Group 7-day waking average?

It does sound like a rebound Rosie, hope you manage a bit more shuteye and are more settled before brekky 🙂 If you suspect a hypo, then perhaps a 2-3am test might be a good idea, and looking at your basal dose 🙂

That's my plan for tonight. Just when you think you've figured out your basal eh...

I woke again around 11ish and was a pretty decent 7.1 so good job I didn't correct!
Went to Boot's enquired re strips, £25. Let's hope they'll let me have some on repeat prescription, I put in a request today. I can't afford that. I hate not knowing what my BG is.
Went to Boot's enquired re strips, £25. Let's hope they'll let me have some on repeat prescription, I put in a request today. I can't afford that. I hate not knowing what my BG is.
Not sure what meter you're using Ditto...but...if the surgery won't supply the test strips (hope they do) could get a whole SD codefree 'starter kit' for under £25...their test strips are around £8 for 50...usually free postage too...good luck.
Morning...couldn't sleep...up at 4am...not to see Dr Max Medication this morning...despite that a 6.1 today🙂.
Good morning. 4.8 today 🙂
Hope Dr Max is away and you get to see Dr Minnie Mum 🙂

Good morning 🙂 5.7 for me today 🙂
Blimey're certainly on the ball so early this morning...Dr Minnie Mum...made me laugh so much...Ironically want to see Dr Max medication this morning...worked hard to get his attention...not going to let him off that easy...reasonable control of BG...clued up on Cholesterol issues...Blood Pressure normal range...looking forward to a reasonable discussion...who knows may even smile at him too!
6.2 for me this morning. Hope you all have a stress free Tuesday.
Morning all. A quite respectable 5.8 for me. Review at the Diabetes clinic today. Will be going armed with laptop full of data. I'm getting fed up of having to do a 3 way split on my bolus to avoid hypos and hypers in the evening. Have a good day all.
Morning all. A quite respectable 5.8 for me. Review at the Diabetes clinic today. Will be going armed with laptop full of data. I'm getting fed up of having to do a 3 way split on my bolus to avoid hypos and hypers in the evening. Have a good day all.
Snap khskel...same this morning too...good luck.
Blimey're certainly on the ball so early this morning...Dr Minnie Mum...made me laugh so much...Ironically want to see Dr Max medication this morning...worked hard to get his attention...not going to let him off that easy...reasonable control of BG...clued up on Cholesterol issues...Blood Pressure normal range...looking forward to a reasonable discussion...who knows may even smile at him too!
Hope you have a good appointment.
Morning. A 5.4 for me today.
I wish my next consultant and HBA1c appt would come through. Should have been early Feb but not heard a thing, and getting good numbers all day for the last few weeks. I'll chase next week if I've not heard anything but I know he is extremely busy as he is the only diabetes consultant at the hospital which covers a big area....
Went to Boot's enquired re strips, £25. Let's hope they'll let me have some on repeat prescription, I put in a request today. I can't afford that. I hate not knowing what my BG is.
Why not get an SD Codefree, Ditto, for those times when you have to buy strips? The machine costs around £15 and the strips are £7.99 for 50 (I think). Have a look on amazon (sorry, don't know how to add a link).

Morning all.🙂 7.3 here.🙂

Sunshine forecast for the rest of the week - best strip the bed and open all the windows. 😎 Might hang Mr Bloden out too - he's looking long overdue for an airing.😱😉
Blimey're certainly on the ball so early this morning...Dr Minnie Mum...made me laugh so much...Ironically want to see Dr Max medication this morning...worked hard to get his attention...not going to let him off that easy...reasonable control of BG...clued up on Cholesterol issues...Blood Pressure normal range...looking forward to a reasonable discussion...who knows may even smile at him too!
Wisning you a very reasonable discussion with the outcomes you want and need!