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Daffodil shoots already!😱 Don’t worry, we’ve got some in our back garden too. They’ll be quite happy to sit for months under a blanket of snow without coming to harm.(or flower in January!)
Short ride this week. Well it wasn't going to be any ride with the crap weather but I've signed up on Strava (it's free) to a 150km challenge. You get a virtual badge and a £50 voucher for Le Col cycling gear which is very expensive so I'll probably never use it. 🙄 The 150km is not really a problem but it has to be done in 2 weeks which gives me two weekends. This is the first so I felt obliged to go out :D. If the weather was okay the 150km over 2 weekends would be fine but it wasn't. It would then mean going during the week after work in the dark potentially raining as well. No one would know or care less if I didn't do it but I thought get your arse in gear and get out.

It had forecast showers in the morning and a with a break in the weather I set off for a quick spin to Jodrell Bank. There were a few puddles of water from the recent rain and although the sun was out it was very windy. On my way back it started clouding over and the showers started and didn't really stop. Put my rain jacket on but the showery rain and wind made things difficult. First half enjoyed it despite the wind, second half not so much but it's only a bit of water! 🙄:D Absolutely tipping it down outside now so I suppose I had the better of it.

Strava stats are 41.0 miles completed at an average speed of 15.0mph and elevation gain of 1727 feet.

With the Libre finishing last week it was back to blood readings. I had the pump clinic yesterday and asked about Libre on prescription. They're still working out the details of who's going to get it. On the ride the pump was set to 65% TBR and when I set off level was 10.9 mmol/l, at 10 miles 10.5 mmol/l, at 21 miles 8.7 mmol/l, at 32 miles 8.2 mmol/l and back home 5.8 mmol/l. Happy with that. 🙂 The wet weather made it difficult getting the strips out and getting a blood sample. Didn't have anything to eat on this ride.

Heading back and the skies getting darker not long before the rain started.

Wet Garmin and wet everything else!
Impressive! I lasted ten minutes out in the garden today before I fled indoors for a hot cup of tea.

Not very nice weather at all today. Our current forecast shows it getting colder next week with sleet on Thursday/Friday (snow and a max of 2 degrees in Buxton should make the journey to work interesting) and rain next weekend. 🙄 I can live with the cold just don't cycling in the rain. Hopefully, might all change as the week goes on. :D
I did 10 miles, started at 7 and finished at 12.4. Where am I going wrong???
I did 10 miles, started at 7 and finished at 12.4. Where am I going wrong???

Hi there Blue. 🙂 Yes, the vagaries of trying to manage T1 diabetes and exercise. 🙄 The effects are quite individual, however there are a number of possibilities for this. Assuming your levels weren't on an upward slope when you set off, carb counting for any carbs you'd had was correct etc then it could be your liver releasing glucose in response to the exercise particularly if you hit it hard. Plenty of times I've reached the 10 mile mark and my glucose has gone up but as I've then continued on it has started to fall. You may have found your levels dropping over the following hours as the muscles replace glycogen? Did you adjust your insulin in any way before setting off and are you on a pump or pens?

There's also the chance of something not related to the exercise affecting it e.g. a cold on its way which would increase levels as well. This has certainly happened to me on the odd occasion. I normally ride on my own and I've found something now that works for me through mainly trial and error (65% TBR on the pump, snacks as and when required) but any changes can throw this out. I rode with another T1 last year and also on the Pedal for 7 ride this Summer and both times my glucose levels shot skywards (mid to high teens) due to the excitement and 'stress' of riding with unfamiliar people and not wanting to make a complete fool of myself. I had to correct whilst on those rides which I don't normally like doing.

If you try the same/similar ride again you may get a different result. After a few times of doing it hopefully some sort of pattern may emerge in terms of the effect on your blood glucose. Keep at it and let us know how you get on. We need more people posting about cycling! :D
Always early in the morning. The ride was at 6. This morning I started a swim at 0630 but woke up with 10.4 so had 2 units of Apidra before setting off for a 45 minute swim / walk. 10.2 after that. 5 more and breakfast (Plus my 18 daily of Lantus) and by ten was looking good at 5. Other mornings doing something similar will leave me at 15 by ten in the morning. Never two days the same, don't you just love it ! Ride again tomorrow. I have noticed that having a couple of units when I start high will usually stop my readings going higher but ONCE I ended up completely out of it and needing my buddy to fill me with glucose. Two similar starts with completely different results after an identical ride. I've given up trying to work out what is going to happen tomorrow.
I am injecting Apidra and Lantus and the only pattern I am finding is that every day is different and I'm always higher after an hour of exercise than I was before it. Well, apart from the ONCE. I normally alternate 3 swims a week with 3 rides. Recently has been challenging with carbs affecting me hugely and going low at least once a day. Bit fragile here with normal meal time doses of 5 units Apidra. I have used Libre when in the U.K. but unavailable here and I couldn't afford to keep one on all the time anyway.
I've not used Lantus by are you sure your basal is correct? Are you carb counting or on fixed 5u doses of Apidra? Before the pump I was on Levemir as a basal which I could split am and pm. This helped if I was going on the bike for a long ride as I could adjust the dose both before and that evening if necessary. I was probably in a similar place to you a few years ago in that my levels were a bit of a rollercoaster and wildly different on different days. I sort of muddled through and accepted that's just how it was. I'd been taught carb exchanges when diagnosed over 30 years ago and thought I knew what I was doing. Looking back now I didn't know as much as I thought I did. 🙄 A few things helped me get it under better control. More focused testing and use of the Libre when I can afford it, going on the DAFNE course a couple of years ago was fantastic and really helped with my carb counting, ratios and insulin doses plus giving me a gentle kick up the arse to focus on it and then finally going on the pump a year ago.

