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A few things going on at the moment so not been out for a bit but it was back out today for a ride which turned into a ride of two halves. It's been a very sad week on the forum and cycling the along the roads and lanes gives you plenty of time for thought and reflection and I dedicate this ride to Copepod. This one's for you J. I'm hoping to do a parkrun(s) later in the year.

The weather was freezing - grey and cold with a biting wind but at least it was dry. I headed out into Cheshire - Alderley Edge, Byley, Cranage, Goostrey and also got a nice surprise at one point which brightened my day (see photos below). First half of the ride I felt fine, warm enough and enjoying myself. The second half I was really struggling - felt the cold, I was shivering, vision was a bit weird as well, little energy as I slowed right down and had to keep stopping - I don't know, probably hypothermia :confused:. Blood glucose dropped lowish at a couple of points but I don't think it was that. I'd got my winter gear on - thermal bibtights, base layer, thermal jersey (probably need something warmer than the one I've got), neckwarmer, winter gloves and overshoes. I knew I should have put another base layer on. 🙄

Strava stats are 56.4 miles completed at a low average speed of 14.1mph and elevation gain of 2235 feet. (Walked for 3 miles in total as well before and after the ride).

I had a TBR on of 75% but I may reduce this in future. I'm impressed with the Contour Next Link 2.4 which doesn't seem to be affected by the cold as much as the Neo. Levels as follows: at start 11.8 mmol/l, 10 miles 10.9 mmol/l, 24 miles 6.5 mmol/l, 32 miles 4.4 mmol/l, 40 miles 3.5 mmol/l, 47 miles 3.8 mmol/l and back with a 4.8 mmol/l. On the ride I had 3 gels, quinoa cereal bar, fruit bar and a cortado from Costa.

Something to warm you up on this cold day. It's the 14th January, freezing and yet here they are. The Cranage daffodils in flower. I'd wrongly attributed them to Byley but they are actually in the next 'village' Cranage. I came from the road behind me and at first just saw a stems on the verge but no flowers, I then rounded the bend and saw this. They may have been here for a bit but I haven't been down here for a while. Spring not far away. :D

Here's another one of them.

The Garmin
Into Cheshire again today and a ride to Holmes Chapel and surroundings (more on that below). Compared to the weather recently today felt almost tropical. Plenty of snowdrops are appearing and some daffodils but nothing like the Cranage ones (see below). I'd got winter gear on and it did get a bit warm but I did see a couple of people in shorts - not quite shorts weather for me yet. I think it's getting cooler again next week anyway. 🙄 As well as feeling mild it was mainly overcast but the sun did break through occasionally. Signs of the rain we've had recently as well with at least 2 flooded lanes. I didn't get out on the bike last week although I do plenty of walking (around 4 miles today as well as the ride) and I felt it today if I haven't put the miles in.

Strava stats are 55.4 miles completed at an average speed of 14.3mph and elevation gain of 2132 feet.

Tried a TBR of 60% this time but I think I'll reduce this again next time. Started at 5.9 mmol/l, at 21 miles 5.5 miles, at 37 miles 4.8 mmol/l, at 45 miles 3.5 mmol/l, at 50 miles 5.7 mmol/l and forgot to test when I got back. On the ride I had cereal bar, fruit bar, banana and 3 gels - all free carbs - if you want to eat what you want get on your bike. :D I don't seem to be getting initial spikes I had before on MDI but will reduce the TBR again as ideally I'm aiming for 7-10 mmol/l. Athletes would eat carbs to replace muscle glycogen but it's always a tricky balancing act with Type 1.

The daffs are really starting to come out now at Cranage and the sun also made an appearance at this point as well

Mother and daughter telescopes at Jodrell Bank. This is at Goostrey and you don't often get to see the smaller one when closer

The Garmin (bit blurred)

Now the reason I went close to Junction 18 of the M6 to a place with a few houses, a few farm buildings and a pub is shown on the signpost above Middlewich. Last track on the 1990 album Some Friendly by The Charlatans who were based in nearby Northwich. Classic. 🙂

Here it is - enjoy!
nothing for me on rainy saturday, blowing a gale today just did 45mins doing some local laps on a circuit, headwind section was no fun at all.
nothing for me on rainy saturday, blowing a gale today just did 45mins doing some local laps on a circuit, headwind section was no fun at all.

