Food ideas with photos

My dinner smoked bacon wrapped chicken breast stuffed with home grown tomatoes peeled and deseeded garlic and parsley butter, garden peas and sweet potato fry’s
Sue’s dinner the same as mine apart from dauphinois potatoes


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Roasted chickpeas, almonds and peanuts.

roast the chickpeas for about 7-10 mins. @ 180
add peanuts and almonds 7-10 mins

while hot add a few drops of oil paprika, chilli powder lemon juice mix up and coat well.

roast again for 3-5 mins
allow to cool on the tray for a bit before burning your face off because this are way too spicy and my face hurts.
also only make them in small quantities because they dont last very long due to the oil i think.

eat with chopsticks for 2 reasons.
1. it takes hours so these will last ages.
2. you dont get chilli on your finger and therefore dont get chilli in your eyes

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I make roasted chickpeas all the time to keep on my desk along with almonds, brazils and hazlemuts 🙂 delicious.

last night made cailiflower fired rice with brussel sprouts cabbage cauliflower (leftovers) with lots of different spices and it was so tasty and filling. It really does taste better than it looked lol :rofl: Not a clue the carb value but I had two plates and was stuffed.
Breakfast was total greek yoghurt, blueberries and 100% peanut butter 🙂

I made some puddings /snacks today - jelly with raspberries. I use one sachet of strawberry or raspberry sugar free jelly and the little systema pots with screw on lids. Put frozen raspberries in each pot as they’re cheaper, and makes it set quickly too.
Also made many bags of veg for steaming. Don’t worry about the plastic waste, I reuse the bags. Portioned out my frozen veg into 10g carbs per bag, then to cook i will just microwave with the seal 3/4 closed and open the last 1/4. No need to add water, doing it like this just makes it more convenient for me to cook veg for with meals for one.


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For tea I had microwaved veg with chilli. The chilli was defrosted from the freezer and made previously with a mix of lean beef mince, lentils, courgette, carrot, onion, peppers, chickpeas, kidney beans and tomatoes. Topped it with reduced fat cheese.

Edit: had a few defrosted frozen raspberries for pudding


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defrosted frozen raspberries for pudding
Not sure how you'd feel about this but give them a go straight out the freezer. It's like they burst in your mouth it's a bit like eating a sorbet / frozen juice / ice pops.
This evening I had salad with zhoug houmous (bought reduced) and a little chicken leftover from lunch (some slices hadn't quite defrosted then...). Yesterday was yoghurt encrusted basa fillet with stir fry veg. Ok but not as nice as I hoped, if I do it again I'll use cream cheese instead of Greek yoghurt, and less butter as there was way too much and it just ended up still in the baking dish.
Not sure how you'd feel about this but give them a go straight out the freezer. It's like they burst in your mouth it's a bit like eating a sorbet / frozen juice / ice pops.
I’ll have a go! Never tried it but I do love ice lollies etc
I’ll have a go! Never tried it but I do love ice lollies etc
Or even blitz them in a food prosessor with some yoghurt and put them into ice lollie moulds and freeze - delicious 🙂 you can even put a drop of prosecco in if you like 🙂
Or even blitz them in a food prosessor with some yoghurt and put them into ice lollie moulds and freeze - delicious 🙂 you can even put a drop of prosecco in if you like 🙂
I have always been taught not to re-freeze food unless you cook it. I am not sure if this is a problem with your yoghurt lollies?
I have always been taught not to re-freeze food unless you cook it. I am not sure if this is a problem with your yoghurt lollies?
Never done me any harm and the fruit is still frozen, just blitzed. You can use fresh ones if you like. 🙂 Or not even blitz them put them in mould fully frozen and add yoghurt!
I’ll have a go! Never tried it but I do love ice lollies etc
I wasn’t sure on raspberry straight from freezer to mouth. Was ok but maybe an acquired taste. I did put some frozen raspberries straight into my hot porridge and that worked fantastically. Will keep doing that instead of defrosting them.
I wasn’t sure on raspberry straight from freezer to mouth. Was ok but maybe an acquired taste. I did put some frozen raspberries straight into my hot porridge and that worked fantastically. Will keep doing that instead of defrosting them.
They are great in an ice lollie or sorbet 🙂
Well here's this evenings meal. Pretty much made up from stuff that had to be eaten as the use by day was today.

Egg noodles, mushrooms, bacon, sprouts, cooked in garlic, butter and soy sauce.

It tasted delicious.

Egg Noodles Mushrooms Sprouts and Bacon.jpg
Or even blitz them in a food prosessor with some yoghurt and put them into ice lollie moulds and freeze - delicious 🙂 you can even put a drop of prosecco in if you like 🙂
If you just blitz a handful of frozen berries at a time with like maybe a tablespoon of yogurt or milk and eat it right away it's like an ice-cream like texture and consistency. Make sure you start with frozen berries and cold yogurt or milk. And blitz it fast and as quick as you can for as short a time as possible and eat right away.

The longer you have it in the food processor the more like a sauce it gets because of the heat generated.
Breakfast today (and the last few days as we are now approaching autumn/winter) was raspberry porridge. I use 25g Scottish oats, 200g skimmed milk, leave it to soak whilst I do a 40 minute prebolus and then I microwave it and add 80g frozen raspberries after it’s cooked. They defrost pretty instantly in the hot porridge.

Just under 30 carbs and under 200 calories.


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Lunch - omelette with approx 100g baby new potatoes, a handful of spinach & 24g grated cheddar:

Tea: Spinach & coconut soup with smoked sausage & sprinkle of paprika (adapted from a Nigella recipe):


(And a small piece of youngest's chocolate cake which is in the back ground!)
It's really interesting to see what others are eating and how different foods work. I've found that any form of "normal" bread is a no no for me. Same for vegan sausages..they sent my BG up! I have been learning Fathead recipes for the odd treat though.
If you only tried one sort of vegan sausages, it might be worth checking the nutritional information and checking other types to see if any have lower carbs, then testing those.