Forgive me for I have sinned

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Just had a large container of Sushi. Plus the shop had a pack of five iced fingers knocked down to 55p, not a good idea to hog 3 of them. I can hear trhe rest of the packet calling me
feeling a wee bit depressed tonight when im depressed i pig out Im half way though a carton of chocolate fudge cake ice cream i know its gonna make my bs rise like hell but right now i dont care
feeling a wee bit depressed tonight when im depressed i pig out Im half way though a carton of chocolate fudge cake ice cream i know its gonna make my bs rise like hell but right now i dont care

Sorry to hear you are feeling down Gail, I hope that you are able to sleep well tonight and that things are looking brighter for you in the morning.
My sin, one pint of Director's Ale,purchased from work in May, and sitting in the Pantry since, called out to me today so I had to answer, tastes sooo nice, I just won't have any more than the one.
At work I had a Bacon and Sausage Bagguette for breakfast with two sachetts (sp) of tomato sauce and a pack of Salt and Vinegar McCoys, naughty but my 12 units of Novorapid kept my sugars down :D

now to finish this lovely beer off.
My sin, one pint of Director's Ale,purchased from work in May, and sitting in the Pantry since, called out to me today so I had to answer, tastes sooo nice, I just won't have any more than the one.
At work I had a Bacon and Sausage Bagguette for breakfast with two sachetts (sp) of tomato sauce and a pack of Salt and Vinegar McCoys, naughty but my 12 units of Novorapid kept my sugars down :D

now to finish this lovely beer off.

Enjoy it Dale! 🙂
Enjoy it Dale! 🙂

I did, first Beer since June, and it was lovely. Will do my BG about half 9 before I go to bed (I was up at 5:30 for work :( ) at least I didn't go for any chocolate today, I've been good since my hospital stay. Well apart from my work day breakfasts 😉 which I have at work 5 days a week.
All that ice cream did not effect my bg at all. Saw my sw in week and shes going to see if she can get me some emergency respite. Today I have drunk a whole carton of pear and banana juice yum yum Why o why didt I look at the label before I shoved it down me big fat Norfolk gob. Its got so much sugar in it that it should be labeled toxic for diabetics.
Just been out for a meal to celebrate my Mother's Birthday, Carvery with Gammon, Sweetcorn, Carrots, Roast Potatoes, Cauliflower in cheese sauce. Had one pint of beer with it (that's 2 in one week 😱) followed by an ice cream (plain vanilla with NO sauce on it) for dessert. Did increase my insulin dose a little bit, but will have to check my BG before I go to bed to make certain I'm OK.

Enjoyable meal though :D
Just been out for a meal to celebrate my Mother's Birthday, Carvery with Gammon, Sweetcorn, Carrots, Roast Potatoes, Cauliflower in cheese sauce. Had one pint of beer with it (that's 2 in one week 😱) followed by an ice cream (plain vanilla with NO sauce on it) for dessert. Did increase my insulin dose a little bit, but will have to check my BG before I go to bed to make certain I'm OK.

Enjoyable meal though :D

Sounds delicious Dale! I think we enjoy our treats (and select them with more care) more because of diabetes. 🙂
Just been out for a meal to celebrate my Mother's Birthday, Carvery with Gammon, Sweetcorn, Carrots, Roast Potatoes, Cauliflower in cheese sauce. Had one pint of beer with it (that's 2 in one week 😱) followed by an ice cream (plain vanilla with NO sauce on it) for dessert. Did increase my insulin dose a little bit, but will have to check my BG before I go to bed to make certain I'm OK.

Enjoyable meal though :D

Sounds lovely Dale happy birthday to your mum x
Had a lovely lunch and catch up with Hazel and I had Gammon steak, chips, peas, pineapple and a fried egg 😱... And was 4.3 1 hour afterwards :D...
I am about to sin.....going to my husbands cousins for a meal tonight and they don't know that I am a Diabetic so I sure I am about to sin😱
Oops. 3 large gin and tonics and BG shot up to 17odd. Thought it was meant to bring it down 😱

Did 3 or 4 units (can't rmember exactly). Still feeling a bit under the influence. Will have to see how it goes through the night. I feel it enanced te evenign though.

Must be the night for sinning im sat with a bag of tangy cheese doritoes and some garlic mayo dip
I think I may have fared better with doritos Steffie but the gin was there and it's been a long time !

Plus, the third one was poured in my absence, so really I'm partly innocent 🙄

I'm a real lightweight and dont do alcohol very well. I really should give it up 😱

This week I have had 4 meals with chips, and 3 with burgers. Not feeling too good for it either, but strangely levels have been ok!
Forgive me for I am likely to drink too much tomorrow! And I did yesterday too 🙄
Forgive me for I am likely to drink too much tomorrow! And I did yesterday too 🙄


tunes blarring rouge flowing, see you in the morning with a barstool!!

But what is too mucho
I would like to get my sin in Advance please im going to drink and eat today Things i should not
I demolished a whole packet of Milk Chocolate biscuits tonight..... With lashings of tea....:D

I think I burnt most of it off walking to the supermarket.
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