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Back from a week's holiday with no cycling. Lovely weather on Tuesday evening and I went out on the local chaingang for 28 miler at 18.8 mph average. I was hanging on at times. Complete contrast today - cool and windy, I went for a 50 miler into north Notts in order to get a tailwind home. A more sedate 14.8 mph average but we did 2 decent climbs - Oxton Bank and Eakring Hill with a tea stop at Kneesall for 1800ft in total of climbing.
I'm desperately trying to get the nerve back up to do a twenty miler- haven't been on my bike for ages and have lost confidence- two years ago thought nothing of forty miles :(- you are inspiring me Matt and Trev with your blogs and photos🙂
@Zillah it was the same for me, until I read what these people were doing I was scared to do anything because I thought I would hypo and crash.. I built some confidence up on my indoor trainer and a couple of rides outside where I tested my blood values every minute, it felt like.. then a couple of short rides comparing Matt and Trev results and distances, now I feel up to riding at my own pace on my own which looked unlikely after diagnosis.
Confidence is not easy to recover, but little steps get you there.. if you were doing 40 before then a gentle 15 now is possible I bet.
@Zillah it was the same for me, until I read what these people were doing I was scared to do anything because I thought I would hypo and crash.. I built some confidence up on my indoor trainer and a couple of rides outside where I tested my blood values every minute, it felt like.. then a couple of short rides comparing Matt and Trev results and distances, now I feel up to riding at my own pace on my own which looked unlikely after diagnosis.
Confidence is not easy to recover, but little steps get you there.. if you were doing 40 before then a gentle 15 now is possible I bet.
Ahh thanks for the encouragement- I have actually signed up to go out for a gentle 22 miler on Sunday with my cycle club who I haven't been out with for three years- thanks to you guys 🙂
Ahh thanks for the encouragement- I have actually signed up to go out for a gentle 22 miler on Sunday with my cycle club who I haven't been out with for three years- thanks to you guys 🙂
There you go! 22 miles with company will be a breeze, hope the weather is good and you have a great time.
got an e mail from Novo Nordisk, I can get on the Stoke to Worcester stage! Got the day off work but waiting for the timing to come through, might have to get to Stoke the day before then get a train home from Worcester.. it will be my first "proper" ride (as opposed to going in circles around my local area) since I was diagnosed. Feels good..

Great news Chris. I was slightly apprehensive about it to begin with but I'm really looking forward to it now. Still got to work out travel and possible accommodation arrangements to get to Bury/Manchester. I spoke to my DSN the other day and they're organising some sort of welcoming at the hospital in Stoke when we arrive. There's also a Q&A after at the hospital as well.
Back from a week's holiday with no cycling. Lovely weather on Tuesday evening and I went out on the local chaingang for 28 miler at 18.8 mph average. I was hanging on at times. Complete contrast today - cool and windy, I went for a 50 miler into north Notts in order to get a tailwind home. A more sedate 14.8 mph average but we did 2 decent climbs - Oxton Bank and Eakring Hill with a tea stop at Kneesall for 1800ft in total of climbing.

Well done Trev, great rides. 🙂 Weekend weather's looking good!
Ahh thanks for the encouragement- I have actually signed up to go out for a gentle 22 miler on Sunday with my cycle club who I haven't been out with for three years- thanks to you guys 🙂

Fantastic Zillah. 🙂 Weather's looking good this weekend. A gentle 22 miler sounds a great way to get back in the saddle. I'm sure once you're out there you'll soon get back into it. 🙂
Great news Chris. I was slightly apprehensive about it to begin with but I'm really looking forward to it now. Still got to work out travel and possible accommodation arrangements to get to Bury/Manchester. I spoke to my DSN the other day and they're organising some sort of welcoming at the hospital in Stoke when we arrive. There's also a Q&A after at the hospital as well.

It's not the riding that is going to be difficult, it's getting the cats fed and being in the right place at the right time and then getting home again that is gong to be hard!
Looking forward to riding even though the route involves Wolverhampton..
Don't know what to expect but I am sure it's going to be fun.
I'm desperately trying to get the nerve back up to do a twenty miler- haven't been on my bike for ages and have lost confidence- two years ago thought nothing of forty miles :(- you are inspiring me Matt and Trev with your blogs and photos🙂

I had 4 months completely off the bike between August and November last year due to illness and recovery from an operation. On my first ride back, I was completely wiped out after 15 miles and averaged around 12.5 mph. I've spent the last 6 months slowly building up the distance and speed. Taking that first step to get back on the bike is probably the hardest thing. I've done 3 70 milers in recent weeks and I'm planning a 200km (120 mile) ride in June.

Now is really the best time to start riding again due to the light evenings and warm weather. You've got the whole summer to get back to fitness.
Back out today in glorious weather for what I suppose is now a training regime for the Pedal for 7 with TNN in June. (It seems hard to believe I was in winter gear last week). I decided to stick with what I know and went to Alderley Edge and Knutsford and back round for a 100km ride. Great sights and sounds with blossom on trees, bluebells and nature enjoying the weather as well. Unfortunately, warm weather also seems to bring the maniacs out in their cars! :( Mudguards were off the bike and summer gear on - fantastic. 🙂 Looks set fair for a few days now. 🙂

Strava stats are 62.8 miles completed at an average speed of 15.1mph and elevation gain of 2635 feet.

