Group 7-day waking average?

And its a 5.8 for me today. Good morning to all 🙂
Morning everyone 7.7 today .
7.4 after having Glucojuice at 4.30am for a 4.0
7's are popular today. I'll join you all if I may with a 7.1 🙂
Morning all 10.1 for me today.
Morning. 7.8 for me. Happy Sunday all
Good morning all 🙂 and joining Bubbsie with a 6.5 today.
A not too shabby 5.4 - which considering I had to treat a hypo of 2.8 around 2am
A not too shabby 5.4 - which considering I had to treat a hypo of 2.8 around 2am

Well done Hazel with that hypo correction. Masterly, if I may say so. Or is that Mistressly? I never know where I am with this PC stuff.🙂

I went to bed with 6.1, woke up with 6.2. Dawn effect lifted that to 9.1. Yawn🙄
No measuring for me today, my pricker must have gone blunt. :( I've not had it going five minutes...had the other ages. Wonder if they have them in Boot's and how much or maybe they have them on ebay if I find out what it is I'm buying. I hate being new at stuff.

I don't like not measuring, it keeps you accountable.

Hazel why did you go so low? I hold you up as my role model. Why do people have hypos willynilly? :( And how come you knew at that time of the morning!? 😱
Morning... woke up at 4am...too early...5.8 today.
Good morning everyone. 5.6 Ain't it just typical , my Libre arrives today so my BG decides to be good this morning 🙄