Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.6 for me , which is a pleasant surprise considering the perishers at the door weren't the only ones dipping into my halloween bag of goodies last night !! 🙄

The €64000 question is from your Halloween bag of goodies what have you saved for the Diabetic Forum's little perisher?
Good morning! 6.2 today. I always seem to be a bit higher than I used to be. Still OK I suppose.🙂
Good morning 5.6 for me , which is a pleasant surprise considering the perishers at the door weren't the only ones dipping into my halloween bag of goodies last night !! 🙄
It was so hard to resist MP...especially the marshmallow eyeballs...thankfully they all went before I could succumb!!.
Morning all.🙂 A rotund, autumnal 6.0 for me.😛

National holiday here today (el Día de los Difuntos) so I'm going to take it easy (between bouts of packing up the kitchen, lesson planning, filing...🙄).
Morning all, 9.6 for me today. Still planning and thinking out my next moves at the mo.
Still planning and thinking out my next moves at the mo.
You're planning a Mo ...for Mo-Vember??? 😱

😛:D😛:D😛:D😛:D😛:D😛:D 🙄
You're planning a Mo ...for Mo-Vember??? 😱

😛:D😛:D😛:D😛:D😛:D😛:D 🙄

I could quite easily have one of those all year round!!! 😳
Morning all, 5.3 here. It's a bit foggy, had planned on going out birdwatching. Hmm, yes, I think it's a..a.. yes, definitely, a sort of vaguely duck shaped bird.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.6 today.
Confession time .... I got in at 3.30am from work and ate a chocolate eclair 😱
Looks like I slept off the sugar!
4.7 this morning, which is a lot better than it's been lately ... and then 14.8 two hours later, which is a lot worse 😡
Botherit, I thought I'd stopped those mid-morning highs, will have to try something else.
Be positive , deep breath - step forward 🙂
Yes...good advice MP...getting sixes on a more in daytime...and walking regularly mostly twice a day...but still not getting enough sleep...need to get it down before next review...after disastrous review apt with GP...agreed if not down in 50's in HbA1c test will discuss increasing medication.
Yes...good advice MP...getting sixes on a more in daytime...and walking regularly mostly twice a day...but still not getting enough sleep...need to get it down before next review...after disastrous review apt with GP...agreed if not down in 50's in HbA1c test will discuss increasing medication.
You have done well so far since diagnosis , I understand it is difficult to keep up with the exercise , some days it can seem to be just too much . Don't lose heart , it will all come good . My sister was feeling as you do but kept on going and succeeded in the end with a good result from her nurse .