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Isn't it a bit daft that they chose a date that clashes directly with the conclusion of the foremost cycle ride on the calendar? I'm not a cyclist, as you know, so not sure how cyclists feel about that - which do you watch? I suppose Le Tour is a chiefly a procession on the last day, but there are a few sprints to watch.

I was flicking between them but it had brightened up so headed out for a ride (see below) and got back for the finishes. The Surrey Classic is a World Tour race presumably dates all approved by the UCI. I guess there's probably only so many dates where they can fit these things in meaning clashes.
Just a short ride out late this afternoon after the rain stopped and it had dried out. Still very windy but felt reasonably warm with the sun making an appearance. Rode down to Gawsworth and back to catch the end of the TdF and the Surrey Classic. Good to get out after I missed out yesterday as well. Warmer weather on it's way back apparently towards the end of the week. (Don't want it too hot though :D ).

The scores on the doors from Strava are 26.9 miles completed at an average speed of 15.6mph and elevation gain of 1459 feet.

Levels - started at 6.3 mmol/l, halfway stage 13 miles 3.8 mmol/l (had a gel and cereal bar) and back home 9.1 mmol/l. Put a 70% TBR on the pump but as it was short notice whether I would go or not it may have not had time to start taking effect. It's preferable to set the TBR in advance.

A few dark clouds halfway near Gawsworth. Jodrell Bank somewhere in the distance.
Here you go, exclusive to this forum, not to be found on any other lesser diabetes site, no you won't get this drivel anywhere else. 😉:D Powered by a balanced diet including essential carbs I set off for a Saturday 100+km spin around Cheshire to the glorious Tatton Park at Knutsford. It felt like Autumn when I set off early this morning, slightly cooler and cloudy, brown leaves falling off trees, blackberries and holly berries both out. Yes, it's been warm and dry over recent weeks/months (?) but in terms of the bigger picture it's got to be something to do with climate change. :( The sun came out later on and it really warmed up. Nice temperature for cycling although it was breezy again. Enjoyed that. 🙂

Strava stats are 65.1 miles completed at an average speed of 15.7mph and elevation gain of 2508 feet.

Had one or two issues with what I think were bent cannulas over the last week or so. I saw others have had cannula issues recently - don't know if it's part of the same thing if it is a 'thing'. BG's in the 20's is a bit crap. Anyway last two sets have been fine but my DSN is going to let me have some Mio 30 angled ones to try (I use normal Mio's at the moment). Medtronic don't send out sets for trying after I'd been on the phone for 20 minutes, it has to be through the DSN/HCP. Bit annoying. Anyway, used a 65% TBR on this ride and levels were as follows: at start 5.1 mmol/l (had half a cereal bar), at 13 miles 5.5 mmol/l, at 29 miles 7.2 mmol/l, at 36 miles 7.8 mmol/l, at 47 miles 4.4 mmol/l, at 54 miles 5.7 mmol/l, at 61 miles 8.0 mmol/l and back home 8.5 mmol/l. Can't complain about them. Dropped back to 6.5 mmol/l within an hour getting back. On the ride I had 1.5 cereal bars and 2 gels and a macchiato from the cafe. :D

Rubbish picture (I thought these camera phones were supposed to be good) but hopefully you can just about pick them out. Fallow deer in Tatton Park.

Road through Tatton Park. Quite quiet today but I suppose it was a Saturday.

This is coming on a treat now and the sun was out at this point. Maize near Goostrey.

Here it is. The Garmin.
With the forecast set fair for the day 🙄 I set off this morning for a visit to the steel city to see some of my family. Had a chance whilst riding to consider the aims and membership criteria of the crap diabetics club. :D Hills, big hills at that are the order of the day when travelling over there. I went via Waterhouses, Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Ashford in the Water, Baslow and up to Owler Bar. Coming back I went via Bakewell to Monyash and the long climb up to Morridge. I set off in glorious sunshine, not hot but pleasant enough. When coming back from my sisters it had clouded over and light rain started to fall when I reached Monyash and up into the Staffordshire Moorlands. Not much but enough to get damp and feel cold and wasn't part of the forecast.🙄 The wind had really picked up for the return with a headwind making things a bit more difficult. Always good to go 'home' though.

Strava stats are 78.5 miles completed at an average speed of 13.6mph and elevation gain of 6114 feet.

