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Back out again this afternoon for a short hilly ride up to Flash, high in the Peak District, well, it was too nice not to. After yesterday's outing and not feeling 100% I thought what the hell and best to make hay while the sun shines. Turned into a bit of a disaster on the old bg front (see below). Weather really was nice, warmer than yesterday so it was back on with the shorts although I had the winter long sleeved jersey on. Had a coffee at Flash Bar Stores and was thinking of going over the Cat and Fiddle but sacked that off and returned back.

Strava stats are 33.4 miles completed at an average speed of 13.0mph and elevation gain of 2728 feet.

Levels 🙄 Running high after yesterday's ride (it's got to be a cold or something), I didn't put a TBR on through the night and woke to a 5. Running high again this morning, corrected and put a 110% on. Before the ride the Libre was 14 and the meter said 12.2, alright I can live with that. Decided not to put a TBR on and set off. After 10 miles Libre was then up to 16 so carried on. Libre then dropped and was showing a steady 8.1. Near to Flash I thought something's not right, Libre still showing steady 8, so checked blood and it was 2.3. What's all that about? Libre you're talking sh*te. Starting heading back, about 3 miles from home and Libre not below 7 but blood was 5.3. Thought it'll be alright. Got home to a blood reading of 3.1. Should have put a TBR on earlier. Disappointed in this sensor. The last one I had some time ago was perfect. Lesson is I suppose if it's not been reading right don't rely on the Libre. I've still got a week to go with it but can't trust this one. I know I can contact Abbott but it's a pain in the arse. (Just checked current Libre reading 11.2, blood 7.2 🙄 ). I don't mind a couple of points out but 4,5,6,7 is not good enough. Apologies for the Libre rant! :D After those carryings on, on the ride I had 3 gels and 2 cereal bars. Apart from that the ride was great. :D

Autumn haze over the Staffordshire Moorlands on the long climb up to Morridge.

From the same place but looking back to where I've just come from.

This is at Flash Bar Stores. The A53 is right in the middle of the photo running through to Buxton just over the other side. Can be treacherous in Winter.

Sunshine and cows in Flash.
One of the lakes at Tatton Park. My poor photography makes it look dark. It wasn't it was bright sunshine!
The only time I've been to Tatton Park, it was a lovely day, but there was a constant stream of planes overhead heading for Manchester airport, sort of ruined the restful effect of the gardens.
Headed into the Peak District today so that means hills! It was dry with broken sunshine but quite chilly and breezy so it was on with the winter gear again. Forecast for next week looks warmer with a max on Wednesday of 20 degrees! I wish it would make up its mind. 🙄 On the ride I went to Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Taddington, Buxton and over the Cat and Fiddle. Found it quite hard going with the strong wind but always good to get out. 🙂

Strava stats are 60.3 miles completed at an average speed of 13.7mph and elevation gain of 4427 feet.

TBR on the pump was set at 65% and starting level was 4.9 mmol/l (had a few fruit pastilles and a biscuit before setting off), at 11 miles 3.3 mmol/l (had a cereal bar and gel and carried on), at 26 miles 9.4 mmol/l, at 35 miles 8.2 mmol/l, at 45 miles 6.2 mmol/l (had a cereal bar), at 54 miles 6.1 mmol/l (had fruit bar) and back home 8.8 mmol/l. So it was 2 cereal bars, 1 fruit bar and 1 gel. Depending on how things go over the next few hours I'll set a TBR overnight usually 80%.

Bit murky near Waterfall
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Leaves are coming down outside the church at Warslow
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On the Cat and Fiddle - that's where I've come from...
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...and that's where I'm going.
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At the top of the Cat (almost 1700 feet above sea level), looking over the Cheshire Plains
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Here's the Garmin
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What a fabulous way to stay active, not only helping your diabetes but your state of mind also. Beautiful countryside to be enjoyed x
The only time I've been to Tatton Park, it was a lovely day, but there was a constant stream of planes overhead heading for Manchester airport, sort of ruined the restful effect of the gardens.

Yes always a few planes flying over. I don't mind them really, as they don't sound as loud as you'd expect. Quieter engines? Either that or I'm going deaf. Almost seem close enough to wave to the pilot. :D
What a fabulous way to stay active, not only helping your diabetes but your state of mind also. Beautiful countryside to be enjoyed x

Thanks Elaine. I'm quite lucky in that I don't have to go far to be out in the countryside. Have you got a bike? If you're not keen on riding on busier roads you can use the National Cycle Network for quieter roads and trails.