I went back to using a 50% TBR and this seemed to work quite well. I think this will be the default percentage for the time being. Well, until something else decides to f**k it up - this is Type 1 we're talking about after all. 🙄 Levels as follows: at start 9.9 mmol/l, at 10 miles 5.4 mmol/l, at 25 miles 5.9 mmol/l, at 40 miles 8.0 mmol/l, at 51 miles 4.5 mmol/l, at 58 miles 7.2 mmol/l and back home 6.9 mmol/l. On the ride I had 3 cereal bars and a (mojito) gel. :D

Look at that for a sky. 🙂 Jodrell Bank.
View attachment 8434

Sunshine and blossom near Siddington. Couple of cyclists in the distance heading towards me. It was a great day to be out.
View attachment 8432

Near the same place - bluebells on the verge. The woods on either side along this lane were full of them.
View attachment 8433

The Garmin. Exactly same as Strava this time.
View attachment 8435
Sun is guaranteed to fetch the idiots and trouble causers out,when that happens look forward to the dark nights when they seem to go back in hibernation
This is dedication for you - a Friday ride after work. Getting in the miles for the Pedal for 7. :D I was up at 5.45 this morning, did a hard days work, oh alright then.. a days work 😉:D and then got back and went straight for a ride before mi tea (and mi coffee)! Weather was and is very nice - evening sun was out and it's looking good for the weekend and next week. Didn't mess about and did one of my usual routes into Cheshire. Felt good on this one and pleased with average speed as well. Ask yourself not what your body can do for you but what you can do for your body. :D

Strava stats are 41.3 miles completed at an average speed of 16.3mph and elevation gain of 1987 feet.

Level at start was 7.8 mmol/l, at 20 miles 3.8 mmol/l, at 29 miles 9.0 mmol/l, at 34 miles 9.9 mmol/l and back home 5.2 mmol/l. All's well that end well. :D Yes it was all calculated and scientifically planned to end on that, er was it heck!. o_O:D On the ride I had 1 cereal bar and 1 gel.

Big and little through the shadows and road signs at Jodrell Bank

Bluebells in the evening sun near Siddington

Sunny view near Rudyard - glorious

Here's the Garmin. Annoyingly Strava rounded it down again.
I got up early to sort myself out because for some reason my insulin doesn't do what it should anymore.. after some scary numbers I got out for 75 miles at 17 mph over 760 metres, really don't know where the ascent came from but I did go up every little bump I could see..
Anyhow @HOBIE, it was surprisingly quiet out.. something going on you think??
A lovely weekend weather wise. On Saturday I did a 40 miler up towards Newark at 17.5 average. Today, a more sedate and hilly ride around the back of Belvoir Castle with glorious views of the castle itself. 50 miles, average 15.6 with 1800 feet of climbing. A nice tea stop at the Portland Fishing Lakes near Scalford.
Back out today for another ride into Cheshire and another 100km. The great weather continues - sunny and dry if a bit breezy. I travelled over to Knutsford again. Plenty of people out and about on the roads enjoying the weather. I did seem to struggle a bit on the way back. Slightly variable blood sugar and/or breezy conditions may have been the cause of that. Great to be out though. 🙂

Strava has it as 62.3 miles completed at an speed of 15.0mph and elevation gain of 2584 feet. (That's over 100 miles Friday and today).

The TBR was set at 50% again and level at start was 5.8 mmol/l, at 15 miles 4.2 mmol/l, at 27 miles 6.9 mmol/l, at 35 miles 9.0 mmol/l, at 44 miles 6.1 mmol/l, at 50 miles 5.8 mmol/l, at 54 miles 4.4 mmol/l and back home 5.9 mmol/l. (After getting back I sorted my stuff out but then fell asleep and 2 hours later it was 4.2 mmol/l). I suppose they don't look that bad but some are lower than I'd like). On the ride I had 2 cereal bars and 2 gels.

Presume this is mother and child in the glorious sunshine near Byley. They came over to see me after I'd stopped at the side of the road. 🙂

Here's what the Garmin said. (From the top - average speed, distance and time taken).
No muddy puddles on the off-road tracks so after tea did a 5 mile ride along the river bank through the woods. Was quite hard negotiating overhanging branches and very bumpy in some sections due to exposed tree roots. Steep drop to the river is an additional hazard!
Added another 7 miles on-road to make it worthwhile getting the bike out. Can't compete with Matt's speed though as only averaged 10.5 mph with a max of 27mph, but I am a geriatric and no longer bounce when dropped 🙂
Well I managed 25 miles yesterday and loved being back in the saddle- although my bottom may disagree😱. Realised how much I had missed a) the cycling and b) the people Thanks guys for inspiring me back out on two wheels. x
Well I managed 25 miles yesterday and loved being back in the saddle- although my bottom may disagree😱. Realised how much I had missed a) the cycling and b) the people Thanks guys for inspiring me back out on two wheels. x

A ⭐️ for you! Please keep on arranging the weather..
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