Set the TBR to 65% and got a Mio 30 cannula as a trial. Seems alright so far. Levels as follows: at start 5.3 mmol/l, at 10 miles 7.4 mmol;/l, at 18 miles 10.7 mmol/l, at 26 miles 10.0 mmol/l, at 41 miles (at my sisters) 11.2 mmol/l - corrected and put TBR up to 70%, just before left sisters 6.3 mmol/l, at 52 miles 2.7 mmol/l - oops, reduced TBR to 60%, at 58 miles 3.3 mmol/l, at 66 miles 5.6 mmol/l then didn't test until I got home due to the rain where it was 6.6 mmol/l. On the ride I had 3 gels and 2 cereal bars.

Sunny Sheff. On the way down from Owler Bar towards Totley. That's the Sheffield sign on the right.

Nostalgia trip. My old Primary School - Abbey Lane. Was last there 39 years ago. 😱 Would be another 7 years before I got T1. Good memories.

The moors on the climb up to Morridge. Top part is black from a wildfire a few weeks ago.

Although it's raining that's not cloud but another wildfire on the hill in the distance at The Roaches (taken from Morridge). Been burning since Thursday and spread quite a bit. Heavy rain forecast tomorrow will help.

The Garmin.
I was also out in Derbyshire on Saturday for one of our not so regular car assisted club rides. Drove out to Cromford for a 10 am start with a group of 9. We set off at a decent pace up the Via Gelia to the Hollybush crossroads, where we turned left to continue the climb up to Longcliffe. From Cromford to Longcliffe, it's a 5 mile almost continuous climb, but it's not steep so you can get into nice climbing rhythm. A nice descent down the valley to the turn to Parwich and another long, steady climb through Parwich up to the Ashbourne-Buxton road.

Over to Biggin and Hartington and on towards Hulme End, we took a right turn through Sheen and eventually to Longnor for our tea stop at the Craft Centre. We then retraced our steps to drop down into the valley and the tough but short climb up Crowdicote. Here the group split with the fitter riders carrying on to Monyash, Bakewell, Chatsworth and up the long climb of Beeley, up onto the top of the moor and then back along the top of the ridge to Crich and Cromford. My wife had been struggling a bit with her asthma so we took a more direct route back, turning back down towards Hartington, then Parsley Hay, Newhaven and back down the Via Gelia. I ended up with 40 miles and the long drop down the Via enabled us to get the average speed back up to 14 mph. We only did 3000 feet of climbing though.

More tea at the Cromford Wharf cafe before we set off for home. A nice day out, much cooler than recently which made for pleasant riding conditions.
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A ride out in Cheshire today to Whitegate (not far from Winsford) to the Whitegate Station Cafe. Forecast was correct this week 🙄 in that it was dry, a few bits of sun, average temperatures really - nice cycling weather (or walking or just being outdoors) but was a bit windy again though. Can't have everything I suppose. :D I went via Goostrey and onto Davenham and returned via Middlewich. In spite of it being the middle of August it looks very AutumnaI with brown leaves falling and berries in the hedgerows. An enjoyable ride. 🙂

Strava has given it as 70.1 miles completed at an average speed of 15.6mph and elevation gain of 2547 feet.

TBR on the pump was set at 65% and levels were as follows: at start 6.9 mmol/l, felt okay so didn't test until 20 miles 5.8 mmol/l, at 30 miles 7.8 mmol/l, at 44 miles 6.1 mmol/l, at 53 miles 6.8 mmol/l, at 60 miles 7.0 mmol/l, at 65 miles 6.7 mmol/ and back home 6.4 mmol/l. 🙂 Impressed myself with that flukiness. Wish it was always like that. :D On the ride I had 2 cereal bars and 2 teacakes (for the benefit of Northerner and others these were not breadcakes but proper teacakes i.e. containing currants. 😉:D ) and a latte from Whitegate cafe. Was going to treat them as free carbs but as it was a latte and 2 teacakes I decided to risk a 1u dose on the pump. Obviously scientifically calculated taking into account the blood glucose level, exercise already done, CHO content, exercise still to come. Er, yeah right! 🙄:D

Cafe at Whitegate. It's staffed by volunteers. The Whitegate Way for walkers, horse riders, cyclists runs along the old railway line behind it.

Horizontal today. Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank. It's massive close up. (One of my usual stopping places here! :D )

The Garmin showing average speed, distance and ride time summary.
Good to hear they were proper teacakes Matt 🙂 I was out walking part of the Nidderdale way today - very breezy, but warm work 🙂
Fantastic numbers Matt, very impressive.

I imagine all your write ups put into book form and at some point in the future a very brightly dressed, cycling version of Michael Portillo, cycling off, following in your tracks with this "classic cycling guide" tucked under their arm...well maybe stuck down the back of their shorts would be better🙂
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Fantastic numbers Matt, very impressive.

