• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Forgive me for I have sinned

Hi Salmonpuff, some people suggest dipping with Glucostix. Have never tried it myself though. A non diet coke will take you into the high teens or even higher!
if i get a diet coke from mcdonalds i usually get my pal or whoever im with to test it lol just to make sure....
Is the pepsi max usually right at KFC?

the one i used to work at...the pipes used to get switched over...we had real coke coming out of both diet and max, and diet coming out of normal. Not a good situation.

Hi Salmonpuff, some people suggest dipping with Glucostix. Have never tried it myself though. A non diet coke will take you into the high teens or even higher!

That's a good idea, dipping with ketostix or something similar. When we had the problems, we had a young diabetic girl who couldn't taste the difference until she started feeling really rough after she'd eaten. She came back to me, knowing i was diabetic, and asked what was wrong cuz her sugars were in the 20's bless her heart. Safe to say i got the situation sorted asap!
the one i used to work at...the pipes used to get switched over...we had real coke coming out of both diet and max, and diet coming out of normal. Not a good situation.

That's a good idea, dipping with ketostix or something similar. When we had the problems, we had a young diabetic girl who couldn't taste the difference until she started feeling really rough after she'd eaten. She came back to me, knowing i was diabetic, and asked what was wrong cuz her sugars were in the 20's bless her heart. Safe to say i got the situation sorted asap!

my god thats shockin about kfc
my god thats shockin about kfc

disgusting isn't it? Its pretty common too. These companies often think that if they say, run out of diet and use real coke instead then no one will notice. Not good.
disgusting isn't it? Its pretty common too. These companies often think that if they say, run out of diet and use real coke instead then no one will notice. Not good.

can u not sue them if that happened ???

im not surprised with kfc, its minging. my pal and her family got food poisoning from it and mcdonalds arent very hygenic... but then again i cant resist a cheesburger lol :p
I don't know about all of you but I can tell the difference between fully loaded and diet. Diet = yeuch. I'm being good though and staying off them all. Having said that, there's a fruit scone here staring at me.
can u not sue them if that happened ???

im not surprised with kfc, its minging. my pal and her family got food poisoning from it and mcdonalds arent very hygenic... but then again i cant resist a cheesburger lol :p

i'm not sure about sueing, but if it was me i would definitely bring them up on it.

lol i know all about the hygeine of both kfc AND mcdonalds, having worked at mcds for 5 years. They've got better recently but sometimes...
If anyone gets food poisoning from a food outlet, then the people to tell are Environmental Health Officers or department at local council - they collate all records and can take appropriate action to improve the situation at the outlet, or close down immediately, if appropriate.
I don't know about all of you but I can tell the difference between fully loaded and diet. Diet = yeuch.

Me too, but because of the opposite reasion - 'normal' coke = YEUCH!! :p

I don't like any sort of coke at all, prefer fanta or sprite. so why do McD's & KFC only sell sugar free versions of coke, but not others?
I don't like any sort of coke at all, prefer fanta or sprite. so why do McD's & KFC only sell sugar free versions of coke, but not others?

Perhaps they've tried it in the US and found a lack of demand? Now, if they sold Stella...;)
Perhaps they've tried it in the US and found a lack of demand? Now, if they sold Stella...;)

If they sold Stella my hubby would never be out of there!!! :rolleyes:
I went to another depot at W today and had some Banana and Wallnut cake.... Mmmmmm....:eek:
Just had a walnut whip!!!! Washing down with vino but levels been good today so not such a sin today!!;)
Just had a walnut whip!!!! Washing down with vino but levels been good today so not such a sin today!!;)

How do you eat them? I always eat them from the bottom.:D I committed a future sin today - I bought a six pack of cadbury's creme eggs, half price at Co-op. Haven't eaten one yet though!:eek:
How do you eat them? I always eat them from the bottom.:D I committed a future sin today - I bought a six pack of cadbury's creme eggs, half price at Co-op. Haven't eaten one yet though!:eek:

I asked wifey that question! I ate the nut then top down with a sneaky lick the cream out in the middle;) Creme eggs, simple, unwrap then in one! or in your case in one six times!! Enjoy the sin:D