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Another day, another ride. I had intended going to the Whitegate cafe in Cheshire when I set off but half an hour in I thought I can't be arsed so I'll just have an aimless ride around on the Cheshire lanes. :D Weather was dry but cloudy with odd bits of misty drizzle and like the other day cool but not cold. Forecasters are saying the beast from the east may be back soon so make the most of this alright weather while it's here. Stopped at the Jodrell Bank cafe but there was a queue and couldn't be bothered waiting so carried on. Missed my coffee though. :D

Strava stats are 56.0 miles completed at an average speed of 15.6mph and elevation gain of 1990 feet. I should be getting my Strava 'year in sport' animation soon. I'll post it up when I get it.

Usual 65% TBR on the pump and levels as follows: at start 4.2 mmol/l (had fruit pastilles and few biscuits), at 20 miles 6.0 mmol/l, at 28 miles 6.7 mmol/l, at 37 miles 6.6 mmol/l (had cereal bar), at 46 miles 7.2 mmol/l and back home 4.4 mmol/l. Make of that what you will. Thinking of a reduction to 60% next time. Overnight after a ride I tend to go for a 75 or 80% TBR.

Tree of Imagination at Lower Peover. The fairies have decorated it with fairy lights. Although to them they must just call them lights. :D A telescope in the window front left and stairs going up in the window on the left.

Some gormless tw*t near Gawsworth :D

The Garmin
Really good numbers & distance Matt. No way gormless :D. My M/bike had heated grips never mind neck warmers. My mate had a heated top you plugged into his M/bike. Well done 🙂
Really good numbers & distance Matt. No way gormless :D. My M/bike had heated grips never mind neck warmers. My mate had a heated top you plugged into his M/bike. Well done 🙂

Heated handlebars (or a top) would be nice on occasions :D - would add weight though. Might be alright with an e-bike. Did Santa bring you a leccy bike?
Heated handlebars (or a top) would be nice on occasions :D - would add weight though. Might be alright with an e-bike. Did Santa bring you a leccy bike?
My mate owns a bike shop. He told me he was getting a new range in the new year. Every day has been nice since xmas & I have itching to get out. When I get a leccy bike it will probably snow. :D Keeping pinkies Xed 😉
Well that's it for 2018 on the bike. Didn't manage to get out today and can't tomorrow either so 175 miles this week will have to do. Strava highlights below. Only managed one 100 mile ride back in July but fairly pleased with the overall total distance in 55 rides and the obvious highlight was the Pedal for 7 ride from Rochdale to Stoke back in June with Sam Brand, Justin Morris and Thomas Raeymakers of TNN and lots of T1's. (The 1.4 mile walk shown was near to work and one of my colleagues recorded it, uploaded it and copied me in).

It was a bit of a sh*t year on a personal level with various things but the one regular highlight was getting out on my bike. Not so good weather earlier in the year but we then had the long glorious Summer and it's been alright through Autumn and into Winter. T1 has been okay with the pump certainly proving its worth over the year, HbA1c of 42 in the Summer, background retinopathy disappeared, driving licence just been reinstated. I just need the clinic to say Libre on prescription and I'll be sorted! :D

Looking to 2019 there's the Pedal for 7 equivalent in June called Cycle for Cities. No firm details at the moment on routes etc so can't say if I'll be doing it but would certainly like to. Other than that no specific plans as yet and I just hope to keep getting out there and enjoying it. 🙂

I always include stuff about how I've managed or mismanaged my diabetes when cycling as diabetes is the only reason we're here on the forum. I hope anyone who reads this thread has enjoyed mine and the others who post. 🙂 You just need to dust off your bikes or get a new one and get out there! :D

A few years ago I & Dad, son did Tyneside Cyclone. About 12 mile on banks of Tyne. Was a good night time ride, well done Matt & keep at it. 😎
An update on my progress in the Festive 500. As of today I've done 458 km since Christmas Eve (285 miles), so just need another 42k tomorrow to complete it. It's been tough with the cumulative fatigue building up throughout the week.

