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Well, the light showers stopped so I managed to get out this afternoon for a shorter ride into the hills of the Peak District and went down to Monyash, Crowdecote, Longnor, Hollinsclough and the long climb up to Flash before heading across the moorland and back. It felt quite warm when the sun came out but was very windy up on the tops (strong headwind up to Flash) and clouded over at times threatening rain but only got a brief passing shower on the open moorland near Morridge. Was good to get out though. 🙂 Looking at the forecasts I think that's our brief warm spell over for now. Get your coats back out. :D

Strava stats are 43.3 miles completed at an average speed of 13.4mph and elevation gain of 3726 feet.

After the issues I had on Friday I decided to set a TBR of 50%. Levels as follows - at start 12.0 mmol/l, at 10 miles 5.9 mmol/l, at 25 miles 4.4 mmol/l, at 37 miles 5.9 mmol/l and back home 4.7 mmol/l. Sort of alright - could have got away with a 45% but reasonably happy with that. On the ride I had 2 cereal bars and a gel (strawberry split flavour - very nice :D).

Near Grindon.

On the climb up to Flash.

A bit like a photo from the top of the Cat and Fiddle this is the obligatory Flash sign photo. Sunny, dark clouds and obviously you can't see it but was very windy.

Up on the moors with dark clouds above - the rock formation in the distance is called the winking man.

Here's what the Garmin said (the same as Strava). No it wasn't night just dark so the camera has used its flash. (Ride time was 3hr 13 min).
Not sure what's going on with the weather but it was distinctly cool today as I headed out into Cheshire for a 100+km ride with a reverse loop through Byley towards Knutsford and then the climb out of Alderley Edge (prefer it the other way). Pinarello bikes and Range Rovers and Ferrari's in Alderley Edge as I lowered the tone on my £350 bike. Winter gear back on today but I did see some brave souls with shorts on. 😱 Loads of riders out today. We did have some sun in parts but not much. It's forecast 7 degrees tomorrow and there was a mention of sleet at one point 😱 but by the end of the week 18 degrees. o_O Was going to go out yesterday as well but the forecast was for rain - it never arrived. 🙄 Quite windy in parts today. Always good to get out though. 🙂

Strava stats are 64.5 miles completed at an average speed of 14.6mph and elevation gain of 2654 feet.

Fun and games with levels today. I set the TBR to 45%. At start 4.6 mmol/l (had a cereal bar and set off), at 25 miles 7.5 mmol/l, at 38 miles 8.8 mmol/l, at 46 miles 12.8 mmol/l, at 50 miles 13.8 mmol/l. Did a small correction (certainly not what the bolus wizard said) and reset the TBR to 55%, at 59 miles 10.7 mmol/l and after that started struggling a bit. In my mind I thought I'm almost home I won't stop and get the meter out but just carry on. Got back to a 3.0 mmol/l. 🙄 Didn't have anything to eat on this ride and just had a coffee from Costa. I think I'm going to set the TBR next time back to 50% and see how I get on with that. The rise 38 miles onwards presumably was liver producing glucose but not enough basal. This is where I'm going to have a rant because a CGM would have helped me spot this. At great expense the NHS provides stop smoking courses and aids to smokers and methadone to junkies both of which these people chose to indulge in of their own free will yet they won't easily supply CGMs to T1's - a condition which we had no involvement in getting. 😡

Gambolling Spring lambs near Alderley Edge. (Cue my Dad's joke every Spring - they're too young to gamble 🙄:D)

Sailing on Rudyard Lake

The Garmin (dark enough to set flash from phone again)
Too cold and wet for me.. went for a bit of a walk and that was enough outdoors for me!
More experiments with bg on the turbo.. I know that an intensive 30 minutes wipes out all my available glucose so i tried a bit less intensity and watched what happened beyond 30 minutes. Heading for 5 and below I backed off a little and saw the bg rise, push on again and it gets used up but again when the efforts drops there was a rise in bg. Did 1.5 hours on sat and sun with the same results, finished both sessions with 5-6 mmol instead of the usual 4s.. nothing eaten during.
This obviously won't be sustainable for any long period and I don't know if I can handle the torture of trying this for 2 hours or more!
Hope the weather gets a bit better soon...
Saturday was a complete washout here in Notts, rain all day long. I managed to get out for a 50 miler with the club on Sunday. A cold northerly wind meant a return to full winter garb. Did a loop through the northern Vale of Belvoir via Long Bennington and Stubton to Newark and a cup of tea at the cafe at Sconce Park. A nice tailwind return meant we kept up a decent average. 49.5 miles at 15.9 mph average. Here's hoping for a return to warmer weather.
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Will you be able to watch any of the Tour de Yorkshire @Matt Cycle ? 🙂 Starts on Thursday 🙂 Being televised on ITV4 🙂

