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Another ten mile bike the pub 🙄....but its still exercise and was hilly..ish Lol
Are you saying you rode to the pub this morning??
Are you saying you rode to the pub this morning??
Haha tempting but even too early for me----no this was last night....rode to The Anchor that does whopping great cobs and real ale.
Haha tempting but even too early for me----no this was last night....rode to The Anchor that does whopping great cobs and real ale.
Haven't had beer yet since diagnosis.. perhaps after a ride in the sun it would be the time.. good to hear you are getting out to good places!
I did have cider instead of beer as I thought that was less worse haha......although anything other than a diet coke is bad for you in a pub 🙄
Yes.. I would fail at the cobs and the real ale.. :(
That will have to be the next stage of rehab!
With the weather looking decidedly mixed for the next couple of days (thunderstorms forecast here tomorrow 😱) I decided to make the most of the weather whilst it's here and go for a Saturday ride to keep up the miles for the Pedal for 7 in a couple of weeks. I headed back out into Cheshire - Knutsford etc in what were sunny but very windy conditions. The day I'm doing in the Pedal for 7 passes through a lot of these roads in leafy Cheshire on its way from Rochdale down to Stoke so I should be familiar with them. Was hoping to do a bigger ride but didn't feel 100% and set off a bit late - 100+km will have to do. 🙄 Enjoyable time out on the bike as always though. 🙂

Strava stats are 63.7 miles completed at an average speed of 15.2mph and elevation gain of 2447 feet.

Usual TBR of 50% was used and levels were as follows: at start 10.9 mmol/l, at 18 miles 8.3 mmol/l, at 30 miles 9.0 mmol/l, at 41 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 48 miles 8.6 mmol/l, at 54 miles 8.5 mmol/l, at 60 miles 5.9 mmol/l and back home 3.9 mmol/l. Bit wayward on some of those. I'm always amazed by how quickly the can change. The TBR stopped before the end (I heard it beeping) but I couldn't be arsed fishing it out from it's pouch under my jersey inside my bib (you get the picture it was a faff) so the last few miles I was back up to 100% basal which probably accounts for the 3.9 mmol/l when I got back. 🙄 I should have set it for longer and adjusted it when I got back. On the ride I had 1 cereal bar, 1 fruit bar and 1 gel.

Green and pleasant land near Gawsworth

More sunny fields not far from home near Rudyard

The Garmin said this
Managed to get 5 rides in over the last 7 days, making the most of the weather. Tuesday - out with the local chaingang, 34.5 miles at 17.5 average, with a stop for a pinch puncture after hitting a pothole at speed. Wednesday, a steady 49 miles to Newark at 14.9 average. Saturday and a 50 miler, out with my club, 51.5 miles at 15.8 average, round the Vale of Belvoir. Sunday, out with the club again for 43 miles around the lanes east of Newark with a tea stop at Bottesford at 16.5 average. So a total of 178 miles for the week.

A bonus ride today, out to Collingham Garden Centre with the wife, 46 miles at 15.9 average. Started off cool and cloudy but got hot after the tea stop. It's best to wear layers that can easily be removed at this time of year.
Managed to get 5 rides in over the last 7 days, making the most of the weather. Tuesday - out with the local chaingang, 34.5 miles at 17.5 average, with a stop for a pinch puncture after hitting a pothole at speed. Wednesday, a steady 49 miles to Newark at 14.9 average. Saturday and a 50 miler, out with my club, 51.5 miles at 15.8 average, round the Vale of Belvoir. Sunday, out with the club again for 43 miles around the lanes east of Newark with a tea stop at Bottesford at 16.5 average. So a total of 178 miles for the week.

A bonus ride today, out to Collingham Garden Centre with the wife, 46 miles at 15.9 average. Started off cool and cloudy but got hot after the tea stop. It's best to wear layers that can easily be removed at this time of year.

Well done Trev good distance for the week and good average speeds as well. 🙂
Sunny bank holiday (this can't be right can it? :D) and I headed out today with plans to go into Derbyshire and back into Cheshire. Rode down towards Waterhouses and back up towards Morridge. Very windy up on the tops. Didn't feel great either but decided to persevere. Blood glucose a bit wayward - more on that in a bit. Got a bit of a bonus (helped by the wind direction) by smashing my top speed record on the (obviously) very steep Easing Lane with 53.7mph. 😱 Don't try this at home kids. I'm 'trained' and knew what I was doing. Yeah right. 🙄:D After that I carried on down into Cheshire to Alderley Edge and surroundings but was struggling with it (heat and blood glucose and legs were saying no) before deciding to head for home. Hope it's just a blip. It'll be reyt. :D

Strava stats are 72.3 miles completed at an average speed of 14.0mph and elevation gain of 3739 feet.

Levels, ah yes. 🙄 Well woke this morning to a 13.4 - no idea why. Had my breakfast with the correction and set the TBR to the usual 50% and checked just before I left and it was still 13.1 mmol/l but with enough iob to not offer a correction. At 10 miles 12.4 mmol/l, at 18 miles 13.1 mmol/l (decided to correct at this point with half that suggested by the wizard), at 30 miles 9.9 mmol/l, at 37 miles 11.7 mmol/l (upped the TBR to 60%), at 48 miles 6.5 mmol/l, at 56 miles 5.7 mmol/l, at 64 miles 7.5 mmol/l and back home 6.2 mmol/l. Possibly being under the weather affected levels? Who knows. It's Type 1, these things happen to keep us on our toes. 🙄 On the ride I had 2 cereal bars.

