Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5am reading was 5.6
Morning all. Didn't feel at all hungry last night so skipped tea. Impromptu basal test shows remarkably level figures. Went to bed 5.8 and 5.7 this morning and in the 5s all night. Have a good day everyone. Oh, haematology appt was a waste of time due to hospital network being down.
Morning all. 5.9 @ 6.00am 🙂
Proper hypo. 3.5 on my meter and 2.5 on the Libre.
Snap! I was "saved by the bell" too (my alarm clock, that is). I can't seem to get my basal right at the mo - if I get a straight line all night, it's lacking during the day; if it's perfect all day, I go hypo overnight. Tresiba is looking very inviting right now!

Morning all.🙂 3.2 here.😱o_O

Sorry to hear the appt was a no-go, Khskel.

Batten down the hatches, 10 metre waves on the way!
Fed up feeling U.K. Bg13.6 even though had nothing since a few sips of coffee at 3pm yesterday. Had a funny wretchy thing going on, maybe cocodamol.think I need rubbed out and drawn back in again. Hope everyone else is better than me. Have a good day
Fed up feeling U.K. Bg13.6 even though had nothing since a few sips of coffee at 3pm yesterday. Had a funny wretchy thing going on, maybe cocodamol.think I need rubbed out and drawn back in again. Hope everyone else is better than me. Have a good day
Aw, sorry to hear this, Carolg. :( Should you eat more often, is that part of the problem? Hope you're feeling better soon.
6.7 for me today
Morning all 9.8 for me today. Dr's tomorrow morning, looking forward to the battle ahead!
Good morning 🙂 and 6.8 today.
Hope you feel better soon Carolg. Could well be the cocodamol on an empty stomach making you feel sick. Would like to suggest a piece of toast but depends whether carbs allow. I find toast is very good for nausea.
Morning all. 8.7 for me which I'll take after a long night of hubby being sick followed by josh getting up at 5! Hoping a run will wake me up in a bit
Morning all, 7.5 here, a tad high, but I had a completely flat line all night which is unheard of. Must have been the slow release tuna and cannellini beans yesterday evening. (Now rocketed up to 10.1 while waiting for my novorapid to kick in, so haven't conquered the DP yet!)
Oh dear - a woozy 3.9 today
Oh dear - a woozy 3.9 today
Fed up feeling U.K. Bg13.6 even though had nothing since a few sips of coffee at 3pm yesterday. Had a funny wretchy thing going on, maybe cocodamol.think I need rubbed out and drawn back in again. Hope everyone else is better than me. Have a good day
Ladies...sorry to hear this...Carol make sure you drink plenty of water...especially if being sick...horrible...but even worse when have a completely empty stomach...nothing like dry wretching...hope it eases off soon...Hazel...could it have been GP?...look after yourself.
A 6.4 for me after a rotten night. Carol I feel so sorry for you because I've also got excruciating sciatica. I'm using a TENS machine which I sent for this week and it's helping a bit. I can't function with the strong painkillers.

Hazel, hope you are ok after yesterday x
Morning all 9.8 for me today. Dr's tomorrow morning, looking forward to the battle ahead!
Good luck Stitch...take no prisoners!
Good morning 🙂 and 6.8 today.
Hope you feel better soon Carolg. Could well be the cocodamol on an empty stomach making you feel sick. Would like to suggest a piece of toast but depends whether carbs allow. I find toast is very good for nausea.
Had meds at lunch time and it was around 4 that I got yuckie. Didn't have anything of anything after that. Been ok today but no cocodamol. Would rather have sore bum for a while. Thanks everyone for kind thoughts
A 6.4 for me after a rotten night. Carol I feel so sorry for you because I've also got excruciating sciatica. I'm using a TENS machine which I sent for this week and it's helping a bit. I can't function with the strong painkillers.

Hazel, hope you are ok after yesterday x
Sciatica aparantly just starting, but lucky for me amigo, I'm getting it in waves of big bursts then residual pain. Sorry you have it really bad
Aw, sorry to hear this, Carolg. :( Should you eat more often, is that part of the problem? Hope you're feeling better soon.
I had a sandwich at lunch which I didn't finish, but have been eating regularly at work as I never always stuck to meal time. Made that a must after diagnosis and I'm not too bad at sticking to it. Think it's maybe a bit left over from nasty virus, but there's mega bugs going around. Feeling better today after about thirteen hours sleep last night.