• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Forgive me for I have sinned

Oh, well done on eating fruit!! :D :D


helen your here every day!!! your so honest xx:D
but like you, new year doesnt end till back to work /school/college and being a good diabetic starts in ernest in this household on monday ..well sunday night:(
well morrisons got eggs out for easter , so i had a mini lindt egg there doing 2 for a ?1
Sins - too numerous to mention

Just arrived back last night from a weeks holiday in Gran Canaria - took a week off from being diabetic.. although I did carry my puncture kit with me just in case :rolleyes:

Anyhoo - lots of eating out, but made sure of plenty long walks to increase the old insulin sensitivity.. seems to have done the job as when I did test, there were no high readings and no ill effects (if you totally discount most of New Years day when I had the hangover from hell after a New Years eve party at the beach.....) :eek:

So, back to being a good girl/diabetic from tomorrow.. getting my first hba thingy done on Wednesday (practice nurse forgot to do my base line tests at first appointment as I kept asking questions and she couldn't get rid of me..) :p

Karina :D
Hey Karina, sounds like you had a good holiday and did well! Hope the tests are good on Wednesday:) My New Year starts tomorrow - I discovered a long time ago that it was pointless trying to change things on January 1st!
Hey Karina, sounds like you had a good holiday and did well! Hope the tests are good on Wednesday:) My New Year starts tomorrow - I discovered a long time ago that it was pointless trying to change things on January 1st!

Thanks Northerner - I'm told that I had an ab fab (in all senses) Hogmanay.. seems like I was the life and soul of the party and I will never divulge what happened with the vertically challenged, dreadlocked fire eater... However, it appears that I also:

1) insisted on walking back to the apartments barefoot as my shoes were hurting me

2) tried to get hubby to clamber over to another balcony (6th floor) at 2 in the morning to retrieve a smarties tube lid I had fired over there earlier in the day


3) demanded hubby make me toast and then refused to eat it, then threw up an evenings worth of cointreau and sprite into a fruit bowl (several times..)

Of course, in my defense I have no recollection of these events and maintain your honour that they might be hearsay.. The alternative theory is that I may have suffered my first hyper as a result of the sugars in the cointreau and the sprite.... ahem.... :eek::eek::eek:
- I discovered a long time ago that it was pointless trying to change things on January 1st!

Absolutely - you ALWAYS have to start on a Monday............ :p

So, Back to being good again tomorrow. If I'm honest, I'm quite looking forward to eating healthily again, I've just about had enough of being a one-woman chocolate and cake guzzling machine!!

Not sure if it's me or the slight chill in the air but boy am I munching on rubbish these last few days!

Feel I should inject for the slab of mothers crimbo cake, how many carbs in the average slice? I'm going on 40grams??

Hope you're all sinning still;)
Pizza last night, and I forgot to bolus for it for nearly 90 minutes! Only realised when i checked pre bed to do my lantus.
It was lovely though 7 sins meat from Pizza Hut :D
I went out to the shops to get some beer and lard (beer for me, lard for birds!) and blow me, the Co-op has an offer of half-price jaffa cakes...oh dear!:eek:
ahhh the poor staving birdys
'the north wind doth blow and we shall have snow ....and what will the robin do then poor thing ....he hide in the barn to keep himself warm..and hide his jaffa cake under his wing poor thing
ahhh the poor staving birdys
'the north wind doth blow and we shall have snow ....and what will the robin do then poor thing ....he hide in the barn to keep himself warm..and hide his jaffa cake under his wing poor thing

Hey, stop trying to make me feel guilty - I only went out in the first place to get them some lard!
I have a couple of fruit scones for later. Yumm, fresh from the baker's oven as I walked in.
Had a donut with a glass of lemonade last night .
craved chips at lunch so went and brought some first time in yonks...2 hrs later i threw up.....ummm not such a good idea
I just ate loads of cake mix...oops. Too yummy to not finish off the dregs of the bowl :)
Long delay on the trains last week so went into Fine Burger at St. Pancras. Had a New Yorker (burger plus salami, jack ? cheese and all the trimmings) and a bag of chunky chips. It must have been cold as my BG was down to 5.6 two hours later. Also proves their diet coke is diet coke unlike some companies!