Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 9.8 for me today. Been and had my blood taken already this morning. Result should be online by Tuesday. Dr appointment next Friday.
Morning all, 9.8 for me today. Been and had my blood taken already this morning. Result should be online by Tuesday. Dr appointment next Friday.
Blimey, that was early! Doors don't open at my surgery until 8:30! It will certainly be interesting to see what those results say, and if they are as contradictory as last time!
My surgery opens at 7.00. I was the second blood test appointment at 7.05.
Morning all. It''s a clickerty click 6.6 for me today.
Urghhhhhhhhhhh...morning...finally dragged myself to bed at 03:30...6.2 today.
Morning all, 9.8 for me today. Been and had my blood taken already this morning. Result should be online by Tuesday. Dr appointment next Friday.
Early start Stitch...lets hope it points the way to some resolution for you...and you're well 'armed' for that appointment on Friday...good luck.
Morning all. A 5.9 for me after an unremarkable night. One minor post tea hypo but that was a timing issue. Much better.
Sounds much better khskel.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.8 for me. I've been having a few naughty nibbles lately and it shows! Must stop it.
Hope the kick stops the DF meddling Lin!
Same here Linda...attacked the digestive biscuits before bed this morning...felt was 3.30am!
Morning all! Haven't done a waking test for a while but thought I should after the steak & kidney suet pudding I had at my Brother's last night. 5.8 today.🙂
Morning everyone 🙂 a 7.2 for me today.

I look like an Egyptian mummy from Scooby Doo, leg in a cast, arm bandaged in a sling, what a sight for sore eyes! Trigger finger release surgery was quite traumatic as I needed extra anaesthetic half way through and because I had a row of bent fingers it took longer by which time the arm tourniquet was agony 😱 😱. They looked after me really well, thank you NHS -again🙂

Trying to get a test strip out of a pot and test my bg with one hand is a challenge as is not dropping cups of coffee, 2 have already hit the floor! 🙄
Morning everyone 🙂 a 7.2 for me today.

I look like an Egyptian mummy from Scooby Doo, leg in a cast, arm bandaged in a sling, what a sight for sore eyes! Trigger finger release surgery was quite traumatic as I needed extra anaesthetic half way through and because I had a row of bent fingers it took longer by which time the arm tourniquet was agony 😱 😱. They looked after me really well, thank you NHS -again🙂

Trying to get a test strip out of a pot and test my bg with one hand is a challenge as is not dropping cups of coffee, 2 have already hit the floor! 🙄
Oh sounds like you have certainly been through it...but...your account did make me smile...Scooby Doo indeed...don't go near those revolving doors swathed in bandages! (we all know what happens)...relieved to hear you were well looked after...if only I were nearer...would be coffee intravenously...hope you recover swiftly...and the trauma of that procedure isn't long lasting...big thumbs up to the NHS for looking after you (and us)...and not too bad a number considering...look after yourself.
Morning all! Haven't done a waking test for a while but thought I should after the steak & kidney suet pudding I had at my Brother's last night. 5.8 today.🙂
Mark Parrott...well done on the do you get away with it...would kill for a S & K suet pudding:D
Morning everyone 🙂 a 7.2 for me today.

I look like an Egyptian mummy from Scooby Doo, leg in a cast, arm bandaged in a sling, what a sight for sore eyes! Trigger finger release surgery was quite traumatic as I needed extra anaesthetic half way through and because I had a row of bent fingers it took longer by which time the arm tourniquet was agony 😱 😱. They looked after me really well, thank you NHS -again🙂

Trying to get a test strip out of a pot and test my bg with one hand is a challenge as is not dropping cups of coffee, 2 have already hit the floor! 🙄
Sorry to hear the procedure was so difficult @Flower, but glad to hear you were well looked after 🙂 I hope that healing is swift and complete - did they give you a timescale? 🙂 I will attempt to test one-handed at lunchtime, in sympathy! 🙂