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It's been a bit on the cool side today but with the day off I decided to head out for a ride. Temperatures were hovering around freezing but there was a northerly wind making it feel just a bit cooler. 😱 Conditions were mainly dry and sunny but with frozen bits in places from farm run off etc - had to be careful. I headed out into Cheshire to Ollerton passing through Goostrey etc. Was looking forward to a nice coffee at Jodrell Bank (around 30 miles) but I thought if I stopped in the warm it would be a pain getting going again so I just rode on. Good to get out but also thankful to get back to a warm house. :D

Strava stats are 55.7 miles completed at an average speed of 14.9mph and elevation gain of 2277 feet. That ride now takes me over 3000 miles for the year in 54 rides. Still in November (just) so I'll see what I can add to it in December.

I've got a Libre sensor on at the moment and apart from at 11 miles when it said 18.2 mmol/l (blood reading was 10.7 mmol/l) it sort of performed alright. Blood readings were as follows: at start 10.6 mmol/l, at 11 miles 10.7 mmol/l, at 30 miles 7.1 mmol/l, at 42 miles 4.6 mmol/l, at 50 miles 7.1 mmol/l and back home 4.6 mmol/l. Bit up and down but I survived. :D On the ride I had 1 gel, nature valley protein bar and a quinoa cereal bar. Meter was kept in bibtights to keep it working because of the cold. I've got to see the consultant on Monday and will be asking about Libre sensors amongst other things and then on Thursday it's pump day. 🙂

Phone was playing up when I was trying to take photos (not enough memory o_O and asking me to delete apps - OH gave me it so I can't complain but eventually I deleted various things whilst my hands were slowly getting frostbite and managed to get some on the way back).

This is near Jodrell Bank - appears benign and just doesn't convey how cold it was - freeeezing. 😱

Canal near Macclesfield (was a lot more frozen on the way out about 3 hours before but just a few frozen bits in the distance now)

Here's the Garmin
My Libre sensor has told me it's too cold the last couple of runs I have done in the cold weather, I msut have got one of the Southern ones 🙄

Ooh! Roll on Thursday - you should just get things cracked in time for lots of button-pushing at Christmas! 🙂

Well done on the 3,000 miles, that's a great achievement! 🙂
My Libre sensor has told me it's too cold the last couple of runs I have done in the cold weather, I msut have got one of the Southern ones 🙄

Ooh! Roll on Thursday - you should just get things cracked in time for lots of button-pushing at Christmas! 🙂

Well done on the 3,000 miles, that's a great achievement! 🙂

Thanks Northerner.

Sensor was reading fine it was just the ridiculous readings it was giving that were the problem. 🙄

Looking forward to the pump although I imagine it will take some getting used to at first after injecting all this time. No saline - straight onto it, just one afternoon with the rep and no follow up. Done a bit of reading with Pumping Insulin and watching Mike's (EDUAD) excellent 640G videos on Youtube.

I've only done one 100 mile ride this year but obviously increased the ride distances overall compared to last year - now aim towards 50, 60, 70 mile rides with a few 30's and 40's.
Well done on the 3000 Matt! That's ten times my mileage since June.

Cheers Dave. Well done on your mileage. 🙂 I normally only manage to get out for a ride once a week (sometimes twice) so try and make the most of it. :D We've still got December to go although it's always weather dependent.
With snow and ice over the last couple of weekends this was my first ride since 30th November - I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms. :D Not been sat on my arse though as I do a fair bit of walking anyway. It was also the first ride with the Medtronic 640G so a chance to see what it was capable of. The pump was in the lycra pouch belt and behaved fine on the ride - I couldn't feel it. I'd taken the day off work and could have gone before but felt slightly unwell. My own fault as I'd swapped my portion of couscous for several kilogrammes of pak choi. :D It felt 'warm' compared to previous weeks and was overcast and gloomy, mainly dry but trying to drizzle with damp roads - loads of crud on them, the bike certainly needs a clean. I headed into Cheshire to Alderley Edge. It wasn't the quickest ride but it was good to be out again.