Yes, it was breezy today. One of the reasons for avoiding going up in the hills. Facing a headwind on the way out I thought I'll get the benefit of a tailwind on the way back - didn't happen and even though I've got the mudguards on the bike's covered in crap again. 🙄 Still love getting out though. :D
Back out today with a 100km ride into Cheshire. It's been an eventful few weeks involving a house move. I did get out last week for a 40 mile ride in the snow showers but didn't have internet access at home at that point to update it. The weather has been awful really and with missing 3 weeks since the start of the year I've struggled a bit on the ones I've done. I thought today I'd get my arse in gear and stop fannying about and concentrate on it. Although my average speed is a bit down I felt okay on this ride and enjoyed it. Weather today was dry but dull and overcast, around 6 degrees and not too breezy. Alright really. I headed to Alderley Edge, Knutsford, Byley and Goostrey. I set off around 9am and there were lots of riders out today. I had to miss out on the coffee as there was a long queue at the Costa at Alderley Edge - it was full of cyclists and by the time I got round to Jodrell Bank I decided to carry on without stopping.

Strava stats are 62.6 miles completed at an average speed of 14.5mph and elevation gain of 2630 feet.

I used a TBR of 55% as I did last week which seems to be okay. Woke to a 10 early this morning, not sure why but with the bolus wizard correction and my breakfast bolus it dropped to 3. Timing issue probably. Had some dextrosol and a couple of biscuits and set off. Rest of levels as follows - at 10 miles 5.2 mmol/l, at 22 miles 8.7 mmol/l, at 31 miles 6.8 mmol/l, at 44 miles 5.0 mmol/l, at 51 miles 7.7 mmol/l, at 58 miles 6.9 mmol/l and back home 4.2 mmol/l. Alright but a few lower than I'd like ones there so may drop TBR again. TBR as well until tomorrow morning. On the ride I had 1 fruit bar, 1 quinoa cereal bar and 2 gels.

Now onto Gardener's Question Time. On a cloudy and grey day take a look at these - although a few are appearing in places elsewhere some of the ones behind where I'm stood are now dying off.

In contrast this is looking at the other side of the road - bare trees and hedges and a ploughed field. The M6 runs behind that row of trees.

Saw loads of snowdrops (and crocuses) in the verges and hedgerows. These are opposite the church in Goostrey.

A misty and murky Rudyard Lake

The Garmin
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A Saturday ride this week and an early start as I headed to one of my favourite cafes at Whitegate Station in Cheshire. I was planning to go on to beyond Delamere and do a hundred but wisely as it turned out decided to turn back and just see what I ended up with. Weather was glorious, well, sort of - sunny and dry but very cold and windy in parts. Wrap up well and there's no excuse for not going on and doing summat so get thissens aht there. :D The wind really hit on the way back and with tired legs made that part of it quite hard work. With the freezing weather and longer ride planned I'd invested in a cheap powerbank yesterday for the Garmin. It's about the size of a big memory stick. I'd planned ahead and got my micro USB cable and wrapped some black electricians tape around it to use on the handlebars/stem when required. It was called into action about 5 miles from home when the low battery warning flashed up on the Garmin. I could probably have got back anyway but decided to use it to be on the safe side - (don't want to lose any data)!

Strava stats are 80.6 miles completed at an average speed of 14.1mph and elevation gain of 3036 feet.

I used a TBR of 50% and this seemed to work well. Although I'm sure I could reduce it further but I need something circulating for the free carbs. I certainly would rather not bolus if I want a cereal bar etc. I've got a Libre sensor on at the moment for the first time in months so had a better idea of what was going on. The line for the ride couldn't be better really hovering around 6.8 mmol/l. The few blood tests I did confirmed this and I returned home to a 7.2 mmol/l. No hypos and nothing over 8 mmol/l. On the ride I had a latte and 2 slices wholemeal toast from Whitegate cafe, 1 fruit bar, 1 quinoa cereal bar and 2 gels.

Apologies poor selection of photos this week.

This is on the way out near Goostrey. Alright it's only a ploughed field but the sun was stunning. The water in the furrows was frozen.

Sorry, it's the same field! 🙄

Mojito time!

The Garmin - took if off as it was held on with black tape along with the powerbank
Early doors this morning for a ride into the Peak District hills to keep the working parts of my immune system in tip top condition - taking in Warslow, Monyash, Chelmorton, Buxton and finishing with a ride over the Cat and Fiddle to Macc before returning home. After the recent snow and freezing temperatures conditions felt relatively mild especially when the sun made an appearance. It was dry but crud on the roads in places and quite a bit of snow still around at the sides of the roads and in the hollows in fields or against the dry stone walls. Breezy again though which doesn't half make it hard work. The wind seems to be a common theme over the last year or so. I know the roads weren't brilliant before but the snow, ice and rain has done its worst and there are pot holes all over the place. Potentially very dangerous. Enjoyed the ride though! 🙂

Strava stats are 56.5 miles completed at an average speed of 13.4mph and elevation gain of 4026 feet.