I imagine all your write ups put into book form and at some point in the future a very brightly dressed, cycling version of Michael Portillo, cycling off, following in your tracks with this "classic cycling guide" tucked under their arm...we'll maybe stuck down the back of their shorts would be better🙂

I'm not sure about classic. :D There's probably an element of repetition now as there's only so many places I can go from here. Still quite a few places though around here to explore. Blood glucose levels are always changing and I suppose you get to see the changing seasons as well as any nonsense I dream up. :D
T1's on tour again. Okay it was just me. 🙄 Out this afternoon for a shorter, faster (well alright, all things are relative :D ) ride. Damp this morning but the forecast said dry for the rest of the day and things were drying up as I headed off to Goostrey in Cheshire. Breezy again and I had a headwind on the way out but think I got the benefit of the tailwind on the way back. Doesn't always feel like it. Into Gawsworth and black clouds in the distance looked ominous, I didn't get any rain but heading down one road the road itself turned from bone dry to wet in an instant. Must have been really localised rain but thankfully I must have just missed it. When the sun was out it was perfectly pleasant, not hot but fine by me. Enjoyed that. 🙂

Strava says it was 42.3 miles at an average speed of 16.5mph and elevation gain of 1779 feet.

TBR on the pump was set at 65% and levels were as follows: at start 7.0 mmol/l, at 21 miles 7.9 mmol/l, at 32 miles 5.3 mmol/l, at 38 miles 5.4 mmol/l and back home 9.8 mmol/l. Okay with those - can you spot at which point I had the gel? :D Starting falling anyway when I got back. Didn't test much as was feeling okay. On the ride I had 1 cereal bar, 1 gel and a macchiato from the cafe at Jodrell Bank.

Have a wild guess where this is. :D

Some amazing cloud formations today. This is near Goostrey.

Here's what the Garmin said.
Impressive numbers again Matt! Do they stay pretty level once you are home? Putting the Classic Clycling Guide to one side, for a bit, do you keep a record of all the info gained on your rides and compare, if you do the same ride again, or is that a bit badgerish? Think you picked the best day of the weekend to go weatherwise🙂
Impressive numbers again Matt! Do they stay pretty level once you are home? Putting the Classic Clycling Guide to one side, for a bit, do you keep a record of all the info gained on your rides and compare, if you do the same ride again, or is that a bit badgerish? Think you picked the best day of the weekend to go weatherwise🙂

Thank you. They're generally not too bad. The overnight can sometimes be a problem. Since being on the pump the TBR's help with this. The first longer ride after I got it I remember putting a 50% on and woke to 17. 🙄 I now tend to use a 85% and this morning woke to a 6.1. It's not always like that. 😉:D I guess it depends how hard and far I've done and what my body is doing in replacing glycogen. An unknown variable. On the whole through luck er, I mean judgement sort of works alright. :D

Strava is the go to for all the ride data. Described on wiki as a social fitness network it uses GPS. It's free (you can pay for Strava Summit to get more data but the free one covers most things). It includes running/walking, cycling and swimming. Stores all your data, rides, distances, speeds, pb's etc. It's not all superfit Brownlee types either, anyone and everyone is on there. I use a Garmin which syncs with Strava when I upload to Garmin Connect or you can use the Strava app on your phone. Nearly all roads and a lot of offroad trails have 'segments' that people have named and these have leaderboards of everyone who has done it. Some of the popular segments have thousands. You can track your own progress on these segments. You get your weekly distance totals in a bar chart. People also create 'clubs' on there so there are several T1 diabetic clubs (with people from around the world) and these also have leaderboards each week. If you're not keen on sharing data but wish to track your own progress on there you can keep it private. You can also put privacy settings of 500m, 1km etc around your home address. Initially I was a bit reluctant to join it but I like seeing how I've done and where I've been as I can't always remember. :D

Yes, they said it was going to rain today. I'm constantly watching the weather forecasts. I'm off all next week. Tomorrow for round here it's saying we've got the odd shower (typical bank holiday) but Tuesday looking good and it's currently saying dry the rest of the week. Hopefully get out for a ride or two. :D
I'm off this week. :D Should I do some painting, couple of bedrooms? Erm...nah, that can wait. :D Headed out this morning into the Peak District for a few hills. I went via Hartington and Monyash to Buxton and then over the Cat and Fiddle. Weather was as they forecast it to be, dry but overcast, not especially warm particularly on the tops but alright. Slowly winding your way up the Cat on a weekday you forget how many massive lorries go up and down there. It's slightly disconcerting when you hear the air brakes right behind you waiting to get past. Fair play to them as most are pretty good and give plenty of room. As do most of the cars. Enjoyed that ride. 🙂

Strava stats are 60.1 miles completed at an average speed of 14.7mph and elevation gain of 4344 feet.

