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Winter is on its way I think but I have been working in a bike shop most of the day. Eyeing up the electricory bikes. 😉

Expecting something from Santa? :D
Back to work tomorrow 🙄 (or should that be 🙂 ) and I decided to take a ride into the Cheshire lanes and what a glorious day it was. Beautiful sunshine and another early Autumnal feel to things. Not surprisingly, loads of riders out today. I rode close to Goostrey and Toft and then around the villages before looping back through Congleton and the climb up to Biddulph Moor. I think I hammered it (for me anyway) in the earlier part (was on an 18mph average at 35 miles) and paid for this as I struggled on the later climbs. Strong breeze up on the tops didn't help either. Should know my limitations! :D That's 3 rides this week and 175.3 miles completed. For stats fans (are there any?) that's two thirds of the year gone, soon be Christmas 😉😱 and my total distance so far this year is 2275.8 miles in 39 rides.

Strava stats for this ride are 55.1 miles completed at an average speed of 15.0mph and elevation gain of 2522 feet.

Put the TBR of 65% on the pump and levels were as follows: at start 5.6 mmol/l (had a digestive and a few fruit pastilles), at 22 miles 6.0 mmol/l (had a cereal bar), at 32 miles 8.4 mmol/l, at 39 miles 8.4 mmol/l, at 45 miles 8.0 mmol/l, at 51 miles 4.9 mmol/l (despite being so close to home at 55 miles decided to have a gel), back home 9.2 mmol/l. Also had half a cereal bar en route, so that's 1.5 cereal bars and a gel. No coffee on this ride - that might be the cause of the struggle at the end! :D

Although it's not very clear that's a zebra in a field above Congleton. Didn't move's made of plastic. :D

On the climb out of Congleton

Up on the top close to Biddulph Moor

Looking back through a tunnel of trees. More climbing to do near to the village of Gratton - not far to home now!

For those who can't be bothered reading the ramble above and in case of uploading issues for me. :D The Garmin GPS device
A plastic Zebra! Just what you'd expect to see. You didn't photoshop it in afterwards to see if we were paying attention?
A plastic Zebra! Just what you'd expect to see. You didn't photoshop it in afterwards to see if we were paying attention?

No, definitely not photoshopped. :D I think it's on a llama farm (real ones) although no llamas to be seen yesterday. Perhaps they don't have them anymore. I remember they had a snotty sign up a long time ago demanding the return of a plastic llama that someone had nicked! Presumably it was never returned. Not sure why a zebra from Africa would be with llamas from South America. o_O
Out to see the Tour of Britain on Saturday. I cycled to the start and spent a good half hour wandering around the team buses, mingling with the riders.
I then rode up to one of the KOM climbs at Bank Hill, Woodborough to see the riders come through. .

Dropped down into the village for a quick cuppa then ride home for a total of 34 miles.
175 the other week is a good number Matt. Seeing plastic animals (was there something in ya T) ? Good stuff Matt🙂
Out to see the Tour of Britain on Saturday. I cycled to the start and spent a good half hour wandering around the team buses, mingling with the riders.
I then rode up to one of the KOM climbs at Bank Hill, Woodborough to see the riders come through. .

Dropped down into the village for a quick cuppa then ride home for a total of 34 miles.

Well done Trev. Great pics. We've had it a few times around here but unfortunately it wasn't anywhere near me this year.
3 years since I started this thread, time flies when you're having fun. :D Has anyone read it all? I've done over 9000 miles in that time. It's not a lot compared to a lot of people but I'm usually only out once or twice a week at most. Could do better. B- for effort. Anyway, we need more people out on their bikes and posting on here!

