Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.1 here, neatly sandwiched between a whole number and a house special.
Morning all. 8.2 :(
Morning all, 9.3 for me today.
Good morning 🙂 4.2 for me.

I just about managed Thomas the Tank, getting off the train was a much bigger drop to the platform so it was a leap of faith! My limited sight scares me more than my leg as I am unaware of what is around me. Never mind - I got there and back and it was great to stay with my Mum for a few days 🙂
Glad to hear it was a success, Flower.:D Hope the appt goes well today.

Morning all.🙂 7.8 here. The Swansea sun's shining! 😛
Good morning with an added pinch and punch 🙂 3.8 to start September.

Thanks for all the good vibes and wishes, ulcer still there, not keen to mend but not infected so it's same time next week for another appointment.
Good morning with an added pinch and punch 🙂 3.8 to start September.

Thanks for all the good vibes and wishes, ulcer still there, not keen to mend but not infected so it's same time next week for another appointment.

Shame its still there but at least there is no infection. Keeping my fingers crossed it behaves for you Flower. XX
Same here Flower. All crossed that it behaves and soon heals 🙂
18.3 this morning. Entirely my own fault. I woke at 2:40 feeling v shaky so checked and I was 5.6. My DSN told me not to go to bed below 8 so i panicked as that's my lowest reading so far. I had two slices of white toast 😳

Side note, when I injected my Toujeo in my stomach this morning, blood spurted out of the hole. It wasn't painful but it's never happened before and now I'm concerned that maybe the insulin didn't all go in? :confused:
18.3 this morning. Entirely my own fault. I woke at 2:40 feeling v shaky so checked and I was 5.6. My DSN told me not to go to bed below 8 so i panicked as that's my lowest reading so far. I had two slices of white toast 😳

Side note, when I injected my Toujeo in my stomach this morning, blood spurted out of the hole. It wasn't painful but it's never happened before and now I'm concerned that maybe the insulin didn't all go in? :confused:
I think we all panic a bit, especially with a night hypo Rosie (even if it was a 'false' one - very low for you! 😱), so don't blame yourself for over treating a bit 🙂

Regarding the injection, I think everyone has this on occasion - it just means that you nicked a small blood capillary on the way in with the needle, it's unlikely to have had any impact on the amount of insulin that got injected 🙂
Good morning with an added pinch and punch 🙂 3.8 to start September.

Thanks for all the good vibes and wishes, ulcer still there, not keen to mend but not infected so it's same time next week for another appointment.
sorry to hear that the ulcer is still there but so pleased that there is no infection.
I really can't believe that I managed 8.3 and a steady line all night despite eating a lot of takeaway pizza and garlic bread, although it has started to go up and I'm still needing to Bolus for it. Total comfort eating because a) I'm trying to check that I am up to going to University but I only managed to read for 20 minutes yesterday because of fatigue b) still waiting for this flipping myeloma blood test result and to be told that it is ok. Today will be a better day and I'm determined to be able to read an hour of 1984, even if it is only in 20 minute chunks. I have a meeting at the University tomorrow to find out if the reading that they expect is at all realistic for me. I can't push myself because I just end up with eye and CFS payback - sorry for the long message!
18.3 this morning. Entirely my own fault. I woke at 2:40 feeling v shaky so checked and I was 5.6. My DSN told me not to go to bed below 8 so i panicked as that's my lowest reading so far. I had two slices of white toast 😳

Side note, when I injected my Toujeo in my stomach this morning, blood spurted out of the hole. It wasn't painful but it's never happened before and now I'm concerned that maybe the insulin didn't all go in? :confused:
Rosie unless you live in a flat, and even if you do, make sure that you've got something quick acting very closeby at night. It is dangerous to use stairs when feeling hypo, even if it is a false hypo.
I really can't believe that I managed 8.3 and a steady line all night despite eating a lot of takeaway pizza and garlic bread, although it has started to go up and I'm still needing to Bolus for it. Total comfort eating because a) I'm trying to check that I am up to going to University but I only managed to read for 20 minutes yesterday because of fatigue b) still waiting for this flipping myeloma blood test result and to be told that it is ok. Today will be a better day and I'm determined to be able to read an hour of 1984, even if it is only in 20 minute chunks. I have a meeting at the University tomorrow to find out if the reading that they expect is at all realistic for me. I can't push myself because I just end up with eye and CFS payback - sorry for the long message!
Hopefully, you will begin to be able to read more without getting tired. Reading can be hard work, although usually enjoyable! I discovered last year when I did my 'Reading Challenge' that initially I would get very fatigued but before too long I could read in one or two hour stretches (sometimes more if I couldn't put it down!). I know you have many other things to contend with, but perhaps knowing that this aspect can improve the more you settle yourself into it will help 🙂
Reading can be more difficult with ME, Alan, because of cognitive dysfunction - some people with it can't read at all. I struggle to read anything I haven't read before, and I now read a lot of books intended for children and young adults because they're easier - and I'm a bookaholic with a degree in literature, and a masters in text and performance.

Amanda - really hope you can manage to do the reading, perhaps with rests or doing something else in between. Would it help to have audiobooks, or would they just send you to sleep?

Back to thread subject, I was 3.6 at 6.30am today, following 2 other hypos at dinner time and bedtime last night, so am not a happy bunny as 6.30 is the middle of the night for me - could be time to drop the Lantus dose again.
Hi all 6.4 this morning for me . Just had a miniscule piece of fruit cake - off for a walk later - panic panic , I just couldn't resist it ! 😱
I really can't believe that I managed 8.3 and a steady line all night despite eating a lot of takeaway pizza and garlic bread, although it has started to go up and I'm still needing to Bolus for it. Total comfort eating because a) I'm trying to check that I am up to going to University but I only managed to read for 20 minutes yesterday because of fatigue b) still waiting for this flipping myeloma blood test result and to be told that it is ok. Today will be a better day and I'm determined to be able to read an hour of 1984, even if it is only in 20 minute chunks. I have a meeting at the University tomorrow to find out if the reading that they expect is at all realistic for me. I can't push myself because I just end up with eye and CFS payback - sorry for the long message!
No need to apologise AJ you've done nothing wrong . It helps to get it all off your mind . Makes more sense . Good luck tomorrow , I'll send you calming thoughts 🙂
Good morning 🙂 A surprising 5.1 this morning after an unusual 9.3 before bed - how can my levels fall 4.2 mmol/l overnight when I don't use basal? Maybe it's just that I ate later last night due to the hospital visit and my novorapid was still active when I took my bedtime reading?
Bore da pawb... It's a 9.8 here (after a 13.7 before bed... mebbe 4 point overnight falls are a 1st of the month thing? 😉 )