Group 7-day waking average?

Morning, I'm awake very early. Normally I don't surface til gone 10:30 these days!

Woke up to a delightful 14.9 for no apparent reason. I am very sweaty and freezing so I suspect I had a hypo in my sleep and rebounding from it now. Thanks liver.

Im not gonna correct as if it is a rebound, I'm just gonna end up hypo again. Think I'm going to go back to sleep and whack a correction dose onto my breakfast insulin if need be!
It does sound like a rebound Rosie, hope you manage a bit more shuteye and are more settled before brekky 🙂 If you suspect a hypo, then perhaps a 2-3am test might be a good idea, and looking at your basal dose 🙂
Morning...5.6 for me today...happy with that...after my Friday night 'off' the diabetes treadmill...better than I expected🙂.
Morning, I'm awake very early. Normally I don't surface til gone 10:30 these days!

Woke up to a delightful 14.9 for no apparent reason. I am very sweaty and freezing so I suspect I had a hypo in my sleep and rebounding from it now. Thanks liver.

Im not gonna correct as if it is a rebound, I'm just gonna end up hypo again. Think I'm going to go back to sleep and whack a correction dose onto my breakfast insulin if need be!
Rosie...hop you manage some shut eye later...and 'Betty' learns to behave herself.
5.8 for me this morning. Have a nice Monday everyone.
PS . Rosie ,hope you feel better later in the day @Rosiecarmel
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Oh Dear @Rosiecarmel I hope you feel better after you've had some more sleep.
Morning, I'm awake very early. Normally I don't surface til gone 10:30 these days!

Woke up to a delightful 14.9 for no apparent reason. I am very sweaty and freezing so I suspect I had a hypo in my sleep and rebounding from it now. Thanks liver.

Im not gonna correct as if it is a rebound, I'm just gonna end up hypo again. Think I'm going to go back to sleep and whack a correction dose onto my breakfast insulin if need be!
Hope you are alright now.
7.4 for me.
Good morning 🙂 I'll join you with a 4,4 Robin in a Cotswolds posse 😉

Retina clinic today, 3 hours staring at an out of focus wall waiting for my name to be called, fun overload to start the week! 😛
Hope all goes well @Flower - it really annoys me the way they have all the seats facing a blank wall! Hope you don't get too much advice from 'wise' members of the public 😉
Morning all. Looks like another nice day is on the cards. It's a 5.1 for me today.
Good morning 🙂 I'll join you with a 4,4 Robin in a Cotswolds posse 😉

Retina clinic today, 3 hours staring at an out of focus wall waiting for my name to be called, fun overload to start the week! 😛
I hope all goes well today.