Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone , 8.2 today eek ! Gave myself a bit of a fright with that until I realised I hadn't tested as soon as I got up but did it after tea and toast ! Temporary blip hopefully . Have a good bank holiday all 🙂
Good result, Amigo. I'm usually closer to 7mmol after a bacon buttie, even with Burgen.
I forgot to post. 6.6 this morning and I've been under 8 all day despite making and icing the cake🙂
A feeling pretty rubbish and, even after 7 hours sleep, a very, very tired 10.2 this morning. :(
Morning all. A start of a short working week 5.1 for me. A nocturnal oatcake was required.
Morning all, 6.4 here. Been battling all week with the carb fest cuisine of the Dolomites. Because of its history of being passed back and forth between Italy and Austria over the centuries, they've cherry picked the best of both, so it's pasta followed by Apple Strudel! Home tomorrow for a reality check.
Morning all 9.2 for me this morn and not very happy about it :( I didn't eat anything out of the norm and housework gave me moderate exercise so what's that all about ?😱
Good morning all 🙂 and seem to be stuck on 7.1 lately.
Had a bad night with vivid dreams when I did sleep But good news it's going to be warm and sunny so will relax in garden at some point 🙂
Good morning everyone. 6.9 today 🙂
Joining you with a 6.9 AJ.

Hope you feel better as the day progresses Jonsi and I'm sure it's just a blip mumpat.

I'm due to have my bloods done in readiness for annual review but might leave it until after my holidays now.
Joining you with a 6.9 AJ.

Hope you feel better as the day progresses Jonsi and I'm sure it's just a blip mumpat.

I'm due to have my bloods done in readiness for annual review but might leave it until after my holidays now.
Thank you Amigo , I think so too . Have a good holiday 🙂
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Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a goodnight. 7.9 for me
Morning all, 5.4 here. Off to the airport in a mo, holiday over.:(
Will try not to make too much noise as we fly over you on the way to Southampton airport, Northie!
Bore gwlyb (wet) pawb :(... but... a very acceptable 7.9 for me this morning.
Morning all, 6.9 today, great day, blue sky and the big yellow ball. HI HO ("Sneezy") today is the pollen up?