Group 7-day waking average?

Belated morning all, 6.6 here too, snap, Greyhound Gal.
Been entertaining the gasman who arrived at crack of dawn ( well, 8am) and has just pronounced the boiler terminal.:(
Hope things improve fast for you, Flower. I can't even imagine how to start testing one handed!
Another lovely HS 5.2 today - I am a happy camper! :D

Gosh, @Flower, that sounds 😱😱😱! All the best for a swift and painfree recovery xx
Morning everyone 🙂 a 7.2 for me today.

I look like an Egyptian mummy from Scooby Doo, leg in a cast, arm bandaged in a sling, what a sight for sore eyes! Trigger finger release surgery was quite traumatic as I needed extra anaesthetic half way through and because I had a row of bent fingers it took longer by which time the arm tourniquet was agony 😱 😱. They looked after me really well, thank you NHS -again🙂

Trying to get a test strip out of a pot and test my bg with one hand is a challenge as is not dropping cups of coffee, 2 have already hit the floor! 🙄

Sending very gentle hugs Flower and hoping it's all less painful soon.

I'm a 6.3 after a very naughty fish, shared chips and mushy peas for dinner last night. I blame the cold weather and feeling too ill to cook to blame. Spiked high but down within an hour.

The lure of a roaring open fire, chestiness and sore joints will ensure I don't move far from the hearth today! 😳
(gawd that sounds soooo OLD!). I will be out tonight though even if they have to stretcher me in! :D
Good morning, perishing here, 5.6 for me. 🙂
Mark Parrott...well done on the do you get away with it...would kill for a S & K suet pudding:D
It did send me up to 8.2 last night. Not disasterous, but OK as a treat. It was huge too. My Bruv doesn't do small portions.
It did send me up to 8.2 last night. Not disasterous, but OK as a treat. It was huge too. My Bruv doesn't do small portions.
Even the thought of a suet pudding put my weight & BG up...just did an extra long walk with it out of my system...not interested in suet pudding one iota...where exactly is your brother located?
Thank you all very much for you kind words and gentle hugs 🙂

Any luck with the one handed bg test Northerner? Still trying to get the lid off the pot? 😉

Commiserations on the boiler diagnosis Robin :(
Thank you all very much for you kind words and gentle hugs 🙂

Any luck with the one handed bg test Northerner? Still trying to get the lid off the pot? 😉

Commiserations on the boiler diagnosis Robin :(

It's why so many of my lids have teeth marks on them Flower (oh hell it had changed that to 'kids'. Just as well I noticed before the NSPCC came knocking!) :D
Good morning everyone. A bit better than yesterday 9.3 .
@Flower , I hope your hand heals quickly and that you've managed to test one handed.
@Robin A terminal boiler is bad enough in summer let alone winter.
Morning all. 5.4 for me. No hypos or double figures last night. Going to ask if I can have a slower acting insulin for evening meal. @Flower managed a one handed test . Bodging was tricky. Had to use my mouth to hold the bodger. Speedy recovery. Have a good weekend everyone.
Even the thought of a suet pudding put my weight & BG up...just did an extra long walk with it out of my system...not interested in suet pudding one iota...where exactly is your brother located?
Not far from you, actually.🙂
A terminal boiler is bad enough in summer let alone winter.
Luckily it's still limping along for the moment, provided I remember to keep topping up the system, so we won't freeze immediately!
5.9 this wet and dismal morning.
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Slept today.
Morning all. 6.4 for me today.