Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 9.2 for me today (8.7 on the libre) . Won't be around much today and tomorrow. Off to london later to see Status Quo, night in hotel, then do the tourist thing, rather than the work thing, in London tomorrow. Winter wonderland, new Lego shop, Covent garden and lots of other stuff. Hope you all have a good couple of days.
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Good morning all 🙂 and 7.0 for me.
Well done Ditto on your great numbers. You're doing so well.
Enjoy your break Stitch 🙂
Having a much deserved prod from DF with a 7.3 this morning after a gorgeous Turkish meze meat platter last night followed by sutlac (Turkish rice pudding and ice cream) which was one of the most scrumptious desserts I've ever eaten!.
A Corona beer, glass of Pinot and a very nice Irish coffee and I was 7.4 after two hours so well pleased 🙂

Have a lovely Sunday everyone x
4.7 this morning
Agree Owen...great book///Type 2 Diabete

Agree Owen brilliant book...Type 2 Diabetes The First Year by Gretchen Becker...and nothing wrong at all with 5 & 6' that range myself with the odd 7 here and there.

My vote is for the Gretchen Becker book too.
Morning, fans. I woke up, bit late I must admit, I think the colonoscopy drugs hit me harder than I thought. Out of practice, I suppose.

Anyway, my BG was 5.7 this morning, and the Libre shows another more or less straight line after a bedtime 6.9. You can't imagine how good that makes me feel. I love this Levemir stuff, I really do. If I can stay free of night time hypos freehand, I may not need a pump
Morning, fans. I woke up, bit late I must admit, I think the colonoscopy drugs hit me harder than I thought. Out of practice, I suppose.

Anyway, my BG was 5.7 this morning, and the Libre shows another more or less straight line after a bedtime 6.9. You can't imagine how good that makes me feel. I love this Levemir stuff, I really do. If I can stay free of night time hypos freehand, I may not need a pump

Excellent result Mike! Pleased for you 🙂
5.7 this morning but 6.1 this evening. I hates when it goes into the 6s. :(

I will be getting those diabetes info books for sure, but the Atkins is all about the D too. He was on it even back in the day, Dr A forecast that it would be an epidemic and he was right, no getting away from that. :confused:

What do you think of me doing just two meals a day? First meal around ten and second (main meal) around five? I've been reading Buddha's thinking on nutrition and also that bloke who works/worked for Microsoft...mind you he walks seven miles a day, no wonder he lost 20 pounds effortlessly!
5.7 this morning but 6.1 this evening. I hates when it goes into the 6s. :(

I will be getting those diabetes info books for sure, but the Atkins is all about the D too. He was on it even back in the day, Dr A forecast that it would be an epidemic and he was right, no getting away from that. :confused:

What do you think of me doing just two meals a day? First meal around ten and second (main meal) around five? I've been reading Buddha's thinking on nutrition and also that bloke who works/worked for Microsoft...mind you he walks seven miles a day, no wonder he lost 20 pounds effortlessly!

I think 6's are brilliant Ditto especially after meals. I rarely drop into the 5's even if I don't eat for a very long time!
I think 6's are brilliant Ditto especially after meals. I rarely drop into the 5's even if I don't eat for a very long time!
Really? That's good then. I thought six was quite high, it said in the admittedly out of date Reader's Digest Diabetic's book that I should be aiming for fives.

I feel better now. :D

Come to think of it today is the first day of my 'new' fasting routine as per Buddha and I ate at 10 then not again till nearly 6. Meant to eat at 5 but things got away from me. Maybe this isn't for the best then? I might have to rethink.
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Morning all 4.8 for me after a roller coaster of a Sunday - flat pack assembly hypos and rebounds. Have a good week y'all.
Morning all 4.8 for me after a roller coaster of a Sunday - flat pack assembly hypos and rebounds. Have a good week y'all.
khskel...flat pack are a brave man!
Morning...oo er...9.3 today...shame on me...a lapse last night...white bread...pate...and a WHOLE packet of crisps😳 the diabetes hangover...will get those numbers down later:(:(:(