Yes, it'll be TV for me. Even the South Yorkshire bits are probably a bit too far to cycle to from here. Looks like they've timed it right with the warmer hopefully sunny) Yorkshire weather for the weekend. :D
Back out today in glorious weather for what I suppose is now a training regime for the Pedal for 7 with TNN in June. (It seems hard to believe I was in winter gear last week). I decided to stick with what I know and went to Alderley Edge and Knutsford and back round for a 100km ride. Great sights and sounds with blossom on trees, bluebells and nature enjoying the weather as well. Unfortunately, warm weather also seems to bring the maniacs out in their cars! :( Mudguards were off the bike and summer gear on - fantastic. 🙂 Looks set fair for a few days now. 🙂

Strava stats are 62.8 miles completed at an average speed of 15.1mph and elevation gain of 2635 feet.

I went back to using a 50% TBR and this seemed to work quite well. I think this will be the default percentage for the time being. Well, until something else decides to f**k it up - this is Type 1 we're talking about after all. 🙄 Levels as follows: at start 9.9 mmol/l, at 10 miles 5.4 mmol/l, at 25 miles 5.9 mmol/l, at 40 miles 8.0 mmol/l, at 51 miles 4.5 mmol/l, at 58 miles 7.2 mmol/l and back home 6.9 mmol/l. On the ride I had 3 cereal bars and a (mojito) gel. :D

Look at that for a sky. 🙂 Jodrell Bank.

Sunshine and blossom near Siddington. Couple of cyclists in the distance heading towards me. It was a great day to be out.

Near the same place - bluebells on the verge. The woods on either side along this lane were full of them.

The Garmin. Exactly same as Strava this time.
Yes, it'll be TV for me. Even the South Yorkshire bits are probably a bit too far to cycle to from here. Looks like they've timed it right with the warmer hopefully sunny) Yorkshire weather for the weekend. :D
There's me thinking I court a glimpse of you Matt at the front on the Hillock. The pictures on TV are Excellent. Everyone is having a good day. 😎
What a difference a bit of sun makes... out on the nice bike and made it to 70 miles at 17mph then just blew up, the last 5 miles took a little longer than they should have!
Ate a bit too freely first thing, on background insulin only.. ate a couple of very scrawny sandwiches, yoghurt and oats and strawberries. Realised that was a bit much so got the bike out and away.. into the 5 mmol range by 30 miles and measured and ate to hold it there. Finished at 4.9mmol so actually all good.
Eating to maintain the bg level is one thing, need to add some actual energy to the picture which should prevent the blow up.. that or not try to push 52/13 for a while! Any ideas for low carb energy that can handle being carried in pockets for a few hours??
The Assos tan is coming on nicely though!
And again.. just too nice to sit at home and do the paperwork.. but any thoughts of doing back to back rides like yesterday vanished as soon as I pushed through the pedal stroke, my legs were empty.. nothing at all. Struggled to 45 miles but it was like being on hands and knees.
I guess there is an obvious lack of fitness here, but is this something others see? In terms of recovery I mean, should I be thinking of a very carby meal perhaps after a decent ride out to rebuild for the next.. it kind of ties in with what I understand of the big picture of type one, the easy storage and access to stored energy. So, another work-around to be discovered.. you just never stop being a type one do you..
It's a miracle. Bank holiday and nice weather. 😉 Didn't feel great when I got up this morning but decided to go for a ride anyway and I'm glad I did. Factor 50 on and I headed to the Whitegate Station Cafe in Cheshire. Despite not feeling 100% I was making good progress at least for the first half. Although warm, hot even, there was a bit of a breeze which came into play on certain parts of the ride. Lovely conditions in general though, blossom, flowers, beetles, bugs and butterflies. Lots of classic cars out in Cheshire. A great day to be out.