Not sure what's gone on with the picture. It wasn't bright sunshine on the climb up to Morridge but it also wasn't this dark. 😱

Back here again near Goostrey and whatever it is growing is just starting to appear. Could be maize again? It's rich, fertile land in Cheshire - wheat is already well on it's way and plenty of other crops are appearing.

Here's the Garmin - same as Strava. 5 hours 10 minutes of riding today.
Sunny bank holiday spent dodging thunderstorms! Attended a wedding on Saturday which added zero miles and Jamaican food added nothing useful but tasted good anyway!
Went out of my usual area on Sunday, more hills but further from home and with a pretty strong wind that is always in your face.. was a harder experience than it could have been. Monday, stayed local and just rode the biggest hill I could, a lot of times.. one hundred miles over the weekend but more than one thousand metres climbed for the first time in a very long time.
Insulin has been playing to it's own rules recently but I caught on early and have had to play along.. numbers have been good eventually but it's too complicated to go into here!
Not sure that focussing on back-to-back rides is the way to go but with the weekends being mostly sunny, it is a way to go.. gets a lot of riding done in a short time.. recovery, not so much! It's all been good ultimately, riding is riding and another couple of fears put away this weekend.. even if carrying insulin pens without remembering to bring needles wasn't to plan! Hey it's a type one thing..!
I managed a very hilly Sunday ride - 26 miles at 10.4 average--go me 🙂
Am determined to get two short rides in in the week and a long ride at weekends- I will lower my cholesterol naturally!!
Go you !
I haven't worked up to very hilly yet..getting there.. how was it??
Go you !
I haven't worked up to very hilly yet..getting there.. how was it??
I couldn't have managed many more miles at that pace at the moment but it was glorious- beautiful countryside and only a few knob ended drivers out thankfully, going out for a quick ten mile spin when I get home tonight, weather permitting haha
Sunny bank holiday spent dodging thunderstorms! Attended a wedding on Saturday which added zero miles and Jamaican food added nothing useful but tasted good anyway!
Went out of my usual area on Sunday, more hills but further from home and with a pretty strong wind that is always in your face.. was a harder experience than it could have been. Monday, stayed local and just rode the biggest hill I could, a lot of times.. one hundred miles over the weekend but more than one thousand metres climbed for the first time in a very long time.
Insulin has been playing to it's own rules recently but I caught on early and have had to play along.. numbers have been good eventually but it's too complicated to go into here!
Not sure that focussing on back-to-back rides is the way to go but with the weekends being mostly sunny, it is a way to go.. gets a lot of riding done in a short time.. recovery, not so much! It's all been good ultimately, riding is riding and another couple of fears put away this weekend.. even if carrying insulin pens without remembering to bring needles wasn't to plan! Hey it's a type one thing..!

Well done Chris, good riding. 🙂 I used to leave the needle on the pen and recap it. Needles on pens used to last me the life of the cartridge and occasionally more. When the first Novopen was introduced the government in its wisdom 🙂rolleyes: well it was Thatcher) or rather the NHS decided to prescribe the cartridges but not the pen needles. This state of affairs lasted around 5 years. By that stage more people were shifting over to using pens. Friendly DSN used to give me bag fulls of them or I occasionally had to buy my own. When it comes out of your own pocket you make them last. :D
I managed a very hilly Sunday ride - 26 miles at 10.4 average--go me 🙂
Am determined to get two short rides in in the week and a long ride at weekends- I will lower my cholesterol naturally!!

Well done Zillah. 🙂 Best to make the most of this weather (assuming you've escaped the thunderstorms!) whilst it's here.
Well done Chris, good riding. 🙂 I used to leave the needle on the pen and recap it. Needles on pens used to last me the life of the cartridge and occasionally more. When the first Novopen was introduced the government in its wisdom 🙂rolleyes: well it was Thatcher) or rather the NHS decided to prescribe the cartridges but not the pen needles. This state of affairs lasted around 5 years. By that stage more people were shifting over to using pens. Friendly DSN used to give me bag fulls of them or I occasionally had to buy my own. When it comes out of your own pocket you make them last. :D

Amazing bit of logic.. just what the hell were they thinking?? We'll let you have the insulin but getting it to where it needs to be...well, that's not our problem..

If you leave the needle on the pen.. does it not allow the fluid to leak out?
I have space to carry needles, but I just plain forgot!
I couldn't have managed many more miles at that pace at the moment but it was glorious- beautiful countryside and only a few knob ended drivers out thankfully, going out for a quick ten mile spin when I get home tonight, weather permitting haha

Sometimes it makes even the bell-end drivers seem worth putting up with!
Better when they aren't there of course.. hope the weather stays good for you.
Amazing bit of logic.. just what the hell were they thinking?? We'll let you have the insulin but getting it to where it needs to be...well, that's not our problem..

If you leave the needle on the pen.. does it not allow the fluid to leak out?
I have space to carry needles, but I just plain forgot!

I must have been one of the earliest to get the original Novopen in 1987. This used the inappropriately named Actrapid. Most would have been using syringes. I still used a syringe for my basal right up until around 2006. The BDA ran a campaign to get the pen needles on prescription but it took around 5 years.

No, insulin doesn't leak out with the needle left on. I've had it a few times where the pen top has come off in my pocket and then the needle cap has come off as well - first I know about it is with a stabbing feeling in my leg! Bent needle! If I was out and had no other needle on me it was a case of bending it back! 😱:D
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