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I don't use gels or energy drinks. I use High 5 Zero tablets dissolved in water, these replace the electrolytes but don't provide any carbs. If I'm riding I'll have carbs for breakfast and usually beans on whole meal toast at a cafe stop half way round my ride. I'm Type 2 and I've not noticed that it has an effect on my cycling.

I was back from my Sunday ride in time to watch the last 100k of Roubaix. Problem is that if I'm tired from the ride, I sometimes fall asleep whilst watching the cycling on TV.

I try to ride every Saturday and Sunday, if the weather is OK and sometimes get out for a ride midweek too. It helps that my wife cycles too, so there is no need to be back home by a certain time, as she is usually with me anyway.
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The police wouldn't have been interested today as there wasn't a lot of 'riding furiously' as I headed back into the Peak District for a hilly ride and returning via the Cat and Fiddle. I knew the better weather had been yesterday as today showers were forecast from around 1pm. I set off early to try and avoid it and it was a mixed bag really weatherwise being cloudy and misty in Staffordshire and Derbyshire but not cold, bit breezy though. Coming down the Cat into Macc the sun was out and it felt warm. Then coming out of the Macc it clouded over and a few showers came, nothing significant but earlier than forecast. 🙄 I went via Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Chelmorton and skirted around Buxton before heading over the Cat and Fiddle. It's meant to hit 19 degrees during the week. :D Unfortunately, I'll be at work. :(

Strava stats are 56.5 miles completed at an average speed of 13.4mph with elevation gain of 4012 feet.

TBR was set at 45% with levels as follows: at start 8.0 mmol/l, 9 miles 5.3 mmol/l, 17 miles 5.4 mmol/l, 29 miles 6.7 mmol/l, 40 miles 6.9 mmol/l, 52 miles 6.1 mmol/l and back home 6.4 mmol/l. Look okay and I shouldn't complain really but I would still prefer them slightly higher when out. May tweak that TBR again. On the ride I had 1 cereal bar, 1 fruit bar, 1 protein/energy bar. No coffee as I didn't stop! Just made my own now I'm back with the stove top espresso. :D

Misty in Derbyshire looking in the direction of Chelmorton. That's where I'm going next. You can see the road wend its way in the distance.

Obligatory shot from the Cat and Fiddle (the pub is over the road behind me) - it's sunny down there!

Here's what the Garmin said - same as Strava!
I managed to get out twice over the weekend. A flat 42 miler on Saturday, around the Vale of Belvoir with my club mates at average of 16.5 mph. First time out on the Summer bike, it was a pleasantly warm day and I was a bit overdressed.

Much cooler today as we went up onto the Belvoir ridge, quite misty as we rode towards Belvoir Castle. 48 miles at an average 16.2 with 1500 feet of climbing. Feeling tired now and almost fell asleep watching the Amstel Gold race this afternoon. Weather looking good for next week, is Spring here at last?
Must be the weather...! Even I made it out for 45 miles that rapidly turned rainy and filthy. It felt great!
Had a "normal" day with an injection for breakfast, and let that dissipate over some hours.. a big sugar bomb (dark chocolate and stem ginger cookie and a sandwich!) before going out, that would be enough to be off the charts usually.. did 12-15 miles and I was at 7.3, a couple of grams of dextrose and the next 15 miles took me to 5.5, half a dextrose tablet and I got home at 5.4. Really happy with that. The last few miles the sun kind of peaked out, just felt like I was on top of things.. glad to have got out and well done above for doing it too.. ( only better.. I know the climb from Bakewell to Monyash, and I have gone up the ridge by Belvoir Castle often enough.. no hills really around here.)!
Must be the weather...! Even I made it out for 45 miles that rapidly turned rainy and filthy. It felt great!
Had a "normal" day with an injection for breakfast, and let that dissipate over some hours.. a big sugar bomb (dark chocolate and stem ginger cookie and a sandwich!) before going out, that would be enough to be off the charts usually.. did 12-15 miles and I was at 7.3, a couple of grams of dextrose and the next 15 miles took me to 5.5, half a dextrose tablet and I got home at 5.4. Really happy with that. The last few miles the sun kind of peaked out, just felt like I was on top of things.. glad to have got out and well done above for doing it too.. ( only better.. I know the climb from Bakewell to Monyash, and I have gone up the ridge by Belvoir Castle often enough.. no hills really around here.)!

Remember to keep a close eye on your glucose levels tonight and tomorrow.

Bakewell to Monyash - I've done that quite a few times. It's not as bad as the alternative up to Sheldon which I once decided to have a go at and is the only time the Garmin has paused whilst I was still 'moving'. :D
Checking now.. it just dipped after I ate which is a bit strange but coming back up. Nothing out of range but an usual thing (for me anyway.. ) to see. Oh well, learning as we go I guess.