Started on the usual TBR of 65% and levels as follows: at start 5.4 mmol/l (had fruit pastilles and a digestive), at 15 miles 3.2 mmol/l (oops, had a gel and a cereal bar), at 32 miles 7.9 mmol/l, at 44 miles 3.9 mmol/l (had a gel and cereal bar), another cereal bar en route, at 54 miles 7.5 mmol/l and back home 7.6 mmol/l. Couple of lows there, but just carried on without any drama. So 3 cereal bars and 2 gels and I also had a double espresso from the Old Smithy cafe in Monyash - rocket fuel. :D

Looking back towards Monyash. I've just come along that lane in the middle of the photo.

Gloomy at the top of the Cat and Fiddle looking back in the direction of Buxton where I've just come from

That's where I'm going next. Downhill to Macclesfield. :D

Lights were on today in the overcast conditions. The Garmin's the same as Strava.
Thought of you, @Matt Cycle , and our other forum cyclists, when I was on holiday in the Dolomites last week and came across this at the top of a mountain.
Thought of you, @Matt Cycle , and our other forum cyclists, when I was on holiday in the Dolomites last week and came across this at the top of a mountain.
View attachment 9763

Brilliant. Looks like the tools are attached to stop people walking off with them. One of my work colleagues lives in Stafford and the council there has installed a track pump in the town centre for people to use. I think there are a few dotted around the country as they try and encourage cycling. I didn't get any joy when I wrote to my council asking for the same. :(
Brilliant. Looks like the tools are attached to stop people walking off with them. One of my work colleagues lives in Stafford and the council there has installed a track pump in the town centre for people to use. I think there are a few dotted around the country as they try and encourage cycling. I didn't get any joy when I wrote to my council asking for the same. :(
Yes, the tools were all on retractable leads, like a dog! There were loads of mountain bikers up there, and I mean ones that were cycling up, down and along the tracks, not just the ones that take the cable car up and then hurtle back down as fast as possible.
There's a local tourist tax on hotel guests, introduced a couple of years ago, some of which goes towards the maintenance of the paths ( they were all very well signposted, for example, and the joint cycle/walking paths had drainage channels at regular intervals, and fresh gravel, so when it rained they didn't just become muddy rivers). I expect the tax pays for the bike service points as well, the one we saw was certainly new since we were there a couple of years ago. It put about £20 a head on our holiday, but it was worth it to have such good walking.
Another ride out today and after Tuesday's leg burner this time I opted for somewhat 'gentler' gradients into Knutsford and surroundings. Was cooler to begin with but what a glorious day it turned into, not hot but pleasant enough with the sun coming through. There was an early Autumnal feel about things with leaves continuing to fall and beechnuts falling - I suppose to be expected as we're almost into September! 😱 Fantastic riding around the Cheshire lanes. I think I got a wave or hello from every cyclist I passed today as well. 🙂 Make the most of it folks because you'll all be complaining when it's freezing! :D

Strava stats are 60.1 miles completed at an average speed of 16.4mph and elevation gain of 2334 feet.

Put the usual 65% TBR on and levels were as follows: at start 4.7 mmol/l (had fruit pastilles and a fig roll), at 12 miles 4.4 mmol/l (had gel and 1.5 cereal bars), at 27 miles 10.8 mmol/l ( o_O double espresso at 20 miles, cereal bar delayed reaction, who knows? ) at 38 miles 6.1 mmol/l (had other half cereal bar), at 49 miles 6.8 mmol/l, at 55 miles 6.4 mmol/l and back home 4.5 mmol/l. So on the ride 1 gel, 2 cereal bars and a double espresso. :D

Double espresso at Alderley Edge. Saw a few retired people sat outside drinking their coffees and reading the papers. I think I could cope with this cafe society. The way things are going though are I'll probably have to work until I'm 90. 🙄

This is the Tree of Imagination at Lower Peover. If you look very carefully and only if you believe you may see fairies and elves. :D

The Garmin
Some speed & distance Matt ! ave speed over so far. Well done & good pics too. Winter is on its way I think but I have been working in a bike shop most of the day. Eyeing up the electricory bikes. 😉
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