it with my cataract. The stress caused my blood sugar to shoot up to 15 and stay there for 5 hours despite numerous corrections. Thank you for your 'help' DF, I'll get you back sometime just you wait......
'Wheeeeeee!' THUNK!!! - that's the sound of the DF being punted across the room and colliding with the far wall 😱 😉 Hoping for good outcome for the eye, @Flower {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.1 today.
Good luck with your appts Bubbsie and khskel. Hope you both come away with good results.
I'm out this evening to a Caribbean restaurant. Not sure what I'll choose. It's a work meal and never even knew of the place let alone what if anything on the menu is lowest in carbs! 😱
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.1 today.
Good luck with your appts Bubbsie and khskel. Hope you both come away with good results.
I'm out this evening to a Caribbean restaurant. Not sure what I'll choose. It's a work meal and never even knew of the place let alone what if anything on the menu is lowest in carbs! 😱
Hopefully they'll do some fish +/or jerk chicken you can have with rice and peas but it's deadly
Hopefully they'll do some fish +/or jerk chicken you can have with rice and peas but it's deadly
Thanks for the tip. I've never had jerk chicken. I'm a pretty bland eater so it will be an experience!
Thanks for the tip. I've never had jerk chicken. I'm a pretty bland eater so it will be an experience!
It can be a little on the fierce side if they are using scotch bonnet chillies. Fine food though.
Aah there you all are! It's thick fog here today and a 3.5 for me 😡

Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday, my one working retina has a lot of scar tissue from all the laser surgery which is highly risky to remove but highly risky to leave and the surgeon is considering whether to operate on it with my cataract. The stress caused my blood sugar to shoot up to 15 and stay there for 5 hours despite numerous corrections. Thank you for your 'help' DF, I'll get you back sometime just you wait......

All the best for beneficial review appointments khskel and Bubbsie 🙂
Flower...thank you so much for your best wishes...particularly in the midst of your my absolute surprise my review appointment went so well...thought I must have been at a different practice...tell you what...send the DF over here...and I'll set Harry on her...she'll be sorry then...he's an absolute killer!!!


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Good luck with the appointment @Bubbsie. It's obviously stressing you so hope it goes well.
Thanks Amigo...just posted a thread on it...went so well worried I'd hallucinated on too much Metformin (if possible)...went to the wrong surgery... seeing a different doctor...couldn't be Dr Max Medication being so positive...even got a (mercifully) 'quick' hand clasp and a pat on the back as I left...speechless...have to decide what to call him now?...answers on a postcard please
Just tested again after breakfast (ham & scrambled eggs). Still high at 6.9. I will be doing some more testing throughout the day. Must have some kind of underlying infection.
Why not get an SD Codefree, Ditto, for those times when you have to buy strips? The machine costs around £15 and the strips are £7.99 for 50 (I think). Have a look on amazon (sorry, don't know how to add a link).
I bought one as advised on here, but couldn't face reading the manual so insisted my sister swap with me because she'd already shown me how to work her Contour Next and it was easy. My brain gets hurty very quickly these days! If I can't get any strips off the doc I'll try the Codefree...needs must. 🙂

Hope you get better asap Mark.
Morning all. A quite respectable 5.8 for me. Review at the Diabetes clinic today. Will be going armed with laptop full of data. I'm getting fed up of having to do a 3 way split on my bolus to avoid hypos and hypers in the evening. Have a good day all.
Good luck khskel
theres a strange comfort in knowing that lots of other people up and down the country are stabbing at tender digits at the same time...

9.6 this morn, insomnia is bad at the mo!
Just tested again after breakfast (ham & scrambled eggs). Still high at 6.9. I will be doing some more testing throughout the day. Must have some kind of underlying infection.

Mark, even for a champion diabetic, 6.9 after food is hardly high. I know you're used to much lower figures but don't be fretting about this 😉
Happy good afternoon Peeps 🙂
I awoke to a 6.4

That flippin DF visited me last night - she's been playing rotten games with me of late 😱

At 9.50pm I felt poorly - trembling - hot - head in a fuzz - took my bgl and it was 3.5 😱 Scared me to bits - never had a reading as low as that before.

Didn't know what to do so I ate 2 rounds bergen toast + 2 choccy digestive biscuits + 200mls of water.

By 10.40pm my bgl had risen to 5.4 Phew! 🙂

Then at 11.00pm it had risen to 6.2. 🙂

I didn't have a dinner last night as usually do - Instead I had a light tea of 2 boiled eggs & a Greek low fat yogurt.

Can anyone explain to me please the cause of such a low reading - this is not normal to me.
Happy good afternoon Peeps 🙂
I awoke to a 6.4

That flippin DF visited me last night - she's been playing rotten games with me of late 😱

At 9.50pm I felt poorly - trembling - hot - head in a fuzz - took my bgl and it was 3.5 😱 Scared me to bits - never had a reading as low as that before.

Didn't know what to do so I ate 2 rounds bergen toast + 2 choccy digestive biscuits + 200mls of water.

By 10.40pm my bgl had risen to 5.4 Phew! 🙂

Then at 11.00pm it had risen to 6.2. 🙂

I didn't have a dinner last night as usually do - Instead I had a light tea of 2 boiled eggs & a Greek low fat yogurt.

Can anyone explain to me please the cause of such a low reading - this is not normal to me.
Although it was low @wirralass, it wouldn't be dangerously so as you are not on any medication, so try not to be too alarmed by it - it probably just means you were a bit hungry. People without diabetes drop to levels like that occasionally and will often feel faint or dizzy, it's just your brain telling you to eat something, and the number was lower than you are used to, so it went into a bit of a panic mode. Your pancreas must be functioning pretty well given the limited rise in your levels after your little feast 🙂
Thank you - you've explained this well Northie 🙂 - I get it - so after all's said and done it appears that it's best for me to have a dinner at tea time as opposed to a lightish tea and snacking later in the evening - Good to hear my pancreas is in tip top form - my bloods are due in 2wks time 😱
Mark, even for a champion diabetic, 6.9 after food is hardly high. I know you're used to much lower figures but don't be fretting about this 😉
I usually drop considerably after breakfast. Anyway, 5.7 before lunch, so coming down now.🙂