Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂. Think it's my highest fasting number ever - 7.6. I haven't eaten differently to usual. Not been a saint but certainly dont warrant such a high number. Think I'd better start being a saint!
Sometimes we do what we gotta do. Temptation is maybe a friday thing. I was out got tea, came home high BG so sat and alternatively dozed and had a nice glass of wine, not needed pack of crisps and wondered why BG is 15.6 this morning.
How I relate to that Carol...consider myself fortunate it was only 6.6...taking Harry for an extra long walk to work off those excess BG's and complacency...Harry is attempting to conceal himself under the comfy chair...he has obviously got wind of impending exercise...fortunately only his (huge) head fits under there... may have to put his harness on in reverse order...interesting prospect!
Good morning all 🙂. Think it's my highest fasting number ever - 7.6. I haven't eaten differently to usual. Not been a saint but certainly dont warrant such a high number. Think I'd better start being a saint!
Not you's the weather🙂🙂🙂
THe w word is calling. I'm going to get my butt in gear and have breakfast, meds and going for a STROLL down to the prom, then do housework. EECK think an alien has taken over my thinking
Good morning all 🙂. Think it's my highest fasting number ever - 7.6. I haven't eaten differently to usual. Not been a saint but certainly dont warrant such a high number. Think I'd better start being a saint!

Strangely enough Linda, I've inexplicably woken to a whopping 7.7 after a waking 6 yesterday!
I did test straight from a deep sleep and an alarming dream that Donald Trump had gone completely mad (how would we know?).
So the man can not only engender global disharmony, he can even put my glucose levels up!!! 😱
Strangely enough Linda, I've inexplicably woken to a whopping 7.7 after a waking 6 yesterday!
I did test straight from a deep sleep and an alarming dream that Donald Trump had gone completely mad (how would we know?).
So the man can not only engender global disharmony, he can even put my glucose levels up!!! 😱
I suppose stressful dreams could affect BG in the same way as conscious stress. And Donald's impact alongside it No wonder you're higher Amigo! 😱
I often retest when I get a high reading but usually only makes a small difference. Today I just felt I couldn't be bothered. Hopefully tomorrow will be lower for both of us 🙂
Strangely enough Linda, I've inexplicably woken to a whopping 7.7 after a waking 6 yesterday!
I did test straight from a deep sleep and an alarming dream that Donald Trump had gone completely mad (how would we know?).
So the man can not only engender global disharmony, he can even put my glucose levels up!!! 😱 does he do've obviously been 'Trumpled' in your sleep...I would say put him out of your thoughts...but...the man (use that term advisedly) it seems is everywhere. does he do've obviously been 'Trumpled' in your sleep...I would say put him out of your thoughts...but...the man (use that term advisedly) it seems is everywhere.

Quite right Linda and Bubbsie! When I said I'd like a tall, charming man in my dreams, I wasn't envisaging a deluded ranter with a nicotine coloured bouffant quiff! 😱 future I won't get a spike, I'll get a trump!
Good luck with that grainger...' persuade my toddler that going back to bed would be a good idea'...more chance of an ascent on Mount Everest:D

Wishful thinking and I are best friends! Little tike has had me up before 6 everyday for as long as I can remember so I'm dreaming of a lie in 🙂. Although he keeps winning me over with cuteness so I guess I shouldn't complain too much
I woke up with 4.8 this morning, which did me quite nicely as I could dunk a rich tea into my morning cappuccino without worrying about a bolus.

You've probably noticed I've changed back my Avatar from the hopeless cripple forever trapped on his stairlift, to my cheerful vaping self. This ties in with the reopening of the pub, for any amateur psychologists to mull over. 😉
No measuring for me, I can't get any blood out even though a relative used it fine last night. I was covered in bruises and have a nice, tiny but deep one on my forearm but still no blood, so I was trying everything. Dunno what to do. Look on ebay for another and possibly go docs and see what's what. I was gutted when the cat scratched my leg and I never noticed...wasted blood. 😱
No measuring for me, I can't get any blood out even though a relative used it fine last night. I was covered in bruises and have a nice, tiny but deep one on my forearm but still no blood, so I was trying everything. Dunno what to do. Look on ebay for another and possibly go docs and see what's what. I was gutted when the cat scratched my leg and I never noticed...wasted blood. 😱
@Ditto .I remember back in the early 70s when I was learning to prick blood donors fingers to test their iron levels , it was a devil of a job to get enough blood out of their fingers, back then the lancets were very different to the kind ones we have now, the were sharp pointed blades 😱 it done by hand then, not the smart gadgets we have now.
Even with me, some fingers and one thumb sometimes get very mean. You will eventually find the technique that works for you. In my experience the problem your having is probably down to two things, squeezing to quickly after jabbing, try waiting a few seconds as the area needs a bit of time to fill up after jabbing, and or your squeeze technique, on myself I place jabbed finger in the crook of the thumb and index finger of my other hand , then squeeeze and release if necessary squeeze and release a few times before trying another finger.
Im assuming you are using the side of the pad, not near the nail or knuckle.
I hope this helps
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Morning...on duty today...7am to 3pm...looking forward to that😱😱😱...a 6.5 today.
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Good morning everyone. 6.7 today 🙂
I had a lovely day yesterday. My hypo awareness got a great workout yesterday and it passed its tests with flying colours. it never let me go below 4.0 all day🙂 and my tum was wondering why I kept s shoving stuff in it.
I had my usual once a day 16 units of basal and as I was having a naughty brekky of three slices of wholmeal bread and peanut butter🙄 , 16 units of Novo rapid.
It turned out that that's all the bolus I needed all day, I even had to have a scoff 😱 before bed.
I remember back in the early 70s when I was learning to prick blood donors fingers to test their iron levels , it was a devil of a job to get enough blood out of their fingers, back then the lancets were very different to the kind ones we have now, the were sharp pointed blades 😱 it done by hand then, not the smart gadgets we have now.

I remember those lancets. They were medieval!
Good morning up and getting ready for work ... Its a 4.9 for me but am feeling a tad unwell ... :(
Morning all. 10.5 for me today. Off out for a walk with my bestie soon. Will post piccies later when I get home.
Good morning up and getting ready for work ... Its a 4.9 for me but am feeling a tad unwell ... :(
@Manda1 . Oh dear I hope it's nothing nasty brewing and I hope you're feeling better soon.