Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. 5.7 today 🙂
I had a sandwich at lunch which I didn't finish, but have been eating regularly at work as I never always stuck to meal time. Made that a must after diagnosis and I'm not too bad at sticking to it. Think it's maybe a bit left over from nasty virus, but there's mega bugs going around. Feeling better today after about thirteen hours sleep last night.

Carolg, tuna is a big temptation for me too. It's just the thing to go with toast.
Never mind, it's a new day.
Morning...a 6.6 for me today...little bit higher than normal...but...after a day spent in London...driving home on the A1(M)...and a meal with friends before leaving there...happy with that.
13.8 for me this morning. Toast before bed, so have to look at alternative. Feeling much better, but not taking cocodamol through day. Looking forward to weekend of as little as possible. Have a good day everyone
Morning all. 9.8 for me today. Off to Drs in a while, will let you know how I get on.
13.8 for me this morning. Toast before bed, so have to look at alternative. Feeling much better, but not taking cocodamol through day. Looking forward to weekend of as little as possible. Have a good day everyone
Carol...thank goodness you are feeling better...put those feet up this weekend.
13.8 for me this morning. Toast before bed, so have to look at alternative. Feeling much better, but not taking cocodamol through day. Looking forward to weekend of as little as possible. Have a good day everyone
Carol...thank goodness you are feeling better...put those feet up this weekend.
Carol...thank goodness you are feeling better...put those feet up this weekend.
Yipedee do da. That's the plan, wee bit housework, wee bit gardening if nice and a lot or tv and zzzz's
6.7 again for me today.
Good morning all 🙂 And 7.3 today. My fault I had a piece of hot chic fudge cake last night. Suppose I should have had at least half a pint of cream to slowdown the absorption 😱
Best of luck today Stitch
Good morning all. I managed to put a new lancet into the pricker all my myself! :D

5.7 @ 7.03am