There are still unexplainable occurrences but that's Type 1 for you. Overall though I feel much more in control of it than just a few years ago. All this has helped when on the bike or exercising in general and although not always perfect it's much better than before.
Today now, 7.5 when I got up, 9.3 half an hour into the ride and 12.0 at the end. 6 units Apidra and breakfast and two hours later still at 10.4.
Every day is different for me, sometimes writing reports and sometimes doing physical stuff but I try to alter to suit (not very successfully). I was diagnosed probably 35 years ago but still can't get it together properly. I guess I resent having it 'cause as far as I know I did nothing to get it except have two back to back colds. No family history, I didn't even know anyone with diabetes. Grrrr
Today now, 7.5 when I got up, 9.3 half an hour into the ride and 12.0 at the end. 6 units Apidra and breakfast and two hours later still at 10.4.
Every day is different for me, sometimes writing reports and sometimes doing physical stuff but I try to alter to suit (not very successfully). I was diagnosed probably 35 years ago but still can't get it together properly. I guess I resent having it 'cause as far as I know I did nothing to get it except have two back to back colds. No family history, I didn't even know anyone with diabetes. Grrrr

You were diagnosed not long before me. I was the same, no family history and knew nobody with it. I started off on two injections a day and apart from the carb exchanges info never had any sort of formal 'training'. Going on to basal/bolus after a year in 1987 I was still on fixed doses and fixed carbs for ages. Over the years I was constantly firefighting but just accepted that's how things were. High one day, low the next - seemingly no pattern to it. I gathered bits of information and worked some things out but never felt fully in control of it. If you're overseas then you won't have access to a DAFNE course but there is a BDEC one online to properly carb count. As I mentioned the course made a big difference to me along with sorting my basal and ratios out plus the pump and more focused testing of course. Do you have access to a diabetic team where you're based you can discuss things with e.g. sorting your ratios out, trying different basals, etc?
Any more basal and I go low at night! Ride this morning, woke at 5.4, half hour in 8.3 and end (an hour) 10.4. Breakfast 2 egg mushroom omlette and 2 pieces of toast and now back to 4.5 so things working this morning 🙂
After yesterday's awful weather, freezing, windy and rain but thankfully no snow conditions today were much better and I decided to ride out this morning to Tatton Park at Knutsford for a 100km ride. It was still cold with a bit of frost but not too bad with broken sunshine and a moderate swirly wind with debris on the roads from the wind and rain yesterday. It means I get my 150km Le Col virtual Strava badge and a £50 Le Col voucher that I'm unlikely to spend. 🙄 Plenty of riders out and about today including a time trial near Knutsford making the most of the better weather. Great to be out although the bike needed cleaning when I got back. 4 hour plus ride and an hour cleaning and lubricating the bike. 🙄 Just finished before the light started to fade. :D

Strava stats are 63.2 miles completed at an average speed of 14.8mph and elevation gain of 2465 feet. This ride now takes me over 3000 miles for the year (3027) in 52 rides. A couple of weeks left to go this year so a chance to add a bit more to it.

Usual TBR of 65% on the pump and these are all blood readings. At start 6.4 mmol/l (had a biscuit), at 23 miles 5.8 mmol/l, at 36 miles 6.3 mmol/l, at 47 miles 6.3 mmol/l, at 57 miles 7.3 mmol/l and back home 7.0 mmol/l. Couldn't ask for better than that. Anyone would think I know what I'm doing. 😉:D Obviously don't know what was happening in between. On the ride I had 2 cereal bars and 1 gel. No coffee stop - had one when I got back. :D

Tatton Park

Anyway this will cheer you up. Here we are back at Cranage. Was last here 2 weeks ago and there was just a few stems showing. The barriers have now been put up (don't know who does that) and the daffs are out. :D Yes, it's the 16th December and some are actually in flower. Don't know how this squares with your horticultural knowledge @Robin ? o_O