Strava stats are 70.5 miles completed at an average speed of 15.3mph and elevation gain of 2510 feet.

I put the TBR of 50% on and levels were as follows: at start 3.9 mmol/l (had a couple of biscuits and a banana), at 10 miles 3.7 mmol/l o_O🙄, at 25 miles 7.5 mmol/l, at 35 miles 11.3 mmol/l, at 50 miles 5.3 mmol/l, at 60 miles 4.1 mmol/l and back home 6.3 mmol/l. Bit low on some of those but came right in the end. I gave a very small correction for the 11.3 which probably wasn't needed. On the ride I had 2 cereal bars and 2 gels plus a latte at the cafe.

Whitegate Station cafe. The line closed in the 1960's and is now a popular trail for walkers, horse riders and cyclists. The cafe is mainly staffed by volunteers. Lots of people outside enjoying the sun.

Sunny fields near Rudyard

Here's the Garmin (same as Strava again. :D Strava often rounds down 0.1 mile or 0.1 mph)
Jeez Matt..

Factor 50!
Sounds like a good day out even if you were wearing mud..
Jeez Matt..

Factor 50!
Sounds like a good day out even if you were wearing mud..

Ha, yes been burnt too many times in the past and we always had factor 50 in for the kids. Anyway bit of colour now. Sometimes drop it to a lower once the colour is established. :D

Any ideas for low carb energy that can handle being carried in pockets for a few hours??

Carb Killa bars might be worth a try. High protein, some fat, lower but not low carb. Not used them myself though and quite pricey as well.
Sun was a bit strong for us deprived midlanders.. better than being burnt as you say.
I have seen those carb killa bars in garages of all places and holland & barrett. Will give them a look, ever tried chia charge? I am trying to avoid having to take insulin before or during but it might have to be. Still early days..
Managed to get 750 metres of climbing into 75 miles! I must have rode over a few pebbles or something.. not exactly mountainous but it does explain the tiredness to a degree!
Sun was a bit strong for us deprived midlanders.. better than being burnt as you say.
I have seen those carb killa bars in garages of all places and holland & barrett. Will give them a look, ever tried chia charge? I am trying to avoid having to take insulin before or during but it might have to be. Still early days..
Managed to get 750 metres of climbing into 75 miles! I must have rode over a few pebbles or something.. not exactly mountainous but it does explain the tiredness to a degree!

It depends when I'm setting off but I will usually have bolus insulin floating around. The recommendation is to take a reduced bolus if you're then going to be exercising. I always reduce the basal as well which is now fairly straightforward with the pump. I'm not keen on giving a bolus to eat when out as it can be very difficult to manage. Unfortunately as with most things T1 related there are no hard and fast rules and trial and error is involved. On my Wales ride I stopped at a cafe and had something significant for which I had to bolus for but it seemed to work okay on that occasion. If I've messed things up I will occasionally correct as well. No, I've not tried the Chia Charge. Home Bargains have some called Profirst and they did at one point have some in called Protein Active Beast Bars which were very low carb compared to the others. There's also the Nature Valley Protein bars.
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I find that basal only works, or works for me up to a point. I don't know if I hit that point or whether I was just plain old pre-diabetic knackered... more trial and error to follow..
the question really is am I burning energy faster than I am replacing it? And if so how much do I have in storage? .. your guess is as good as mine! Actually your guess would probably be better than mine.. a lot better..

I think stopping for something significant would certainly need proper planning and calculating, nothing negative there. It is the on the move eating that is taking my attention just now: ideally, perfect nutritionally. Robust and not going to go soft and melt. Easy to swallow when trying to breathe. Easy to open. Easy to fold back into the packaging when only eaten a small piece. Packaging that doesn't split all the way down the seams when opened.. compact, cheap, natural.. nightmare!

I actually like the nature valley bars but I think they would be almost gels after a couple of hours.. and they are a pig to open sometimes.. I go with oat and berry frusli bars which are something like 70% carb, great to keep the bg up in small bites. It is the "significant " part I am missing I feel. Somebody mention more trial and error? I will get it done one way or another!

