Forgive me for I have sinned

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I managed to get to page 20of all your posts, im not only hugry now but very tired, so when hubby moans at me for sitting up most of the night is it ok to blame you lot:D,Oh by the way sommerfields and sainsburys are my corner shops and in the next street there is about ten take aways and the best part is im being realy good and staying away from them,but one day next week may i will sin just a teeny bit so i dont feel left out.
Oh my goodness. Just looked at this thread for the first time, wondered why there were 380 odd replies. Wow, I can't look again. Like Caroleann, I am now peckish and wanting chocolate.

Can't as have lost 1/2 stone and need to lose another 9 1/2 so no more choccy for me for a while, I love cream eggs.................
Now that looks good Michael, lets hope it's not disappointing like the double big mac (forget it's proper name) was!
there are not enough keys of this keyboard to update the sins since my last visit here, today two donuts mid morning, double cheese burger and chips for lunch just ordered a super size pepperonni pizza, and got a box of beer!

what's in a number🙄

I am getting better though, two weeks ago I was not a good boy😉
:D A pal of mine tried that Jolt Cola and didn't sleep for three days.
A few weeks ago I was going to partake in the Baked Potato Big Night In. Alas I strayed and failed. On the way home I saw this Irishman in a green top hat. He told me it was St Patrick's day and invited into the pub behind him for a pint of Guinness. Alas one lead to another and that one to another and so on. A ham and salad sandwich helped soak the beer up. On the up side my BG's were excellent throughout!
Actually I haven't... sinned that is, but it was really close.

"Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to himself has said, 'I really want one of those doughnuts'?" Not quite Sir Walter Scott.

I've just been out for milk and teabags and the had fresh cream buns and jam doughnuts too. I've been really craving something sweet today, the little red chap with the pointed tail has been jabbing me with his pitchfork and saying: "go on, just one won't matter". But I resisted, aren't I good?😎
Wow what a great thread! I didnt manage to read ALL of it lol but enjoyed the bits i did read!! Makes me feel alot better that its not just me who is sinning!!! if you excuse me i have a creme egg to demolish...........:D
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This is why I love this website!!!!!!!!!!:D
Its so good to feel I'm not alone in sinning! Just had curry delivered and had pilau rice, piece of Naan, sag, jalfrezi, onion baghis - and I cleared the plate. All 100gms++++ of carbs. Weighed out n' all! Wot a good girl I am:D
Well it is Friday!!
Cheers guy's, you've all really cheered me up!Am off to wash it down with a couple of glasses of red.
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