Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb... A repeat 9.9 for me this morning
Morning all 6.6 for me after a roller coaster of a day ranging from an unexplained 12.4 down to a 2.6 and to bed at 10.4. Here's to a level day everyone. @AJLang I hope you've subsided.
Thank you everyone. I'm now down to 19.7... Lots of testing and boluses today. Thank goodness that I haven't got to go anywhere.
Morning all, 6.5 here. Glad you're on the way down, AJ.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.9 today after spending a lot of the night awake. Seem to have developed a 'trigger' thumb past few nights. Very weird. Hope it improves soon.
So sorry you're feeling poorly Amanda and hope the levels soon drop.
Morning all, 13.1 for me today.
Hope you manage to get your numbers down and the ketones bugger off Amanda. xx
Thank you Robin, LindaRose and Stitch xx
Good morning! A 4.8 from me today
A non too pleasing 7.4 for me.

Sorry to hear of your wonky figures AJ and hope the day finds you steadying.

Sorry about the trigger finger Linda. It awful when things like this spoil our sleep. I wake up most mornings wondering which bus hit me! :(
Feeling a bit sorry for myself today I'm afraid.
Sorry to hear that Amigo. I felt like that in the night. Got a few medical things ongoing and always get more anxious in the small hours. Hope you feel brighter soon 🙂
A non too pleasing 7.4 for me.

Sorry to hear of your wonky figures AJ and hope the day finds you steadying.

Sorry about the trigger finger Linda. It awful when things like this spoil our sleep. I wake up most mornings wondering which bus hit me! :(
Feeling a bit sorry for myself today I'm afraid.
Sorry to hear that Amigo. I felt like that in the night. Got a few medical things ongoing and always get more anxious in the small hours. Hope you feel brighter soon 🙂
Hope the day gets much better for both of you {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks Nirtherner. Now I'm up and about I'm feeling much better 🙂
Looking good, Juliet. I hope you've fixed your Lantus problem - amazing how half a unit can make such a difference!🙂
Thanks, Bloden - I've gone back onto 6 units for now to try to get those morning readings down - will see how it goes with the hypos.

Good morning 🙂 I'll join you on the 6.6 step please khskel.
Is there space for me on there too, please?
Y a w n , Morning all 5.6 today.
Bore da pawb... a 10.9 from me this morning.
Morning all.🙂 5.6 here...budge up, Ljc.😛

Sorry to hear you're not 100% AJ, Amigo and Lindarose.
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Morning all 5.9 for me and another day of diabetic mystery begins. Muggles don't know what they are missing.
Morning all 5.9 for me and another day of diabetic mystery begins. Muggles don't know what they are missing.
How true - I can't imagine life without my little DSEs (Diabetic Science Experiments).🙄