I couldn't get out yesterday which was the best day weatherwise and I didn't get out last week so even though it said light rain/intermittent showers I thought balls to it, I'm going out come what may. Went into Cheshire again to Marthall, Byley and Goostrey and thought this is alright, cloudy but dry with the odd bit of passing shower - the forecasters don't know what they're on about. 🙄 Famous last thoughts because I got to about 30 miles and and it started raining, not heavy but persistent. It wasn't cold but when you get wet it starts to feel a bit cold. I'd got my lightweight rain jacket but legs and feet gradually got soaked (should have worn my overshoes). Made it to Jodrell Bank cafe for a coffee and to dry out a bit and hoping the rain would ease as I had another 20 or so to go - it didn't really until about 5 miles from home. 🙄 Oh, well it's only a bit of water. :D

Strava stats are 56.8 miles completed at an average speed of 15.8mph and elevation gain of 2048 feet.

Bit of a minor disaster on the blood glucose front. I don't know, you have a week off and it all goes to pot. :D I set the TBR on the pump to the usual 65%. Levels before were starting were 3.9 mmol/l so had some dextrosol and a cereal bar and biscuit. Didn't have time to wait so set off. Making good pace I checked at 19 miles and it was 4.1 mmol/l 🙄 (was going to have a gel and should have done but decided to have a cereal bar and carry on), at 29 miles it was 6.4 mmol/l and then at 36 miles it was 2.7 mmol/l (had a gel and a cereal bar), tried to test at about 40 miles and my hands were soaking wet, the strip must have got wet and said use another (oh for a Libre on the NHS - no we'll give to people who don't even know what they are), so I gave up and carried on at 46 miles it was 6.5 mmol/l with the aim of testing at about 51 miles, my hands were wet so I gave up and thought I've only got 5 or 6 miles to go. Back home it was 2.3 mmol/l. 😱 My hypo awareness hasn't been brilliant but I have noticed some improvements in recent months. With the wet and feeling a bit cold I may not have noticed anything and was just intent on getting home. Another error was the TBR which ran out before I got back. Didn't hear it beeping, I've done this before and I don't why I just didn't set it for longer. Oh well just think what average speed I would have got if that hadn't happened. :D So it was 2 cereal bars and a gel plus a double espresso from the cafe. 🙂

Just the one ride photo showing an update on the maize field at Goostrey. (I know you're all interested really :D ). Must be close to harvesting as I saw a few corn cobs at the side of the road. Probably from corn on the cob rustling. :D

Here's the Garmin. Bike wet as well as me. I'll give it some TLC. :D
Those cereal bars taste good when you have times like that don't they ? Well done Matt. In my 50th year of T1 I did Scar-Fell in the rain. If it was not for my Libre at the time it would have been tears :D, Pleased your ok Matt & can tell us the tale 😎
Those hot days of Summer seem a long way away now. Autumnal look and feel about things being a lot cooler today and you can call me nesh but it was on with the bibtights and long sleeved jersey, overshoes as well. Storm Bronagh had disappeared leaving a window of opportunity (and a few puddles and debris) this morning as it was dry. Forecast tomorrow is for rain. 🙄 Glad I had the Winter gear on as it was cool and I certainly didn't overheat. I headed into Cheshire with a loop round taking in Goostrey, Byley and Knutsford. Didn't stop for a coffee and glad in a way as I just made it back before it started to rain. Despite the dry weather, the crud on the roads means the bike needs a clean! Really enjoyed the ride though. 🙂

Strava stats are 60.1 miles completed at an average speed of 15.8mph and elevation gain of 2132 feet.

After last weeks chaos blood glucose levels behaved themselves today. TBR on the pump of 65% and started at 4.3 mmol/l (had cereal bar and a few Aldi veggie gummy sweets - Groovees!), didn't test until 24 miles 5.6 mmol/l (had a cereal bar), at 35 miles 8.1 mmol/l, at 42 miles 7.9 mmol/l, at 50 miles 7.3 mmol/l, at 55 miles 5.0 mmol/l (had a gel) and back home 9.4 mmol/l. Fairly happy with those. 🙂

Near Byley. I took a picture of these two a year and a half ago. One of them has grown! That's the M6 is in the background towards the right.

Autumnal colours near Siddington. Maize field across the road as well.