Got to say I really had a proper blast at times today! I knew from indoors I have about 30 minutes from full to empty (or top of normal to below normal) breaking the time up into half hour ish pieces, I knew I can take it quite steady for a while and then have a good ten minutes knowing I have a decent level to play with, then back off and measure before doing it again..

I am not sure if I would have been out there without the examples set on this thread, eventually yes but now?..not so sure. Really.. Thank you for the encouragement and advice.. It was only a 45 mile ride through the crappy lanes around here but I can't tell you how good it felt to be doing it.
Remember to keep a close eye on your glucose levels tonight and tomorrow.

Bakewell to Monyash - I've done that quite a few times. It's not as bad as the alternative up to Sheldon which I once decided to have a go at and is the only time the Garmin has paused whilst I was still 'moving'. :D

I've done the climb up to Sheldon from Ashford in the Water, I think it's called Kirkdale. It's a killer climb, needed bottom gear on the granny ring to get up that one. Another tough climb is the one through Crowdicote from Longnor towards Monyash.

I try and get up to Derbyshire about once a month if I can, usually driving out to Cromford so I can get a decent loop in. I also did the Strines, Woodhead and the Snake Pass last year, leaving the car at Hope station. That was a real toughie.
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I've done the climb up to Sheldon from Ashford in the Water, I think it's called Kirkdale. It's a killer climb, needed bottom gear on the granny ring to get up that one. Another tough climb is the one through Crowdicote from Longnor towards Monyash.

I try and get up to Derbyshire about once a month if I can, usually driving out to Cromford so I can get a decent loop in. I also did the Strines, Woodhead and the Snake Pass last year, leaving the car at Hope station. That was a real toughie.

That's the climb. I didn't know it was called Kirkdale. Great going down it but I usually go back up from Bakewell to Monyash. I've done the Crowdecote one in the direction of Monyash although I generally loop round and go from Monyash back to Longnor so hit it the other way which is slightly easier. Hollinsclough Rake at Hollinsclough is a killer and of course Winnats Pass at Castleton. Winnats is around half way mark for me with several climbs on the way there. I'm usually knackered by the time I reach it. :D This is me near the top at Winnats from last year.

Winnats.. what a horror.
Like, what? three Monsall heads piled on top of each other and made steeper in the middle.. did it once, not going back..
I've only ever managed to ride all the way up Winnats once. I normally get 3/4 of the way up and stall because the wind gets funnelled down it and there's a point where it just hits you. Even on my touring bike with a 26x34 gear, I still couldn't quite manage it. Once you stop, you can't get going again. The time I did manage to ride it, we had a tail wind.
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Managed a couple of midweek rides. A quick 30 miler on Tuesday evening - the weather was a little disappointing - cool and quite windy with a bit of drizzle. I had Weds morning off work and managed to get 45 miles in, another blast around the Vale of Belvoir. Much nicer weather and it really warmed up as it got towards lunchtime.

Got a 65 miler in the Lincolnshire Wolds line up for Saturday - the Lincoln Imp Audax ride, which should be interesting.
Managed a couple of midweek rides. A quick 30 miler on Tuesday evening - the weather was a little disappointing - cool and quite windy with a bit of drizzle. I had Weds morning off work and managed to get 45 miles in, another blast around the Vale of Belvoir. Much nicer weather and it really warmed up as it got towards lunchtime.

Got a 65 miler in the Lincolnshire Wolds line up for Saturday - the Lincoln Imp Audax ride, which should be interesting.
Good luck on Saturday @TrevA, looks like being a scorcher! 😱
Managed a couple of midweek rides. A quick 30 miler on Tuesday evening - the weather was a little disappointing - cool and quite windy with a bit of drizzle. I had Weds morning off work and managed to get 45 miles in, another blast around the Vale of Belvoir. Much nicer weather and it really warmed up as it got towards lunchtime.

Got a 65 miler in the Lincolnshire Wolds line up for Saturday - the Lincoln Imp Audax ride, which should be interesting.

Good luck Trev. Warm but not too warm from the sounds of things - should be okay. Nice and flat in Lincolnshire normally but I think the Wolds are more rolling terrain? 🙂
Day off today so I made the most of it and took advantage of the nice weather for a ride to Knutsford and surrounding area. I'd got summer gear on for the first time this year to try and top up my vitamin D but it was a bit cloudy and felt cooler than yesterday when I set off. Warmed up nicely in the afternoon though with the sun coming through. Missed my coffee at Jodrell Bank - the cafe was full of pensioners on a day trip. Outrageous. Lattes and macchiatos - What's wrong with a thermos flask of tea, and some mothers pride with boiled ham all on a tartan blanket? :D

Strava stats are 62.2 miles completed at an average speed of 14.9mph and elevation gain of 2650 feet.