Christmas Eve - we did a loop to the east of Newark, Notts and ended up with 56 miles. It was a bit icy to start so we stuck to gritted roads for the first half (when I say "We", my wife is doing it too).
Christmas Day - no cycling.
Boxing Day - I was timing my club's 10 mile TT but rode to the start and home again, so managed to get 40 miles in.
27th - A bit behind schedule so we did a long loop into Lincolnshire, up towards RAF Waddington, where we saw the AWACS plane taking off and circling around several times. We did 50 miles before our cafe stop at Newark and ended up with 64 miles in total. Not much wind and a lovely ride along quiet country lanes.
28th - Did a 44 mile loop up towards Newark, then turned south to Bottesford and found a cafe open at Long Clawson for a much needed cup of tea.
29th - we did the 28th loop in reverse with a tea stop at Bottesford, cutting slightly short for a 40 mile total. It was really windy so we struggled to maintain a decent average speed.
30th - we repeated the Saturday loop with a few variations and another tea stop at Bottesford. Thankfully less windy today and ended up with 41 miles.

It's a tough challenge and requires quite a time commitment - around 22 hours of cycling during the week. We've tried to get out early so we are back for a reasonable time to partake in family activities. The good weather has helped. I'm not sure how people have managed it in previous years with snow, ice, wind and rain.
An update on my progress in the Festive 500. As of today I've done 458 km since Christmas Eve (285 miles), so just need another 42k tomorrow to complete it. It's been tough with the cumulative fatigue building up throughout the week.

Christmas Eve - we did a loop to the east of Newark, Notts and ended up with 56 miles. It was a bit icy to start so we stuck to gritted roads for the first half (when I say "We", my wife is doing it too).
Christmas Day - no cycling.
Boxing Day - I was timing my club's 10 mile TT but rode to the start and home again, so managed to get 40 miles in.
27th - A bit behind schedule so we did a long loop into Lincolnshire, up towards RAF Waddington, where we saw the AWACS plane taking off and circling around several times. We did 50 miles before our cafe stop at Newark and ended up with 64 miles in total. Not much wind and a lovely ride along quiet country lanes.
28th - Did a 44 mile loop up towards Newark, then turned south to Bottesford and found a cafe open at Long Clawson for a much needed cup of tea.
29th - we did the 28th loop in reverse with a tea stop at Bottesford, cutting slightly short for a 40 mile total. It was really windy so we struggled to maintain a decent average speed.
30th - we repeated the Saturday loop with a few variations and another tea stop at Bottesford. Thankfully less windy today and ended up with 41 miles.

It's a tough challenge and requires quite a time commitment - around 22 hours of cycling during the week. We've tried to get out early so we are back for a reasonable time to partake in family activities. The good weather has helped. I'm not sure how people have managed it in previous years with snow, ice, wind and rain.

Well done Trev and your wife. 🙂 Good luck but it's in the bag with 42k to go. :D Yes, weather has been very kind compared to what we might have had at this time of year. The time commitment is the killer for me and would probably mean night riding or very early mornings. Wouldn't be too keen on that. 😱
Yes, polished off the final miles in a 2 hour ride on local roads on New Years Eve morning, so we ended up with 505km in total.
Well done @Matt Cycle on amazing control on your rides. As you say pumps are great for exercise.

Good to read of your HbA1c, retinopathy kicked into touch and driving license back. A good year.

Have fun
No rest for the wicked :D as I headed back out for a ride today to kick off 2019. It was a bit drizzly early doors so I waited until it had stopped before setting off. Drizzle had left the road surfaces wet and it was a bit breezy but it turned into quite a nice day with the sun out in the afternoon and started drying out. Bike needed a clean though when I got back. Had various plans on where to go but I wasn't feeling 100% (youngest daughter has a cold and may have got some of that) and the legs were struggling a bit as well so just ended up going to Knutsford and the surrounding areas for a steady ride. Reasonable number of people out and about today. As I went through Alderley Edge a few of the coffee shops were open and I could feel Costa calling me in. :D It looked mega busy so reluctantly I carried on. :(🙄

Strava stats are 60.2 miles completed at an average speed of 14.7mph and elevation gain of 2324 feet.

With the possible cold mentioned above I woke this morning to a 10.5 mmol/l. I therefore decided to set the TBR at 75% and levels were as follows: at start 9.5 mmol/l, at 14 miles 8.0 mmol/l, at 24 miles 8.1 mmol/l, at 36 miles 5.5 mmol/l (had a cereal bar), at 49 miles 7.0 mmol/l, at 55 miles 6.8 mmol/l and back home 5.7 mmol/l. I'll see how things go tonight before deciding on the overnight TBR.

