Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. Don't know what's up, woke up early as usual but feeling rough, I was 12.9 😱 after correcting I most unusually for me went back to sleep and woke up still feeling yucky but at a much better 7.9.
Good morning all. Don't know what's up, woke up early as usual but feeling rough, I was 12.9 😱 after correcting I most unusually for me went back to sleep and woke up still feeling yucky but at a much better 7.9.
Hope you start feeling better very soon @Ljc {{{HUGS}}}
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2.6 :confused: ...morning rush for the lucozade after waking up inside the tumble dryer (or at least that's what it feels like).
Not nice :( Hope things stabilise for you and your head recovers - horrible to wake at such a level :( Can you pinpoint any possible reason for the low?
@khskel and @MarkJD77 I hope you're not feeling too bad and that your BGs behave themselves today.
Not nice :( Hope things stabilise for you and your head recovers - horrible to wake at such a level :( Can you pinpoint any possible reason for the low?

I've been running with a much lower average BG for the last week or so with much better control than usual so I'm thinking my evening Levemir dose may be a little high. May speak to my DSN if it happens again.

Looking forward to the rest of the morning now! Hypo headaches are my least favourite thing.
An exhausted 6.3 for me (on libre).
Bore da pawb ...'twas an 8.2 for me this morning.

weird readings going on ...Got up late yesterday, readings OK. Cos I had a late breakfast, I didn't have any lunch. Worked outside cutting logs ...4 hours after eating readings were 16.6! (breakfast was some Bran Flakes & coffee) Continued working outside ...readings before evening meal were 10.6 which is what they were before bed. Go figure??
Good morning all 🙂
and 6.8 today after oversleeping! 😱
Hope all those with BGs playing up today soon feel better.
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5.1 this morning. 🙂
Good morning all - 4.4

And I dropped Lantus, AGAIN last night by a couple of units.

That is down from a 100ish units, down to 22 and still coming down

I woke with a very disappointing 9.1. When I looked at my Libre record, there was a very odd peak of 12.5 in the middle of the night.

Then I realised what's going on. Because my Ulcerative Colitis has flared up, I've increased the Mesalazine from one twice a day maintenance, to two tablets three times a day, so there is a battle going on in my colon as the medication fights the inflammation.

So it's just the high BGs that you get with an infection. That's my excuse.🙂