It's been dishevelled levels over the last few days - stress, external exam at work, not been feeling 100%, cannula - take your pick. Woke in the night to a 20 with no idea why. Corrected but didn't do a set change. Had come down somewhat when I woke but still high. Waited until it had come down and set the TBR to 45% and set off. At start 8.0 mmol/l, at 10 miles 7.3 mmol/l, at 21 miles 7.7 mmol/l, at 27 miles 8.6 mmol/l, at 34 miles 10.5 mmol/l (had that increasing blood glucose feeling at this point so corrected and increased TBR to 60%), at 40 miles 6.4 mmol/l, at 49 miles 4.4.mmol/l, at 56 miles 8.7 mmol/l and back home 8.6 mmol/l. On the ride I had a cereal bar, a fruit bar and 1 gel.

Despite all that what a glorious day to be out. 🙂

Sunny days - this is near Siddington

This is me at the same place catching some rays - certainly need them as pasty as owt (that's as in paste, not the Cornish foodstuff)

Usual stopping point for a blood test near Rudyard

The Garmin (along with a reflection of the back of the Samsung and my fingers) 🙄
Looks like a good day out, Matt. I'm hoping the weather is going to last until tomorrow. Thunderstorms forecast for later in the afternoon, but hopefully we'll be finished by then.
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Yes, was glorious this afternoon. I think we've got the thunderstorms from about 5pm (North Staffs) but it looks like it's going to be warm in most places. Plenty of fluids required. Good luck tomorrow. 🙂
A lovely day out at the Lincoln Imp Audax ride. A triangular route in NE Lincs. It was cool to start and we had a head wind for the first 25 miles, heading east from Reepham to the first control and cafe stop. Then we turned NW and climbed up into the Wolds. A particularly tough climb from Tetford, then rolling hills to the 2nd stop at Ludford at 50 miles, then we turned SW and dropped out of the Wolds for a flat cross/headwind ride to the finish. 69 miles in 4.5 hours riding time, just over 15 mph average, 2500 feet of climbing.

The weather cleared around lunchtime to a warm and sunny afternoon. Nice quiet roads and great scenery.
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Got out in the sun yesterday! And I still got rained on for an hour.. my fault, cleaned my bike.. The rain god and the cowsh1t god went "we've got this". More cleaning needed.
Did 60 happy with that! Just bottled out of making it 100km.. very nice rides out posted above, all I need are a couple of hills now..
Got out in the sun yesterday! And I still got rained on for an hour.. my fault, cleaned my bike.. The rain god and the cowsh1t god went "we've got this". More cleaning needed.
Did 60 happy with that! Just bottled out of making it 100km.. very nice rides out posted above, all I need are a couple of hills now..

Excellent stuff Chris.🙂 Apart from the rain and other substances. 😉:D

I was always taught metric at school (started in reception in 1973 😱) probably because it was easier and we'd had decimalisation and were integrating into Europe. (How things have changed!) 🙄. Obviously cycling distances are normally measured in km and even though I wasn't taught imperial measurements I still record my Strava in miles. :confused: Did your levels behave during and after? None of the forecasted deluge materialised here last night but there's a bit of rain forecast this morning so I'm just eyeing up the sky and deciding what to do.
It would have been two and a half miles to make it to 100km, if that isn't too much of a mixture of systems!
Levels were ok, did the first 30 with my wife so the demands were lower shall we say and took nearly 2 hours to drop from the initial bite of fruisli ( I am finding these get working sooner and harder than dextrose plus there is a bit of actual food in them.) when I was in my own I pushed harder and measured every 10 miles with a bit of food each time. Went something like 8.5 for 30 miles, then 7.7, 6.5, 5.5.. dropping when I got home. No bolus insulin at all during the day, forgot to mention that little detail!
Ate a decent meal a few hours after but it barely registered.. ( bolused for it) I kind of knew there were overnight lows coming so I ate, and ate, and ate until I was at a comfortable level, took until 2am..
more lessons learned, more post ride food required.
Might do a few gentle miles now but there is more rain coming, perhaps indoors then.
Thank you for the encouragement! Definitely feeling on the right track.. a couple of benefits of Type 1.. weight loss of around 6kg got to be helping!
and regular feeding is keeping the muscles strong to the point where I am thinking of going to 52 on the front instead of the 50.. told you it was flat..
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