Group 7-day waking average?

Didn't test first thing, but after breakfast, which was very low carb, I am 6.4. Unusually high for me but I am feeling a bit rough today. May be coming down with something. Got HbA1c next month so hope it goes away quickly.:(
Yuk...up before 5am...getting into bad habits...chocolate last idea why...don't even have a sweet tooth...6.6 today...lucky considering
Good morning everyone. 7.6 today. @Bubbsie , I'm joining you on the naughty step, Had a slice of lightly fruited cake late last night and only guestmated the carbs, I knew I shouldn't have done it before I did it, I sure don't need the calories.
Good morning everyone. 7.6 today. @Bubbsie , I'm joining you on the naughty step, Had a slice of lightly fruited cake late last night and only guestmated the carbs, I knew I shouldn't have done it before I did it, I sure don't need the calories.
Selfishly Ljc feel comforted by the thought I am not the only one that fell off the wagon last now the time to admit I had shortbread too...wasn't idea why...think it was because it was there...consider myself lucky to have got away with a 6.6...renewing efforts today...temptables going into the bin asap.
Didn't test first thing, but after breakfast, which was very low carb, I am 6.4. Unusually high for me but I am feeling a bit rough today. May be coming down with something. Got HbA1c next month so hope it goes away quickly.:(
That is unusual for you Mark...hope there isn't anything 'lurking' in the background.
Good morning all its a 5.6. From me x
Didn't test first thing, but after breakfast, which was very low carb, I am 6.4. Unusually high for me but I am feeling a bit rough today. May be coming down with something. Got HbA1c next month so hope it goes away quickly.:(
I hope you're not coming down with anything Mark.
Morning all. 5.8 this morning which is better. Still feels like something sinister is trying to get me. A bit of a foggy head. Be gone with you, cold type thing, be gone!
Morning all. 8.4 for me after a random 22 last night so I'm happy to have made it back to single figures.
Have a great Saturday all, I'm attempting to persuade my toddler that going back to bed would be a good idea... it's not working!
Morning everyone, 10.2 for me today.
Didn't test first thing, but after breakfast, which was very low carb, I am 6.4. Unusually high for me but I am feeling a bit rough today. May be coming down with something. Got HbA1c next month so hope it goes away quickly.:(
Hope you feel better soon mark
Selfishly Ljc feel comforted by the thought I am not the only one that fell off the wagon last now the time to admit I had shortbread too...wasn't idea why...think it was because it was there...consider myself lucky to have got away with a 6.6...renewing efforts today...temptables going into the bin asap.
Sometimes we do what we gotta do. Temptation is maybe a friday thing. I was out got tea, came home high BG so sat and alternatively dozed and had a nice glass of wine, not needed pack of crisps and wondered why BG is 15.6 this morning.
Morning all. 8.4 for me after a random 22 last night so I'm happy to have made it back to single figures.
Have a great Saturday all, I'm attempting to persuade my toddler that going back to bed would be a good idea... it's not working!
Good luck with that grainger...' persuade my toddler that going back to bed would be a good idea'...more chance of an ascent on Mount Everest:D