Food ideas with photos

1314 cals, of which 87.4gm carbs and 45.8gm sugars

B: Poached egg with grilled sausage and beans
L: Mackerel salad
D: Baked chicken thigh, 100gm new potatoes, cauliflower, runner beans
Yesterday's food:

1267 Cal, 91.8g carbs of which sugars 30.9g

B: Med Veg, Ham & Houmous Frittata, Coffee with 20ml milk
L: Beef & Pumpkin Stew, 2 Sesame Seed rice cakes, Coffee with 20ml milk
D: Med Veg, Ham & Houmous Frittata, coleslaw, cucumber, mixed sweet peppers with Graze Choc Peanut Crunch Creations for dessert
Snack: more Graze Choc Peanut Crunch Creations

I might edit in a photo later if I remember to transfer it from my work phone to my laptop (camera not working on my personal phone)
1157 cals, of which 76.4gm carbs and 36.0gm sugars

B: Vanilla and almond slim shake
L: Poached eggs and baked beans
D: Chicken with Madeira and mushroom sauce, carrots, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts
E: Aquafit
All this scrummy food! I eat so boring compared. Today's menu will be as bland as ever but tastes delicious to me.

B: 2 eggs scrambled in tbs olive oil with half can tomatoes, 1 small red onion and quite a bit of garlic with some cold leftover chicken from last night.
L: Small bag salted peanuts (addicted, must try and cut down).
D: 1 small cauliflower with small bag grated cheese melted over. Jamie Oliver I am not! :D
4 pints water and one mug of Mellow Birds' Instant Coffee with a dash of whole milk
1285 cals, of which 80.4gm carbs and 45.2gm sugars

B: Vanilla and almond slim shake
L: Poached eggs, bacon and baked beans
D: Chicken with Madeira and mushroom sauce, carrots, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts
E: Aquafit
Finished my Tesco slim shakes and now have a box of Exante to use up. Not so happy with the carb content, even thought it's made up with water.

1118 cals, of which 80.0gm carbs and 45.2gm sugars

B: Exante coconut latte
L: Poached eggs and baked beans
D: Liver and bacon, carrots, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, onion gravy
1133 cals, of which 75.9gm carbs and 53.1gm sugars

B: Vanilla and almond Exante
L: Poached eggs and baked beans
D: Pork casserole, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, carrots, sprouts
887 cals, of which 74.1gm carbs and 51.1gm sugars

B: Exante mocha shake
L: Butterbean and sweetcorn soup
D: Pork casserole, five mixed veggies
904 cals, of which 75.0gm carbs and 42.6gm sugars

B: Exante coconut latte
L: Butterbean and sweetcorn soup
D: Baked salmon, HM ratatouille, new potatoes
E: Aquafit

Butterbean and sweetcorn chowder.JPGSalmon with ratatouille.jpg
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863 cals, of which 73.7gm carbs and 42.1gm sugars

B: Exante mocha latte
L: Butterbean and sweetcorn soup
D: Pork loin, HM ratatouille, new potatoes
Exercise class then a coffee break until aqua aerobics, but another birthday today, so another round of cookies!

Shopping yesterday was worse, an entire store full of chocolate.............

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-14 at 18.53.57.jpg WhatsApp Image 2023-02-14 at 18.53 .jpg
This homemade soup is surprisingly high in carbs according to my app. Also the Exante shakes made up with water are almost double the carb value of Tesco shakes made up with 2/3 water and 1/3 unsweetened almond milk. Surprising! But I have a boxful of Exante to use up!

Got my car back after 2 days, and the electrician is coming shortly so I'll be without power for several hours. Or how to spend my entire holiday refund in less than 24 hours!!

864 cals, of which 92.0gm carbs and 52.9gm sugars

B: Exante coconut latte
L: Curried red pepper, sweet potato and squash soup
D: Roast beef, 3 new potatoes, cauliflower, sprouts

Curried squash and red pepper soup.JPG
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This homemade soup is surprisingly high in carbs according to my app. Also the Exante shakes made up with water are almost double the carb value of Tesco shakes made up with 2/3 water and 1/3 unsweetened almond milk. Surprising! But I have a boxful of Exante to use up!

Got my car back after 2 days, and the electrician is coming shortly so I'll be without power for several hours. Or how to spend my entire holiday refund in less than 24 hours!!

864 cals, of which 92.0gm carbs and 52.9gm sugars

B: Exante coconut latte
L: Curried red pepper, sweet potato and squash soup
D: Roast beef, 3 new potatoes, cauliflower, sprouts

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I thought the butterbean and sweetcorn soup you had the last few days sounded quite high carb too. Soup can be deceptive. Really surprising about the Exante shakes being significantly higher than the Tesco ones.
I thought the butterbean and sweetcorn soup you had the last few days sounded quite high carb too. Soup can be deceptive. Really surprising about the Exante shakes being significantly higher than the Tesco ones.
Yes the butterbean and sweetcorn soup is almost as many gm of carbs so I make allowances in my daily count. Tesco shakes made up with skimmed milk as recommended are higher than Exante but as I use 100 ml unsweetened almond milk and 150ml water it greatly reduces the carbs. At least I hope I got my calculations right and it does.
Yes the butterbean and sweetcorn soup is almost as many gm of carbs so I make allowances in my daily count. Tesco shakes made up with skimmed milk as recommended are higher than Exante but as I use 100 ml unsweetened almond milk and 150ml water it greatly reduces the carbs. At least I hope I got my calculations right and it does.

There is only 12.5g of carbs in the skimmed milk I use in mine.
There is only 12.5g of carbs in the skimmed milk I use in mine.
In comparison there’s just 0.7gm carbs in 100ml of unsweetened almond milk which is where I think my savings come from. Even so I do watch my daily total.
Tonight’s dinner using up what was in the fridge 2 meals one for Sue which was bubble and squeak consisting of puréed red onion, potato, carrots, garden peas, black garlic butter , egg bread crumbs to bind it once mashed
Baked in the oven then browned under the grill with cheddar cheese on top served with pork and honey farm sausages
Then my meal exactly the same minus the bread crumbs , potato and cheese. The potato was swapped for celeriac and I topped it with cherry tomatoes 7F32F501-1575-4268-A634-F7D2559E4C41.jpegFDD15212-67D0-4676-A298-DFFBC7A41E75.jpeg
Missed yesterday as I was up at 5am and spent the day with a friend at hospital. Cafe sandwich and a microwave meal when I returned, so a bad carb day. Back on track today

1166 cals, of which 81.3gm carbs and 48.8gm sugars

B: Exante vanilla and almond latte
L: Poached egg, tinned tomatoes, grilled sausage and bacon
D: Roast beef, 2 new potatoes, carrots, runner beans, sprouts
Basically just saying I have never had passionfruit and wonder what I am missing, is it like mango?

I am feeling really unwell at the moment, incredibly nauseas, and clammy. I am not sure why, will drink some water, hope im not going down with a bug
Best smell in the world, passion fruit. in fact I think I like the was it smells more than the taste