Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you Mumpat 🙂
Mornin all, 5.7 for me 🙂
I recommend fruit juice as an alternative! 🙂
Thanks. I obviously wasn't thinking straight yesterday, a swig of juice would be much more appetising at that time in the morning ,probably work quicker too .
Good morning all 🙂 and I'm with you Amigo with 6.8.
Got my injection Monday as surgery couldn't fit me in yesterday. Not a bad wait really.
Bore gwlyb yma heddiw... (it's wet!)
A rain lashed, gale battered 9.5 here ('twas 8.thing at bedtime). Woke up over 3 hours later than usual. Lie in. Luxury 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and I'm with you Amigo with 6.8.
Got my injection Monday as surgery couldn't fit me in yesterday. Not a bad wait really.

Hope it goes well Linda 🙂

I've got a full week of varying medical appointments next week including a mammogram, physio and 2 follow ups from 'procedures'. I'm thinking of moving into the hospital to save travelling time! 🙄 Oh and my diabetic review needs organising once I get the blood taken.
Oh dear Amigo. I know what you mean. Lately I seem to veer from dentist doctors hospital and nurse! Hope all your appointments go well 🙂

Well, it's not a waking test but this is my bedtime test!! I know it says fasting, ignore that. I actually had fish and cous cous at 8:30. I just click it most of the time cos it's the first option on my meter and I have to click one before I can see my result. I can't wait til Wednesday and my consultant appointment but until then I'm hoping to God it drops over night...
Good morning 🙂 6.3 for me today.

Hope that level is looking much better this morning Rosie, you need to give that consultant a serious talking to, this can't go on! {{{HUGS}}}
Morning all 4.2 here.
Hoping for a better level for you Rosie, (though if your basal is doing the job it's supposed to, it shouldn't bring you down. Here's to MDI and quickly)
Good morning everyone. A not so good 7.8 today
Looked like I was dropping low overnight so an oatcake assisted 7.notalot for me. Hope your levels are down Rosie
An unimpressive 7.6 for me which is the highest waking figure for a while. Would have retested but had run out of strips upstairs.

I need a re-boot I think! Trust my levels to shoot up for blood let week. Hope it does truly capture past better efforts! 😳

I really feel for you must be getting so disheartened! :(
10.1 for me today.
Hope your levels come down Rosie.
Bore da... It's a *snap* with Stitch...a 10.1 for me :(
Morning everyone, after a terrible nights sleep with a lot of shouty leg cramps, i was 17.7 when I woke up.

27 is the highest I have ever been and jesus I felt rough last night. I drank two litres of water throughout the night and peed four times..