Here's what the Garmin said. Few spots of rain as well.
Yes, Autumn is definitely here. I was in full winter longs for the first time since April today. It was my club's Hillclimb and Freewheeling Championship. I got out of riding the Hillclimb by being the timekeeper, though I still had to ride up the hill as I was timing them in at the top. It was on Terrace Hill near Belvoir Castle in Leicestershire. It's one of the top 100 climbs. It's quite short but quite steep too. Off to the cafe and then the Freewheeling contest down Harby Hill. You start off rolling down from the top and you are not allowed to pedal. The winner is the one who gets the furthest. A strong NW wind prevented decent progress and I finished 3rd, about 50 yards down on the winner. I ended up with 43 miles at 15 mph average.
Bit brighter and slightly warmer this week. It was one of those hazy sunshine Autumn days with a chill in the air. Leaves falling, squirrels and pheasants playing chicken! Deliberations over what to wear and I thought to myself 'come on Cycle, MTFU' :D and so it was back to summer gear along with a long sleeved base layer. Alright in the sun but in the shade just slightly chilly. Probably should have worn the long sleeved jersey. 🙄 I headed over to Whitegate in Cheshire to the volunteer cafe there. Went through Davenham and Toft and the usual places around there. Great day to be out and with life currently throwing up challenges, a time to try and clear my mind for a bit. Lots of riders out and about today. The UCI World Road Championships are on at the moment in Innsbruck. Next year they're in Harrogate. A chance for you @Northerner to see a weeks worth of cycling right on your doorstep. Let out your spare rooms, camping in the garden? :D

Strava stats are 73.1 miles completed at an average speed of 15.6mph and 2624 feet of elevation gain.

The pump was on the usual 65% TBR and level at start was 5.8 mmol/l (had a few fruit pastilles and a biscuit), at 23 miles 8.8 mmol/l, at 35 miles 10.8 mmol/l (this was at cafe, pump was suggesting a 1.3u correction no chance of that but I was having a teacake (just to clarify a breadcake with currants in :D ) so gave 0.5u also had an espresso), at 45 miles 7.7 mmol/l, at 58 miles 4.9 mmol/l (had a cereal bar and a gel) at 63 miles 7.2 mmol/l, at 68 miles 7.5 mmol/l and back home 4.5 mmol/l. Can't complain at that. 🙂

Sunny lane near Whitegate

Sun shining down at Jodrell Bank

Now you see it now you don't. Maize cut down during the week (see last weeks post above)

Near Gawsworth

Here's the Garmin (annoying roundings on Strava again, 0.1mph and 0.1 mile in distance, well every little helps 🙄:D )
The UCI World Road Championships are on at the moment in Innsbruck. Next year they're in Harrogate. A chance for you @Northerner to see a weeks worth of cycling right on your doorstep. Let out your spare rooms, camping in the garden? :D
Yes, I have been reading about it in the local press - a lot of people are apparently disgruntled because of the traffic disruption it will cause! 🙄 Personally, I think it will be fantastic! 🙂 I'm afraid I'm far too selfishly protective about my personal space to allow strangers into it though 😱 I did once meet a Scouser window cleaner when I was in Prague - one of the reasons he was on holiday there was that he let his house out to golf fans for the Open at Royal Birkdale (in 1998) - apparently he made quite a killing from some wealthy Yanks! 🙂
Quite a big week for me last week, I did a 25 miler on Tuesday, a 50 on Wednesday, and a 70 mile audax on Saturday. Starting from Waddington near Lincoln heading south down into the Vale of Belvoir, with a tea stop at Bingham, then back through Newark to Waddington, with a final 1 in 6 climb to finish off. Another 50 miler into north Notts on Sunday, so I ended up with 180 miles for the week. Taking it a bit easier this week.
@Matt Cycle – you've really got it nailed, your levels are so constant. Well done you. And the scenery you encounter is simply glorious. I'm quite envious.

Well I (literally) dusted off the ol' bike yesterday, blew up the tyres and set off on my first ride in a long time. Very enjoyable. I have no idea how far, how fast or how long (in comparison to you guys = not very) but it was very enjoyable with the evening sun and a warm breeze.

