Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, *cough* 10 *cough* for me today (but at least my finger nails arent chipped, if Kooky reads this!)

I don't think it is the Antibiotics alone. I have had a UTI, but I have been having signs of a cold or flu was brewing, though not devloped properly. I am getting there now.
I hope once you've got rid of these lurgies it's the last if then for a while.
They really pull you down don't they.
Morning all x its a 5.6 from me x
Hi peeps! Just crawling on to the forum after a late night 😉 🙄

So, today it was a 6.1 at 6.01am!

*My waking average for the past seven days is 6.5

Chucking it down here, hasn't stopped in three+ days. If we have any more rain my arthritic bones will go rusty!!!
Very belated Happy Diaversary @Amigo 🙂

6.1 @ 8.02 this morning. I'm just glad when I can get some blood out.
Yesterday 6.2 @ 8.11 and the day before was 6.3 @ 7.17 so Friday was the best 5.5 @ 5.52.

Thanks for the input on my pig-outs peoples. :D It's all about the portions. Mine are huge always! 😱 I'm thinking to buy ready prepared meals and then they're suitable portions for one person. Wonder if they would spike me? o_O
Very belated Happy Diaversary @Amigo 🙂

6.1 @ 8.02 this morning. I'm just glad when I can get some blood out.
Yesterday 6.2 @ 8.11 and the day before was 6.3 @ 7.17 so Friday was the best 5.5 @ 5.52.

Thanks for the input on my pig-outs peoples. :D It's all about the portions. Mine are huge always! 😱 I'm thinking to buy ready prepared meals and then they're suitable portions for one person. Wonder if they would spike me? o_O
@Ditto. Personally I make all my own meals then i know what I'm eating. I don't even venture along the 'ready meals aisle. But...if you think buying a ready meal that is a smaller portion than you would normally make yourself, then you could try it out and add your favourite veggies (Sprouts!!!!) I dont know if the ready meals would spike you, you'll have to check the labels but maybe some one here will pick this up. Give yourself time to accustom yourself to smaller portions @Ljc then you could start making your own smaller meals thereafter..Good luck.
Sorry to hear you're still have problems getting that blood out. I'm in the habit of testing my bgl before I get out of bed because my hands are warm & my blood flows easily.
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I don't think it is the Antibiotics alone. I have had a UTI, but I have been having signs of a cold or flu was brewing, though not devloped properly. I am getting there now.
Do hope you pick up soon Grovesy. Feeling unwell too affects the bgls. Slowly but surely I say. Hope the kick the UTI into touch. Get well soon x
Good morning everyone. 5.5 on Libre 4.6 🙂
Thanks for the input on my pig-outs peoples. :D It's all about the portions. Mine are huge always! 😱 I'm thinking to buy ready prepared meals and then they're suitable portions for one person. Wonder if they would spike me? o_O
Hi @Ditto. Just a thought. Would it help you if you used a smaller plate perhaps a side plate that matches your dinner plates.

I like those numbers you've given. work planned today...still up at 05:00..a 5.7 for me to anti-coagulation clinic this morning...hoping to get those INR levels right this this space. work planned today...still up at 05:00..a 5.7 for me to anti-coagulation clinic this morning...hoping to get those INR levels right this this space.
Hope INR behaves itself for a change