Hi Matt, yes I have a lovely bike but since putting on an awful lot of weight due to psychiatric drugs and illness i’m not able to cycle, i’m Just not able to get balance and worried about falling off! I used to cycle to work, along Leicester’s canal paths and it was so beautiful and such a lovely way to start/finish the working day. I was also fit and healthy. My brother, who lives is Nottingham, is a keen cyclist and member of cycle club. He claims to get withdrawal symptoms if he’s not been out for a ride! Take care x
Had a ride out today to Whitegate in Cheshire and it was a touch on the cold side. Set off early and frost around, roads okay though. Then had a few snow showers, yes snow! A week ago I was in shorts and this week it was full Winter gear. Forecast said a maximum of 6 degrees. 😱 With the right clothing it's not too bad and I didn't feel the cold really with the thermal gear on. Headed out to Davenham and along to Whitegate and the cafe there before coming back through Middlewich and the outskirts of Knutsford before heading home. Sun started to peek through just as I was getting back, still cold though. Loved that ride. 🙂

Strava stats are 73.1 miles completed at an average speed of 15.2mph and elevation gain of 2564 feet.

After last weeks shenanigans with the Libre it got worse during the week. I had readings of 20 when the blood reading was 4.5, several days it wasn't below 15 when the blood readings were normal-ish. I also had a few Hi's on it. I don't think it was saying hello. I thought I've paid £50 for this so phoned them up, had the usual 20 minute phone call but they are sending a replacement. It looks like they accept any meter readings as a comparison as my meter is a Contour Next. So that leads to levels on this ride and it was back to old school and the tried and trusted meter. Pump was on 65% TBR. At the start 7.2 mmol/l, at 23 miles 7.4 mmol/l, at 34 miles 8.8 mmol/l, at 40 miles 7.8 mmol/l, at 52 miles 5.8 mmol/l, at 59 miles 7.6 mmol/l, at 68 miles 6.7 mmol/l and back home 8.7 mmol/l. Couldn't have asked for better on a ride. :D On the ride I had 1.5 cereal bars, 1 gel and a teacake and coffee from the cafe.

Here's the river near Whitegate. Think that's a portaloo right in the middle of the photo on the bank . All part of life's tapestry. 🙄

This was brilliant. A remembrance day display at Lower Peover. A lot of effort gone into this. Must be some creative people around there as the Tree of Imagination is just around the corner.

One of the telescope.

The Garmin.
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Ey up Dave, is it morse code? :D
Letter 'e' actually Matt ( I use morse a lot on the radio).
I was actually trying to unwatch this thread as I get too many notifications and the only way I could find to do it was by posting and not ticking ''watch' in the options. No doubt there's a better way!!!
Letter 'e' actually Matt ( I use morse a lot on the radio).
I was actually trying to unwatch this thread as I get too many notifications and the only way I could find to do it was by posting and not ticking ''watch' in the options. No doubt there's a better way!!!

I'd imagine it'd clutter up your inbox. Probably why I don't watch any! :D
Had intended heading into the Peak District this morning but looked outside and saw the swirling winds and chickened out so dropped to slightly lower ground in Cheshire with a route around Alderley Edge and surroundings. Was cool but not cold, overcast but dry and windy. Started off okay but then seemed to struggle a bit on this one especially coming back. Always enjoy getting out though. 🙂

Strava stats are 57.2 miles completed at an average speed of 14.7mph and elevation gain of 2208 feet.

Put the pump on at the usual 65% TBR and levels at start were 4.7 mph (had a few Skittles and a biscuit and set off), at 14 miles 5.1 mmol/l (had a cereal bar), at 28 miles 9.6 mmol/l, at 36 miles 12.0 mmol/l (?) and at 40 miles 12.7 mmol/l (in the words of The Who 'I can't explain', pump was offering a 2.2u correction 😱 but I thought I'll give 0.5u and see what happens 🙄 ), at 46 miles 7.8 mmol/l and at 52 miles 4.2 mmol/l (had a gel and some cereal bar), got back to a 10.4 mmol/l. Bit of a weird one with that increase just before 40 miles, could have been a small bubble in the reservoir, who knows? I never like giving corrections on rides and thought I was being conservative at 0.5u, obviously not - should have given 0.2u or just left it. 🙄

Autumnal scene near Gawsworth.

This isn't Follyfoot Farm with the lightning tree. :D It's at Jodrell Bank. Where the road turns left that's the entrance.

Here's the Garmin summary. (For anyone who can't be bothered to read the rubbish up above. :D )
well done good rides and pics, am not doing much at moment usually just an hour quite hard at weekends to keep ticking over, earlier in year managed two good rides in the Lake District and some short local rides only.

pics at Raise Cottage Grasmere and climbing Kirkstone


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well done good rides and pics, am not doing much at moment usually just an hour quite hard at weekends to keep ticking over, earlier in year managed two good rides in the Lake District and some short local rides only.