I haver to say tho, my nether-regions don't half hurt today! 😱
@Matt Cycle – you've really got it nailed, your levels are so constant. Well done you. And the scenery you encounter is simply glorious. I'm quite envious.

Well I (literally) dusted off the ol' bike yesterday, blew up the tyres and set off on my first ride in a long time. Very enjoyable. I have no idea how far, how fast or how long (in comparison to you guys = not very) but it was very enjoyable with the evening sun and a warm breeze.

I haver to say tho, my nether-regions don't half hurt today! 😱

Thank you, levels aren't always perfect but the pump has certainly helped. 🙂 Scenery's the same but turning colder now though. 😱 Well done on the ride. If you want to know your speeds and distance etc then Strava is the most popular app, either through your phone or via a Garmin type device or watch. Can be used for swimming, running, walking as well. There are privacy settings so you don't have to share your data if you don't want to. Very useful as a training tool or just as a log of what you've done. Depending on what bike you've got there are women specific saddles and certainly for road bikes padded shorts/tights are essential. I think your body does get used to it though. :D
Headed into the Peak District today so that means hills! It was dry with broken sunshine but quite chilly and breezy so it was on with the winter gear again. Forecast for next week looks warmer with a max on Wednesday of 20 degrees! I wish it would make up its mind. 🙄 On the ride I went to Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Taddington, Buxton and over the Cat and Fiddle. Found it quite hard going with the strong wind but always good to get out. 🙂

Strava stats are 60.3 miles completed at an average speed of 13.7mph and elevation gain of 4427 feet.

TBR on the pump was set at 65% and starting level was 4.9 mmol/l (had a few fruit pastilles and a biscuit before setting off), at 11 miles 3.3 mmol/l (had a cereal bar and gel and carried on), at 26 miles 9.4 mmol/l, at 35 miles 8.2 mmol/l, at 45 miles 6.2 mmol/l (had a cereal bar), at 54 miles 6.1 mmol/l (had fruit bar) and back home 8.8 mmol/l. So it was 2 cereal bars, 1 fruit bar and 1 gel. Depending on how things go over the next few hours I'll set a TBR overnight usually 80%.

Bit murky near Waterfall

Leaves are coming down outside the church at Warslow

On the Cat and Fiddle - that's where I've come from...

...and that's where I'm going.

At the top of the Cat (almost 1700 feet above sea level), looking over the Cheshire Plains

Here's the Garmin
Off work today and with glorious weather there was only one thing for it - a 100km ride out to Tatton Park. Didn't get out last weekend due to the bad weather so it was good to get out. It was a proper Autumn day, dry, sunny with a chill in the air. Leaves are turning golden and falling, squirrels and other animals busying themselves before Winter. I headed to Alderley Edge, onto Knutsford and Tatton Park and back round through Goostrey. I put my winter gear on - useful for the first half but but was cooking a bit on the way back. Legs were complaining a bit on this one. I'm not sure if I've got a bit of a cold or something as levels were a touch high yesterday and I didn't feel 100% on the ride? Fantastic day to be out though.

Strava stats are 63.4 miles completed at an average speed of 15.2mph and elevation gain of 2430 feet.

Set the pump TBR to 65% and I've got a Libre sensor on at the moment. Libre was between 7 and 10 throughout the ride which is perfect really. There was some variation between it and blood readings though. It seemed to be reading high. Could be I was a bit dehydrated? One blood was 5.6 and Libre was saying 8.5. Came back home to a blood reading of 6.9 and Libre was saying 7.5 so can't complain about that one. On the ride I had 2 cereal bars and a gel plus a double espresso at Alderley Edge.

You might need a magnifying glass but that's Mr Stag right in the middle of the picture at Tatton Park. There was a sign at the entrance saying do not approach them as it's rutting season. The females are in front of the trees and by the looks of things this one was absolutely rutted out. :D

Slightly hazy scene at Tatton Park.

One of the lakes at Tatton Park. My poor photography makes it look dark. It wasn't it was bright sunshine!

Not far from home. Near Rudyard.

The Garmin summary. Same as Strava. 4hr 10 mins riding.
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