Forgive me for I have sinned

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Gran's chicken pie Sunday lunch. Need I say more? Oh, that and half a bottle of wine.
went for a spin in the car today and my hubby fancied an ice cream, so me being me i just couldnt resist having one aswel. got a 99 with chocolate sprinkels and a flake, feeling quilty about it now but it was lovely 🙂 i was 6.4 before i went out and im gonna test again at 6 as that will be an hour since i ate it. will keep you posted what they are , probely sky high.

dont know what was going on with my levels yesterday :confused:
woke up an was 5.3 (im normally around 7) had a fried breakfast with the family and an hour later i was 6.3 and 2 hrs 6.4, this kind of breakfast would normaly have me going up to 9 or 10 which is why i try to avoid it (kids made it for my hubby for fathers day) went for ice cream still on 6.4 an hour later 7.7 an 2hrs back to 6.7, ive never tested with ice cream before but surly it should have went alot higher than that. im not complaining about my levels not going high (wish they were always as good) im just worried because i had quight a few vodkas an diet coke the night before, could this be the reason or maybe that i excercised abit extreme on the wii on saturday? thanks for lisening 🙂 xxx
Happy to bump this thread by saying i have had a crappy day and after getting my appetite back have devoured 2 mars bars! 😱

Well all i have had all day is a bowl of cereal and a salad so needed some calories really! 😛 am i bad? ....
i dont know what happened but i scoffed a FEAST ice cream bar ohhhh it was nice:D but my tummy feels crap now 😡
last night i went round a friends and had 2 cans normal Pepsi, half a bottle of Bacardi Breezer and had 3 slices of pizza😱 Tested My bs when i got home and it was in my normal range, tested again this morning and it was still in my normal range😱😱 Have i discovered the secret of stuffing my face??????
Had myself a piece of lemon drizzle cake at lunch time x😱
Mrs Q has just bought a large bag of peanut M&Ms. I think they must be healthier than normal peanuts because they are unsalted (The dietician keeps telling me to get unsalted ones instead of salted or dry roasted nuts).
My crystal balls say I will sin tomorrow and the day after😉 I'm looking forward to it already need to get a job out the door first though!

happy sinning

Rossi :D😉😛
Theres a new rum and raison carte doir out anyone tryed it?
Theres a new rum and raison carte doir out anyone tryed it?

Not yet, I'm desperately trying to resist the temptation. It keeps calling to me whenever I walk past the freezer section.
Not yet, I'm desperately trying to resist the temptation. It keeps calling to me whenever I walk past the freezer section.

LOL if you do surrender to temptation let me know what it tastes like you can be the guinea pig lol x
Lo, these many centuries go someone, I think it was Cadbury's, used to do a rum and raisin chocolate bar and I loved that so I know I'll probably love the ice cream. I'm struggling here, so stop encouraging me!
Lo, these many centuries go someone, I think it was Cadbury's, used to do a rum and raisin chocolate bar and I loved that so I know I'll probably love the ice cream. I'm struggling here, so stop encouraging me!

*shakes head*

I'm sorry I cant help it i just lurrrrve raisons.
Oh dear just ate half a packet of rich tea biscuits. Stupid comfort eating.
go rachel go guilt its what you want you go for it hun..its just your baby and body needing stuff at moment xx🙂 xxx
just consumed a divine burger and chips, feel very bloated, but have jacked up load of Insulin so can operate heavy machinery this afternoon.

The sun is a shining peeps yay!
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