Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 a high 10.2 after being sick then having a hypo last night, ohh what fun diabetes is.....

If it's Wednesday, it's 10 o'clock then it's just got to be Foot Ulcer Clinic. Mend you little &%*$ 😱
Grr!! :( Hope you get good news today, fingers crossed for you 🙂
Good morning 🙂 and well done bubbsie. May I join you with 6.8?
Morning everyone. It was a tad fresh on my morning walk to the office today. 8.7 for me this morning.
I had frost on my windscreen. Mind you I did crash into an ice cream van

My oh had to clear the frost off the windscreen this morning before taking me to the station.
Good morning 🙂 and well done bubbsie. May I join you with 6.8?
Thank you Linda...yes of course...plenty of room here...hoping I can get to the meet on the 12th...see you then hopefully.
A 6.6 for me this cool morn. Glad to see you in the 6's Bubbsie 🙂

Hope your appt goes well Flower
A 6.6 for me this cool morn. Glad to see you in the 6's Bubbsie 🙂

Hope your appt goes well Flower
Thank you Amigo...been in the sixes before...but never in the a first for me.
Good morning 🙂 a high 10.2 after being sick then having a hypo last night, ohh what fun diabetes is.....

If it's Wednesday, it's 10 o'clock then it's just got to be Foot Ulcer Clinic. Mend you little &%*$ 😱
I second that &%*€ - heal, you painful foot, you.o_O
Good morning everyone. 6.6 today.
Morning...despite a rotten cold...6.8 today...
Bore da fy glöynnod byw hardd diabetig My blood sugar this morning is 4.6mmols and I think it might be time for another song.

A buzzard took a monkey for a ride in the air. The monkey thought that everything was on the square - Nat King Cole Straighten Up And Fly Right 🙂

May you all fly right today
Morning! A nice comfortable 5.6 today. Still can't put the central heating on yet as awaiting oil delivery.:(
Morning! A nice comfortable 5.6 today. Still can't put the central heating on yet as awaiting oil delivery.:(
Central heating...with the temperature still above freezing! Some might call you a soft southern wuss 😛