Did the same as last time and used a TBR of 50%. Could have reduced it even more and probably should have reduced my breakfast bolus a bit. Libre finished last week so it's back to blood readings. At start 4.3 mmol/l (3 biccies before setting off), at 10 miles 3.7 mmol/l, at 21 miles 7.3 mmol/l, at 34 miles 7.8 mmol/l, at 43 miles 5.3 mmol/l, at 50 miles 4.7 mmol/l and back home 7.3 mmol/l. So okay but still not 100% happy and would prefer to run them slightly higher. On the ride I had one quinoa cereal bar, 1 fruit bar and 2 gels. No coffee! Although I've bought missen a Bialetti Moka Express stove top espresso maker. Not arrived yet but looking forward to giving it a go. 🙂 Just off to clean my bike. 🙄:D

A bit grey near Grindon early on but it did brighten up at times later

Looking back towards Monyash

Near the top of the Cat looking back in the direction of Buxton (it's over that hill)

Here's the Garmin
I think those figures are very good Matt over the distance. The pump is so adaptable for whatever you are doing. You are good with it. I thought about going out then remembered it was Mothers day oops. o_O
I think those figures are very good Matt over the distance. The pump is so adaptable for whatever you are doing. You are good with it. I thought about going out then remembered it was Mothers day oops. o_O

I sent a card to my Mum and phoned her up (I remember riding over last year on Mothers Day to Sheffield but I think we had better weather) and the children are growing up now but spent it with their Mum. I thought I'd get out for a ride. :D Finished cleaning and lubing the bike now ready for next time. I like to do a proper job of it. :D
31 miles for me sunday and managed an hour after work tonight, light to 6pm now ! Nice and sunny today and dry still on winter bike though, hurry up summer bike time...........
riding been a bit random lately with some bad icy cold weather again and also I had a tooth out so avoided outside for a week, 28 miles today all done pretty hard around 160bpm for 75mins of that really pushing my aerobic system.
In what felt like a proper Spring day (on the first day of British Summer Time) I headed into Cheshire for a ride to Tatton Park. I set off fairly early and it was one of those days being a bit cool at first and if the sun went behind the clouds, slight breeze, mild in the sun and dry. Very nice. Loads of daffs on the verges but the Byley/Cranage ones are dying off (took a picture but it's a bit blurred). I love rides like that - Team Type 1 all the way. You've got to have a good excuse to not be out there doing summat. I went via Alderley Edge to Tatton Park at Knutsford and back via Byley and Goostrey. Not surprising there were loads of cyclists (and walkers and runners) out today. I went for Winter gear but I saw a few in shorts. Got slightly warm with the sun in the afternoon but overall it felt a bit too cold to me for shorts - must be getting nesh. 😉

Strava stats are 65.9 miles completed at an average speed of 14.8mph and elevation gain of 2778 feet.

TBR of 50% again and levels as follows: at start 3.9 mmol/l (not long after my breakfast but had fig roll and a couple of biscuits), at 12 miles 3.0 mmol/l 🙄, at 27 miles 6.7 mmol/l, at 38 miles 5.3 mmol/l, at 47 miles 6.2 mmol/l, at 56 miles 7.8 mmol/l, at 61 miles 6.4 mmol/l and back home 4.7 mmol/l. Still need to work on this - may try a 45% TBR next time. On the ride I had 2 gels, 1 quinoa cereal bar, 1.5 fruit bars and a cortado from Costa.

Enjoying the sun at Tatton Park

Jodrell Bank (horizontal this time)

Near Rudyard

Looking back in the direction of Rudyard - almost home!

What the hell is that I hear you ask? No it's not some strange fungus it's snow (yes, snow) near Longsdon. Despite the temperature being almost 9 degrees C there's still patches around at lower levels. Lots more of it up in the hills near Buxton.

The Garmin.
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Lovely day here as well, hard to imagine that this time last week riding was cancelled because the roads to the stables were blocked with snowdrifts. There was a tiny bit of snow left in a few crevices here on Friday, but I didn't see any today.
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