And then the sun appeared as well. Fantastic (still cold though!) :D

Here's the Garmin.
The barriers have now been put up (don't know who does that) and the daffs are out. :D Yes, it's the 16th December and some are actually in flower. Don't know how this squares with your horticultural knowledge @Robin
It’s beyond my ken! I can only assume that when we have a bit of a cold snap early on ( as we did here at the end of October, all our dahlias were frosted and finished off by it) the poor deluded daffs think that was winter, and are all ready to leap into action now they think it’s Spring. ( I assume the verge is sheltered and sunny. Our daffs at home started coming up a couple of weeks ago, but they’ve seen sense now and stopped growing!)
Anyone doing the Rapha Festive 500 Challenge on Strava? 500km in 8 days from Christmas Eve to New Years Eve. I've signed up and the weather is not looking bad at the moment. I'm off work the whole time so I'm hoping to get out as much as I can over the holidays.
Anyone doing the Rapha Festive 500 Challenge on Strava? 500km in 8 days from Christmas Eve to New Years Eve. I've signed up and the weather is not looking bad at the moment. I'm off work the whole time so I'm hoping to get out as much as I can over the holidays.

Good luck with it Trev. 🙂 Don't normally sign up for the Strava challenges although I did do the Le Col one last week. As you say weather is looking okay for it and although I'm off work I've got family commitments so I'm not sure I'd be certain of completing it. Hopefully will get out a few times though.
It was Christmas eve babe but I wasn't in the drunk tank with Shane MacGowan 😱, no I was out in the Peak District with a hilly ride through Warslow. Hartington, Monyash, Buxton and over the Cat and Fiddle to Macc and back. Weather was sunny and dry but cold with frosty conditions. The roads were mainly damp from yesterdays rain or from salt meaning it was tricky in places on untreated roads with frozen patches. Bit windy in places higher up but you expect that. Quite hard work but I enjoyed the ride. Got a nice Christmas present when I got back as the DVLA have seen fit after 2 years to give me my licence back. :D It's only been issued for a year and subject to reviews apparently but great news celebrated with a glass of hot Ribena Winter Spice.

Strava stats are 60.3 miles completed at an average speed of 13.3mph and elevation gain of 4298 feet.

TBR on the pump was set at 65% and levels were as follows; at start 5.2 mmol/l (had some fruit pastilles and a biscuit), at 14 miles 5.1 mmol/l (had a cereal bar), at 28 miles 6.9 mmol/l, at 38 miles 7.1 mmol/l, at 47 miles 3.9 mmol/l (had a gel and a cereal bar), at 55 miles 6.1 mmol/l (had half a cereal bar) and back home 9.0 mmol/l. Not too bad I suppose. Anything I have on the ride is all free carbs. The difficult bit is overnight tonight and what TBR to use. 🙄

Frosty field near Waterfall

From the same place looking back with the mist hovering. Photo makes it look darker than it is. Makes it look like something from the Hovis advert. :D

Near Monyash

Top of the Cat and Fiddle. The road loops down and I'm heading that way next.

Here's the Garmin. Exactly same as Strava (Strava tends to round down). :D
After Monday's leg burner I headed for the slightly gentler terrain of Cheshire today with a ride to Knutsford and surroundings. Conditions were okay, dry with the sun poking through at points and a gentle breeze but the roads were wet with the crud meaning a bike clean is in order. It wasn't cold but it was cold enough and I saw two riders in shorts! Must be something to do brown/white adipose tissue and temperature regulation. o_O Saw quite a few riders out today making the most of the conditions and working off any excesses from yesterday. Don't normally comment on drivers but some idiots out today. Professor Brian Cox would be interested in how these people can defy the laws of physics and see round corners as nothing else can explain overtaking on a blind bend. :D Overall though a great ride, enjoyed that. 🙂

Strava stats are 58.8 miles completed at an average speed of 15.2mph and elevation gain of 2264 feet.

Usual pump TBR of 65% and levels as follows: at start 4.3 mmol/l (fruit pastilles and some biscuits), 14 miles 4.0 mmol/l (half cereal bar and a gel), 28 miles 6.2 mmol/l, at 38 miles 5.4 mmol/l (had cereal bar), at 48 miles 5.1 mmol/l (had a gel), at 54 miles 6.5 mmol/l and back home 4.8 mmol/l. Bit lower than I would have liked with some of those. I'll see how it goes on the next one and maybe reduce the TBR.

Time to get the Easter eggs? The Daffs at Cranage have gone into overdrive since last week. It's Boxing Day FFS.

Radio telescope at Jodrell Bank (you can't have enough photos of it :D )

Murky on the climb up near Rudyard - photo makes it look much darker than it was!

The Garmin
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