Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all, a nice 5.5 today - I'm trying to drink more water to lower waking numbers but I keep forgetting o_O, but today's was good :)
Afternoon all, a nice 5.5 today - I'm trying to drink more water to lower waking numbers but I keep forgetting o_O, but today's was good :)
Perfect PM...obviously working...going to try that myself.
Perfect PM...obviously working...going to try that myself.
I'm glad to have suggested to drink more water. I drink a tumbler of warm boiled water first thing in the morning and last thing at night, sometines with a slice of lemon in it. I also drink between 750-1000mls during each day. It all works for me. I always carry a bottle of water with me when I go out anywhere. NB. Make sure there's a loo nearby where ever you go!! :rolleyes: and I place a bottle or glass of water in each room in my home to save me running to the kitchen when I'm thirsty - and fitting a duvet cover on my duvet is Thirsty work for me!!
3rd night running - no sleep - shattered.

Not another sleepless night Hazel :eek:you must be absolutely exhausted you poor soul. Its no laughing matter tho is it? Have you tried running round the block a couple of times before you should retire for the night? ....(Apologies if that is something you are unable to do) Time to speak with your GP? Well done on you number this morning x
Good morning everyone :) 6.5 here and turning into a lovely bright day atm how long it will last I don't know haha x
That's a good number your new Avatar x
A 6.6 for me this morning after a rough crampy, itchy, boiling up night! :( Off to physio later.
Oh poor you Amigo. Hope you're not feeling too tired after a ropey night. Hope your physio can alleviate some of those unpleasant symptoms. Life isn't fair sometimes is it? Good number tho Amigo.Take care hun x
Good evening peeps! Haven't tested any bgls today...again!... still waiting for test strips 'script to be processed. I think my GPs surgery and Pharmacy here is in a go slow stop mode :eek: Some good waking bgls today folks, good for you.
Morning everyone i was 11.0 and thats good for me still working on it, im starving! Loll
Hi. I'm only just catching up on posts, sorry, been a bit tied up today!! You don't have to starve Ingressus. There's lots of food out there that suits your individual taste & diabetes, you just need to find the right food for yourself & know which shops sell it. Browse the shelves in supermarkets, take time to read the labels to see if a product has low high or carb or content, low is best, don't buy if it's high carb.

Asda & Lidl sell Bergen Soya & Linseed bread which is popular with a lot of us here which is 11g carb per slice. nice combinstion with peanut butter and/or toasted + more. I believe Aldi sell protein rolls.

Chicken and Oily fish are good for you. Grilled sausages & lean bacon. Eggs boiled, poached, scrambled and some folk on here fry eggs in butter. I don't. I prefer rapeseed oil as a personal preference. And I don't eat cereal because of the wheat content.

Take a look at the Recipe thread on here for more ideas. are offering 23 FREE cookbooks including the FREE seasonal Cookbook. There should be some exciting meals there, I haven't checked it out yet but I will.

If you're aiming to lose weight then why not join the thread: Group Weight Loss Challenge?

These are just a few tips to help you with your Diabetes journey Ingressus but hopefully other folk on here will no doubt make some contributions of their own too.

I hope you achieve lowering your bgl soon, good luck & take care.

Dx Type 2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet and exercise only
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Good morning peeps - up early for shower and get my hair done for an early GP appt.

4.9 today

Have a good day everyone
Good morning peeps - up early for shower and get my hair done for an early GP appt.

4.9 today

Have a good day everyone
Hazel...hope you got some restful sleep last night...great number...good luck with appointment. to London this morning...despite the prospect of the A1(M) & London traffic...a 5.5 for me today...:)
Good morning peeps - up early for shower and get my hair done for an early GP appt.

4.9 today

Have a good day everyone
Morning Hazel, hope you managed to get some shut-eye last night. I think I've come out in sympathy with you - no sleep for me last night!
Fantastic number again, well done you. Hope all goes well with your visit to your GP. x to London this morning...despite the prospect of the A1(M) & London traffic...a 5.5 for me today...:)
Morning Bubbsie you bright & early bird! Good number, better than yesterdays waking. Safe travelling today, I don't envy you. x
Morning Bubbsie you bright & early bird! Good number, better than yesterdays waking. Safe travelling today, I don't envy you. x
Early WL...but wouldn't say bright...wait until I've had a second coffee...may perk up a touch then.
Morning peeps! Still no testing strips so I'll hazard a guess - 6.1. Hope you all achieve good numbers this morning :D
Morning all! Woke up for a wee at 4.50am & couldn't get back to sleep. And I don't even work on a Friday, which makes it more annoying.:( A 6.0 from me.
Morning all! Woke up for a wee at 4.50am & couldn't get back to sleep. And I don't even work on a Friday, which makes it more annoying.:( A 6.0 from me.
Painful when that happens Mark...6.0...temporary...and the early start...enjoy the peace & quiet...then breakfast tray for Mrs P?