Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...couldn't resist some digestive biscuits just before bed last night...ate a couple...still got a 6 today...happy with that.
A sneezy 7.6 for me. A lovely flat line overnight, just need to try and sort the evenings out. Have a good day everyone.
A sneezy 7.6 for me. A lovely flat line overnight, just need to try and sort the evenings out. Have a good day everyone.
Hope the sneezes subside - I've been similar lately so I'm blaming that for my higher than usual levels. How are you getting on with the insulin these days?
Morning all, 4.8 on the Libre when I hauled myself out of bed to repressurise the ailing boiler to get it to fire up, 5.9 by the time I'd got back to bed while the house warms up.
5.2 for me today and still laughing after my visit to the nurse for my first year diabetic tests yesterday. She asked me did I take insulin, said I should up my veg to five portions, (I said I have more than ten), asked me three times how much I drink as she didn't believe me when I said never. Gave me a lecture on exercise and asked if I had lost weight, ( happily I have put on weight). I am wondering if she had the wrong notes. Bizarre.
Morning...couldn't resist some digestive biscuits just before bed last night...ate a couple...still got a 6 today...happy with that.
Great result. Oh now I want one! I am coming round for a late night snack, all I had last night was peanut butter and raw cocoa. Not the same.
5.2 for me today and still laughing after my visit to the nurse for my first year diabetic tests yesterday. She asked me did I take insulin, said I should up my veg to five portions, (I said I have more than ten), asked me three times how much I drink as she didn't believe me when I said never. Gave me a lecture on exercise and asked if I had lost weight, ( happily I have put on weight). I am wondering if she had the wrong notes. Bizarre.
How disappointing but not surprising NJ...probably had the right notes...but not much help if she hadn't read them...much more likely!
Great result. Oh now I want one! I am coming round for a late night snack, all I had last night was peanut butter and raw cocoa. Not the same.
Sorry NJ...feel guilty now...and now you mentioned it...want another one (possibly two)...will resist...raw was it?
Morning all, 10.2, today after a carb free dinner!!!
Sorry NJ...feel guilty now...and now you mentioned it...want another one (possibly two)...will resist...raw was it?
Well done for resisting! I have been known to make lots of odd potions late at night when the need for comfort food is at its peak! It was ok actually, made the peanut butter delicious.
6.3 (or 3.8 libre) for me today.
5.2 for me today and still laughing after my visit to the nurse for my first year diabetic tests yesterday. She asked me did I take insulin, said I should up my veg to five portions, (I said I have more than ten), asked me three times how much I drink as she didn't believe me when I said never. Gave me a lecture on exercise and asked if I had lost weight, ( happily I have put on weight). I am wondering if she had the wrong notes. Bizarre.
You have to laugh (or you'd cry)! Sounds like a case of sillytartitis.🙄

Morning all.🙂 Watch out, folks, DP's on the prowl - 10.5 here.😱
Its a 4.8 for me this morning x
A rather late good morning 🙂 7.2 again today. Readings been a bit higher than my normal lately. Had to take cat to vets for removal of growth this morning so maybe the stress of that? Or maybe it's just me!
A rather late good morning 🙂 7.2 again today. Readings been a bit higher than my normal lately. Had to take cat to vets for removal of growth this morning so maybe the stress of that? Or maybe it's just me!
Hope your cat is ok Linda, hate having to take mine to the vet for anything. Gorgeous cat by the way (im assuming its the one as your avatar pic)
Thanks Stitch. Yes that's fluffy. She is a beautiful girl. Very gentle and loving. A worrying time but hoping it's nothing serious.
Error. Agh I hate wasting strips. Could only get a pin prick. This is terrible. Will go to Boot's in Sale today, see if they sell lancets there. 🙂 Otherwise it's gonna be ebay. My other one lasted ages, I'm sure this one was blunt to start with. :(

Went to Boot's and a very helpful young man found me some inexpensive (approx. fiver) lancets but I still can't get any blood out. Not measured for days. Is the 'pricker' broken or has my blood seized up. Pin pricks are no good, I just get an error message.
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5.2 for me today and still laughing after my visit to the nurse for my first year diabetic tests yesterday. She asked me did I take insulin, said I should up my veg to five portions, (I said I have more than ten), asked me three times how much I drink as she didn't believe me when I said never. Gave me a lecture on exercise and asked if I had lost weight, ( happily I have put on weight). I am wondering if she had the wrong notes. Bizarre.
The mind boggles, I'm wondering if she is on the same planet