Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Just waiting for the latest weather to happen. 40mph winds gusting to 70-80 according to the Beeb weather app. Every day of cancelled ferries is somebody's cancelled operation. Next weeks weather looks like the apocalypse. 🙂

By the way, BG 6.6, the remains of a hypo correction earlier.:(
Good morning happy peeps

4.9 from me today
Good morning with an added pinch and a punch 🙂 an annoying 10.1 after a 2.2 last night. My cgm graph line is like the Himalayas at the moment and not the foot hills! I hope my hand isn't doing anything awful under the bandages, it feels really sore but not itchy. Hhmm, time to put my Sherlock deerstalker on and track down my control......tbc

I hope your appointment goes well khskel and your retina screening too Stitch 🙂
3.5 and I didn't realise. I felt really confused when the alarm clock went off (which is unlike me). If it wasn't for the alarm clock I would have slept through. Didn't know I was hypo until I tested but according to the Libre I'd been hypo for two hours. It rather scared me.
@Ditto , What setting have you got your lancing devise set to, it might need a higher setting.
Good grief, I tried it this morning and it worked! I don't think it's the pricker, I think it's me. :( Could this be true? Could my blood be so sluggish that it refused to come out? I have it on the highest setting. :(

6.4 @ 7.18am. High-ish for me I think and not surprised. I've been so freaked out not being able to measure that I've been comfort eating which really doesn't make sense. o_O
3.5 and I didn't realise. I felt really confused when the alarm clock went off (which is unlike me). If it wasn't for the alarm clock I would have slept through. Didn't know I was hypo until I tested but according to the Libre I'd been hypo for two hours. It rather scared me.
That is scary, but how the heck are you supposed to know? :(
That is scary, but how the heck are you supposed to know? :(
Thanks Ditto. I usually get good hypo warning signs as soon as I'm 4.1 or lower. One of my biggest fears is losing my hypo warning signs. I will need to run my Bg levels a little higher for the next few days to try to get the hypo signs back.
3.5 and I didn't realise. I felt really confused when the alarm clock went off (which is unlike me). If it wasn't for the alarm clock I would have slept through. Didn't know I was hypo until I tested but according to the Libre I'd been hypo for two hours. It rather scared me.
A proper hypo or a libre hypo?
Proper hypo. 3.5 on my meter and 2.5 on the Libre.
My consultant told me that although I always wake if I'm hypo, it's unlikely that I would during R.E.M. sleep. I didn't know that. Maybe that's what happened with you, AJ, not that you've lost hypo awareness. As my consultant is one of the top guys in the West of Scotland, I value his opinion.
Thanks Mike. But I think quite worrying that we may not wake from a hypo during REM sleep.
Not really happy. 16.6 this morning but that was last nights meal. Got go appointment yesterday and have sciatica so grrr, exercises and cocodamol. Here's hoping I will start to feel more human and less AGED. Hope everyone else is looking at a good day.also got a letter about a study for type 2's and heart dises

Ok, Carolg, I've been waiting to ask this question: does pain impact blood glucose?
Good morning everyone. 8.3. Today.
I must remember to put my libre on today.
Not really happy. 16.6 this morning but that was last nights meal. Got go appointment yesterday and have sciatica so grrr, exercises and cocodamol. Here's hoping I will start to feel more human and less AGED. Hope everyone else is looking at a good day.also got a letter about a study for type 2's and heart dises
@Carolg Sorry to hear you have Sciatica I hope clears up quickly.
Not really happy. 16.6 this morning but that was last nights meal. Got go appointment yesterday and have sciatica so grrr, exercises and cocodamol. Here's hoping I will start to feel more human and less AGED. Hope everyone else is looking at a good day.also got a letter about a study for type 2's and heart dises
Carol...feel for you...hope today is a better day for you.
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Morning...6.3 today...amazed since I tucked into some shortbread last night before bed...falling off the wagon...second night in a row been in the biscuit jar...need an intervention!