Group 7-day waking average?

A bad 7.6 after a worse 7.7 yesterday. Just realised last night that it was my 2 year Diaversary a couple of days ago.
Just hope my levels are not slipping back. Bit of dawn phenomenon has crept in this week! :(
Back to the drawing board....
Belated Happy Diaversary @Amigo! Let's hope it's just a blip, and the Diabetes Fairy will get back to her snooze so you can get back to the 5s and 6s 🙂
Happy belated diaversary Amigo. I'll echo the others and hope you settle down to lower levels again soon.
Some time this year will be (or has been) my 5 years with D. Really don't know the date. It was only when I joined this forum that I became aware of what it meant in terms of how to try to keep things under control.
Hi Amigo. Congratulations on your 2nd diaversary, hope your meter produces lower bgls soon. D & everything that comes with it is such a b...h isn't it 😡😱. Take care
24.02.2017. Saturdays waking bgl was 6.3.......25.02.2017
25.02.2017. Sunday's waking bgl was 6.1.........26.02.207
Seem to be firmly back in those sixes...6.3 today!
Good morning everyone. I'm back up in the 7.1minus 1 today 😉 5.2 on new sensor. Showing a tiny dip into the red around 2 am . The graph started rising in steps after that, had 2 rich teas before bed too
Morning all. Went to bed 6.7 and took last instalment of my bolus. 6.7 at 01:00 and now on 6.8. I wonder what sort of line the libre would have shown?

In the absence of a lottery win at the weekend it's the start of another week of coding. Have a good one everybody.
Hi Grovesy. How are you? Is the 10.4 result of taking Just wondering if affect BGLs. Take care
I don't think it is the Antibiotics alone. I have had a UTI, but I have been having signs of a cold or flu was brewing, though not devloped properly. I am getting there now.
Morning all, 4.7 on the Libre here when I first woke up, but already 6.3 half an hour later.
Hope you can shake off the Lurgy soon, Grovesy.
Morning everyone 5.5 for me this morning x
Morning all 6.8 for me today after a completely messed up 18 last night! Watched 50 shades clearly isn't good for me haha
Blimey grainger...Fifty Shades must be carb loaded😱😱😱...should be a warning broadcast before viewing...hope you 'level out' today🙂

I don't think it is the Antibiotics alone. I have had a UTI, but I have been having signs of a cold or flu was brewing, though not devloped properly. I am getting there now.
grovesy...still not shaking off the lurgies...exhausting...thankfully getting there...don't let up on it...the nasties have a habit of convincing us they have all but gone...while they still linger...hope it's truly on the wane...and you get back to those usual levels is a better day.
Morning all. Went to bed 6.7 and took last instalment of my bolus. 6.7 at 01:00 and now on 6.8. I wonder what sort of line the libre would have shown?

In the absence of a lottery win at the weekend it's the start of another week of coding. Have a good one everybody.
Checking that line gets rather addictive doesn't it, it's interesting too, I've learned a lot from mine.
good morning. 8.8. trying a new tactic. Maybe I can throw out the worst one and I hope this is the worst one. Trying small snack before bed.
Done that myself Sadhbh...sometimes it works a treat...others times not...'Betty' often likes to play games with us...keep us on our toes...will watch with interest🙂