pics at Raise Cottage Grasmere and climbing Kirkstone

Well done Steevo. Life sometimes gets in the way but ticking over is okay and an hour is better than nothing. 🙂
Hi Matt, yes I have a lovely bike but since putting on an awful lot of weight due to psychiatric drugs and illness I’m not able to cycle, I’m Just not able to get balance and worried about falling off! I used to cycle to work, along Leicester’s canal paths and it was so beautiful and such a lovely way to start/finish the working day. I was also fit and healthy. My brother, who lives is Nottingham, is a keen cyclist and member of cycle club. He claims to get withdrawal symptoms if he’s not been out for a ride! Take care x
Elaine, try just a short ride to start with. Get the feel of a bike again. I started riding a bike again after many years of not riding and it was great to be back out on two wheels. However, did find that the more I rode the more confidence it gave me. I'm not cycling any marathons or any competitions but riding because I know it helps with my diabetes. I got a cheap second-hand bike off Gumtree and then took it from there. If I don't feel like my usual distance ride then I do a local ride around my local area. Just take your time and do what you feel is right for you. Find a quiet space someplace you can practice just riding around an empty carpark or a quiet footpath somewhere that you know will give you that first step of riding a bike again. Is worth doing and you'll find your balance again. 😉
I've been holding off for weeks but we're in November and with showers forecast today I finally put the mudguards on last night. I can take them on and off reasonably quickly but it's still a bit of a faff so they'll probably be staying on now until Spring. Didn't have long today so just went for a usual quickish spin out into Cheshire. Weather was cool, bit windy and I mostly avoided the light showers until about 10 miles from home, the sun trying to come through occasionally. Crud on the roads means the bike needs a good clean. 🙄 Enjoyed the ride. 🙂

Strava stats are 52.8 miles completed at an average speed of 15.3mph and elevation gain of 1917 feet.

Set the pump with the usual TBR of 65%. Got a replacement Libre sensor after the disastrous readings of the last one and thankfully this seems to be reading very close to the blood results. At start was 3.9 mmol/l (my sensitivity has increased as I can see a drop in levels at breakfast within minutes sometimes - my brekky of porridge and toast with peanut butter was still waiting to register obviously didn't have time to hang around so shovelled a few fruit pastilles in and set off), the Libre then read between 5 and 10 mmol/l through the ride and arrived back to an 8.0 mmol/l bg reading. I only had 1 cereal bar on the ride.

Went to Lower Peover again and took some more close up photos of their remembrance day display before it disappears

Autumn in full colour near Jodrell Bank

Here's the Garmin
Headed to the hills this week with a ride out into the Peak District taking in Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Buxton and back over the Cat and Fiddle. A bit of a leg burner. Was a bit dreary first thing but turned into a nice day with late Autumn sunshine. Quite cool especially the higher up I went with my breath condensing in the cold air but it was alright really. Bit windy again though which made it difficult in places. Got more into it as it went on and overall enjoyed it. 🙂

Strava stats are 60.0 miles completed at an average speed of 13.5mph and elevation gain of 4192 feet.

Pump was set to it's usual 65% and with Libre sensor behaving very well was mainly relying on that.

I can assure you it's not always like this! :D Had my breakfast about 7.30 (my insulin sensitivity is really quick now starting to work almost straight away hence the dip into the red) - the ride started just after 9 and I got back at 2 with this 5.1 (and going low 🙄 ). Probably should have had more to eat really as I'd prefer to keep it around 7-10. Of course that's easier said than done. On the ride I had a cereal bar with that dip just after 10am and a gel where it dipped to 4.4 about 1.30pm. (Probably overdid it when back as currently typing this on a 9.2 with a straight up arrow 🙄 ). Through the night tonight is always the difficult one to judge. Not enough TBR reduction and it's hypo city, too much and into the teens.

Misty view at near Warslow

Obligatory Cat and Fiddle shots - spectacular views up there today but with the sun and very windy (or general incompetence) I couldn't see what I was I doing so that's my finger on some of them :D

Here's the Garmin summary (moving time is 4hr 26 mins, elapsed time was just under 5 hours as the satellites sense you're not moving and the GPS pauses when you stop at road junctions, traffic lights, side of the road etc.
Been away with work so took today off due to the flexi I'd built up and with a day off there's only one thing to do - no not Christmas shopping, it's only November and that's what the internet and Christmas Eve are for! Yes, it was back out on the bike. :D Weather was dry, sunny, cold and breezy. Following rain over recent days some of the lanes were slightly damp and had field mud spread about. 🙄 Bike requires cleaning. 🙄 Was just going to go for a spin but decided to make the most of it and headed to Alderley Edge and surroundings. The windy weather made it a bit difficult and the legs were complaining but it's always nice to get out plus some exciting (or scary) news from Cranage - see photo below.

Strava stats are 56.4 miles completed at a slow average speed of 14.6mph and elevation gain of 2215 feet.

TBR on the pump of the usual 65% and I've got a Libre sensor on. Level at start was 7.5 mmol/l, it climbed to 9 but then dropped and it didn't go out of the grey (4-8). Checked a couple with the meter and it has been pretty much spot on. Happy with that. 🙂 On the ride I had 2.5 cereal bars.

What the hell is this I hear you ask. Forget about the stupid shadow and look closely. Bearing in mind it's 30th November these are (I think) daffodils starting to appear at Cranage. Is it due to climate change? Earlier this year some were in flower in January! We've not even had Winter yet.

At the same place. The ones above were the only ones I saw but when they're all out the whole verge on the right is full of them.

Another one of the telescope, wellll it looks good duntit.

Clouded over by this point but by the looks of things there won't be much sailing on Rudyard Lake at that end. It's dried out.

The Garmin.
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