Food ideas with photos

I've had variations on fried rice and veg the last 3 days for tea. Split a bag of the pre-cooked wholegrain rice in 3 (portion size on bag says it's meant to do 2) and fried with savoy cabbage (got lots needs using up - started the cabbage first in a little olive oil each night), other varying veg (didn't cook the tomatoes Tuesday night), pinch of Chinese five spice and yesterday and today a teaspoon of precooked ginger and some dark soy sauce too. Tuesday and Wednesday I added some reduced fat mature cheddar for a bit of extra protein and fat, today I had none left open plus I had a much higher calorie lunch than usual (Maccies Big Tasty 😛 but just that not the meal I would have previously had!) so just had the rice and veg. And guess what - slightly bigger spike! Still not the end of the world (2.8mmol) but if I want to try having the full half pack portion I think I'll definitely need to ensure there's more protein and/or fat in the meal. (Forgot to do a post meal check on the burger too due to external chaos, but last time I had a burger with a bun the size of meal and protein and fat kept BG under control. I might have to try again next week or the week after just to see though...)

Homemade soup! Roasted Mediterranean veg (slightly over-roasted as forgot to set a timer, hence the dark brown colour but still nice!), garlic and chickpeas blitzed, then added shredded cabbage, fresh shelled peas, and a few thin slices of smoked sausage. 37.5g carbs but very filling (I had half a bread roll with it which was extra carbs, but I think next time will have just the soup).


And tea. Salad including coleslaw with lentil cakes spread with garlic & herb roulé. 34g carbs
with lentil cakes
What are the lentil cakes? Assuming like a rice cake but way better? Could you share a photo of the packet or link to the product.
Quite new to this and I don’t usually cook, my husband does, but I need to start because he doesn’t need to cut back. My first attempt at cauliflowe rice and frittata which I have to say were delicious (my husband ate 3/4 of it, I don’t think he could believe I actually can cook). Made some little heck sausage mini ones too. I’m Mainly having boiled eggs with the low carb bread for breakfast But need to mix it up so don’t get bored. Loving this thread.


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Quite new to this and I don’t usually cook, my husband does, but I need to start because he doesn’t need to cut back. My first attempt at cauliflowe rice and frittata which I have to say were delicious (my husband ate 3/4 of it, I don’t think he could believe I actually can cook). Made some little heck sausage mini ones too. I’m Mainly having boiled eggs with the low carb bread for breakfast But need to mix it up so don’t get bored. Loving this thread.
They all look delicious.
We often have scrambled egg with smoked salmon for breakfast, sounds extravagant but a 100g pack of smoked salmon does 4 breakfasts.
Sometimes creamy mushrooms on a piece toast, a dollop of Philadelphia added to the cooked mushrooms and plenty of black pepper.
Greek Yoghurt with berries and a scattering of low sugar granola or nuts and seeds is good.
i didnt take a photo of my breakfast, but i had a pile of mushrooms on one slice of toast with garlic salt and pepper. 15g carbs
What are the lentil cakes? Assuming like a rice cake but way better? Could you share a photo of the packet or link to the product.
Yes, they are like a rice cake, and in supermarkets usually beside them.

Homemade cabbage & sausage casserole to the right, homemade cauliflower cheese to the left. Both very nice!
Broccoli pea and spinach soup - very minty with a slice of toast and lots of black pepper.
New batch of spinach & coconut soup. Used a bit less coconut milk in this batch, so lower carbs and fat and calories in the soup! Had it today with falafel which provided most of the carbs in the meal
Homemade soup weather has definitely well and truly arrived.
FIRST MASH! Looking forward to checking the evening reading.

Edit: 2 hour reading - rise of less than 2. But I might have a bit less next time and more broccoli and less peas

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This is what I like to call "not hot enough or sour enough" soup.

I need to add more spice, more ginger more garlic and more vinegar next time. Very nice but not quite right.


Not particularly low calorie with the nice coleslaw, and oil in the pesto (homemade from a watercress, spinach & rocket bag that needed using up), but very few carbs apart from in the slice of toast (wholemeal seeded, the loaf behind it is waiting for my kids to eat!)
I forgot to take a photo
but dinner tonight was a wholemeal wrap with teriyaki black garlic marinated chicken breast strips, cucumber, iceberg lettuce and home grown beef tomatoes
It was messy eating but tasty :D

Veggie tea tonight. Charred broccoli, baby carrots, yesterday's salad bag pesto, coleslaw and some celeriac crisps
For dinner tonight I turned this...

In to this...

Mine also had cheese melted on top it.

Organised myself tonight and pre-made some breakfast! Frittata/omelette with peppers, cherry tomatoes and spinach. I cut it into 6 portions, 2 in small-ish tubs for freezer, 3 in a large tupperware to be moved into a smaller tub/ straight to plate each day as needed, and one in a tub to take in to work tomorrow. All in the fridge for now as too hot for freezer. (Probably too hot for fridge really but did too late to let them cool more on the side)