Group 7-day waking average?

I always feel cheated in January, because although the days are getting longer, it continues to get darker in the mornings for the first couple of weeks. Agree, though, it's miserable here this morning, and the couple of sunny days we had last week, I felt so much more energised and even did some gardening!
Yes, Sunday was a lovely day and I went out for a 10 mile run! Could hardly open my eyes this morning! 😱 Agree about January - we get the extra time at the wrong end of the day for me! 🙄
4.7 this morning - can't get motivated this morning
Whoo-hoo, a nice 5.1 today 🙂
I woke with a slightly low 3.8, but dawn effect and a large latte have grown that to 7.
I was 8.5, it was early this morning, but I was right out the door.
Christmas party tonight. oh dear.
Good afternoon all 🙂 and 6.5 for me.
Worked night shift and had porridge before bed. Delicious but know I shouldn't have 😱
Good morning 🙂 6.5 for me today 🙂 Moon is bright, might not need the head torch for my run! 🙂
Good Morning another day another 5.2, think I have re-established my basal at 2 units. Yesterdays bolus total was 7 units.
Good morning 🙂 6.5 for me today 🙂 Moon is bright, might not need the head torch for my run! 🙂
Oooh, you're keen! I think I prefer my half hour on my exercise bike while watching the news.🙄
Morning all.🙂 4.6 here. 😛
Morning...7.5 today...routine disrupted this's showing!
Bore da pawb... It's a welcome 7.9 for me this morning.
Morning all. A quite satisfying 6.1/6.2 for me considering my evening meal bolus was a 1:16 dropped from 1:10 since the weekend. Strange days.
Good morning everyone 🙂 4.3 for me.
Another ridiculous difference of 7.1 and 4.1 this morning.
Good morning . After a correction during the night I'm 8.2 I'll be glad when my body has decided it's well again.
Good morning 🙂 and 6.7 for me today.
Morning all, 10.8 for me today (libre showing 9.7). Gonna download all the graph thingys later when I get home.