Sun coming through near Cranage

Near Gawsworth (wasn't as dark as it appears on the photo)

Sunny scenes taken at the same spot near Rudyard

The Garmin (mucky overshoe from the road splatters bottom left :D )
Any more basal and I go low at night! Ride this morning, woke at 5.4, half hour in 8.3 and end (an hour) 10.4. Breakfast 2 egg mushroom omlette and 2 pieces of toast and now back to 4.5 so things working this morning 🙂
A pump is so adaptable. I love mine & could not live without it.😎
Was debating whether to go out today as I had stuff to do as I was busy yesterday test driving motors. Officially back on the road for first time in over 2 years. :D Anyway, thought I shouldn't waste the opportunity so a shorter ride today as I went up in the hills taking in Monyash, Crowdecote, Longnor and Flash. Weather was supposed to be dry and cool and it was at lower levels but higher up it was misty, drizzly and windy. Started off okay but the hills and those conditions turned it into a bit of a grind. However, the saying is winter miles, summer smiles. 🙄:D

Strava stats are 43.1 miles completed at an average speed of 12.7mph and elevation gain of 3781 feet.

Put the pump back to 65% TBR and levels were as follows: at start 8.8 mmol/l, at 14 miles 12.8 mmol/l, at 24 miles 10.5 mmol/l, at 33 miles 8.9 mmol/l and back home 5.8 mmol/l. Hey-ho it is what it is, ended up okay. :D Nothing eaten on this ride.

That's Crowdecote down there. Alright going down but you have to get up the other side. 🙄

Between Longnor and Flash. It looks like it's brightening up over there in the distance.

The long climb up to Flash. That I believe is a brief glimpse of the sun shining over there. :D

Not a lot to see in these conditions at damp and misty Flash.

Here's what the Garmin said. Strava rounded down the mph by 0.1. 🙄
Good nos Matt. Well done. I have now sold my Mountain bike & am itching to get my "Electricory" bike before the weather changes for the worse 🙂
Good nos Matt. Well done. I have now sold my Mountain bike & am itching to get my "Electricory" bike before the weather changes for the worse 🙂

Good luck with it when you get it. I could have done with some help from electrickery on those hills today!
Exciting day. Took the day off for my birthday and picked my new car up this morning. No, it's not a birthday present to myself it just made sense to pick it up today. With not having a driving licence for over 2 years it was a bit strange being back out on the roads. So if you're driving in North Staffordshire just watch yourselves for a bit. :D By the time I got back I still had enough time for a reasonable ride out into Cheshire. Very cold today with icy patches on untreated roads making things a bit tricky. The sun was out though and quite breezy in parts as well. I headed to Goostrey, checked on the daffs at Cranage and had a delicious fruit flapjack and double espresso at Jodrell Bank cafe. A gritting lorry passed me on the way back as the temperature was dropping even further. The bike is absolutely filthy so a good clean is required. All in all a great ride. 🙂

Strava stats are 48.6 miles completed at an average speed of 15.3mph and elevation gain of 1834 feet.

Pump set to 65% TBR and levels as follows: at start 12.0 mmol/l (this was after I got back from fetching the new car, stress!), at 20 miles 4.3 mmol/l (had the large fruit flapjack at the cafe), at 29 miles 6.1 mmol/l, at 38 miles 6.9 mmol/l, at 44 miles 6.5 mmol/l and back home 6.2 mmol/l. Can't complain about that. 🙂

The daffs at Cranage. Even in this gloriously sunny spot I think some of them wish they hadn't appeared yet due to the cold. I suppose it is only 17th January! (Top of the lorry on the right hand side just above the hedge is on the M6).

At Siddington

Near Gawsworth

The Garmin
Happy NU car Matt ! Well done. I did a Kids event in Telford Staffordshire. Buit place. On my motorbike.
Happy NU car Matt ! Well done. I did a Kids event in Telford Staffordshire. Buit place. On my motorbike.

Telford's around 40 miles from me but it's over the border in Shropshire. On a clear day I can see the Wrekin (large hill near Telford) from higher up in the Staffordshire Moorlands.
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