Oh, and good work on the TNN ride. I must see if it is possible without strava..Stoke to Worcester looks nice..
Ha, yes been burnt too many times in the past and we always had factor 50 in for the kids. Anyway bit of colour now. Sometimes drop it to a lower once the colour is established. :D

Carb Killa bars might be worth a try. High protein, some fat, lower but not low carb. Not used them myself though and quite pricey as well.
I got burnt on the Saturday in the Garden. We are not used to the Sun ? :D
Took the day off as I had the dentist this morning and decided not to waste any opportunities to get out and went for a shorter ride. Dry, not cold but not warm either but was very windy. Headed into Cheshire. I had summer gear on but with a long sleeved base layer and saw a number of riders in a range of clothing options with some people in shorts/short sleeved tops and others in tights and long sleeved tops. It seems everyone was confused about the weather and what to wear. :confused: Enjoyed the ride. 🙂

Strava stats are 45.0 miles completed at an average speed of 15.7mph and elevation gain of 2085 feet.

Levels were okay - I wish they were always this well behaved. 🙄 I put the TBR on at 50% and start level was 4.8 mmol/l, at 20 miles 7.3 mmol/l, at 30 miles 7.2 mmol/l, at 38 miles 6.4 mmol/l and back home 7.3 mmol/l. Had 1 cereal bar on the ride.

Near Gawsworth

Here's the Garmin (last pic before I dropped the phone and the screen shattered 😱🙄. The phone was ancient anyway. I don't use it a lot and I'm on PAYG. Any suggestions of where to get a reasonable but cheap handset?)
On a roll now and it was back out today for a ride into the Peak District taking in Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Chelmorton, Buxton and coming back over the Cat and Fiddle. Weather was fine and dry, not overly warm but okay. A few clouds appeared but didn't amount to much. That rides now take me to 170 miles (almost 275km) for the week. I may try and get out tomorrow as I now only need 30 miles to get the 200 for the week although rain is forecast for some of the day. Type 1's all the way. Don't let anyone say you can't do something if you have Type 1 because you can. 🙂

Strava stats are 55.0 miles completed at an average speed of 14.5mph and elevation gain 3918 feet.

50% TBR again. Levels as follows: at start 4.2 mmol/l (had sweets and a couple of biscuits), at 10 miles 3.5 mmol/l 🙄, at 20 miles 6.3 mmol/l, at 31 miles 6.4 mmol/l, at 42 miles 7.7 mmol/l, at 48 miles 7.1 mmol/l and back home 5.1 mmol/l. Alright with that on the whole. On the ride I had 2 cereal bars, a fruit bar and 1 gel.

After the phone smashing incident yesterday I've had to use the old phone today which is rubbish basically until I get a new one.

Here we are again at the top of the Cat and Fiddle looking back in the direction of Buxton. I've just come up that before heading down the other side to Macc. They'd decided to 'dress' the road going down i.e. chuck some tar down and a load of stone chips. Cheap and dangerous option.

Here's the Garmin (not very clear with the poor phone camera)
Bit of a contrast between the pictures of this ride and your previous one in terms of the sky.. looks cold..
Tried the Carb Killa, on a mid week ride, per your suggestion, Jaffa cake flavour.. actually really nice! The chocolate coating doesn't last too well but the nutritional value make them worth try out again. Have to open them at home and put small pieces into a bag and see if the chocolatey sticky mess can be avoided somehow..
Also tried a kind of carb loading without the carbs, if that makes sense.. basically a big meal the day before. The following morning I got out with only the previous nights basal on board.. it was like having a bottomless well of glucose, more than the basal could handle. Rode for 35 minutes pretty quick, tested and was something around 8.5, same again for 35.. barely below 8, getting tired now with 24 miles done in 70 minutes.. had to back off and up rose the bg to 9.. stayed out until it dropped to below, 7 so 55 miles across 600 metres of up at 18 mph with hardly a dent in the bg, nothing eaten at all and enough fuel to ride to the alps and back..
So, partial success! Less of a feast the day before and things should be fine..if only my legs were strong enough to burn all the available fuel (or I should have used a tiny bit of NovoRapid after all..) it seems that if the body has enough resource it will just carry on pumping it out, nobody told it the pancreas has left the building...

@Matt Cycle .. got an e mail from Novo Nordisk, I can get on the Stoke to Worcester stage! Got the day off work but waiting for the timing to come through, might have to get to Stoke the day before then get a train home from Worcester.. it will be my first "proper" ride (as opposed to going in circles around my local area) since I was diagnosed. Feels good..
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