Strava has it as 57.3 miles completed at an average speed of 14.6mph and elevation gain of 2573 feet.

It was always going to be a bit of trial and error on this ride with the pump so I set a relatively conservative TBR of 75% for the ride of 4 hours. I've got a Contour Next Link 24 now as this sends readings to the Medtronic which is quite handy. Levels at start were 5.1 mmol/l so I had a couple of biscuits, at 11 miles 7.7 mmol/l, at 30 miles 6.7 mmol/l, at 39 miles 4.8 mmol/l, at 50 miles 6.9 mmmol/l (I heard the pump beep after this as the TBR finished but decided to carry on) and back home 4.1 mmol/l. I stuck another 75% TBR on when I got back so I'll see how I get on with that. Overall quite pleased with that. No spike at the 11 mile mark which has happened on occasions in the past. On the ride I had 1 gel, quinoa cereal bar, fruit bar and a coffee from Costa (see below) - as always all free carbs.

Cortado at Costa, Alderley Edge

It's all gone now in the field at Goostrey

Looks like it's clearing in the distance but I'm heading the other way behind where I'm stood

The Garmin
Good numbers Matt, especially given how new you are to the pump! 🙂 Well done!

Thanks Alan. 🙂 Educated guesses? Luck more likely. :D I'll see how things pan out over the next few rides.
Well done & sitting outside having you well deserved coffee stop 😉. A pump is the way to go !. You are in charge with one. Good luck Matt 😎
Christmas Eve and back out again into the hills this time. I headed out into the Peak District through Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Taddington, the edge of Buxton, bit of the Cat and Fiddle and Axe Edge before heading back via Flash. Weather was overcast and felt fairly mild - there was a warning about strong winds in exposed areas. As I set off off I thought what's all that about they must have got it wrong. 🙄 When I reached Monyash I thought oh perhaps they were right after all. Very strong winds in places especially on the moors. It was the sort of wind where I was pedalling and not really moving much - very hard work and then if it changed direction it was borderline dangerous. Luckily not many cars on those roads. I did come a cropper on the moors near Morridge and got blown off on to the verge - luckily the bike was fine :D but as I stood up I was struggling to stand upright leaning into the wind trying to hold my bike.

Tough ride really and in hindsight I wish I'd heeded the warnings about the wind and stuck to lower levels in Cheshire but hey ho I made it back in one piece. :D

Strava stats are 52.5 miles completed at an average speed of 12.3mph and elevation gain of 4307 feet.

Tried the TBR at 75% again and levels were as follows: at start 5.6 mmol/l, at 12 miles 3.5 mmol/l, at 28 miles 7.3 mmol/l, at 36 miles 5.0 mmol/l, at 44 miles 4.3 mmol/l and back home 5.2 mmol/l. May need to reduce the TBR and see how I get on with that. On the ride I had 3 gels, 1 fruit bar, 1 quinoa cereal bar.

Near Monyash

Near Taddington

That's snow up there on the horizon at Axe Edge near Buxton - it snowed a week ago and despite temperatures over the last few days around 8 degrees celsius it's still there. I'd be up that way in a bit.

Light starting to fade at the moorland near Morridge. I'd come on the road middle to right of photo. This is not long before I had my meeting with the verge.

Here's the Garmin
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Was very windy here too with some very strong gusts, but temperature was in double figures. Was great with wind behind me and was knocking along at a peak of 29.8mph, but in a cross wind was a bit dicey and was hard going into the wind. I was mainly on B and unclassified single track roads, but managed a few mile 'off-piste' towards the end of the ride. It was great to be able to get out again after a couple of weeks of frost and icy conditions. Was also nice to get back home and still able to feel my fingers!
Was very windy here too with some very strong gusts, but temperature was in double figures. Was great with wind behind me and was knocking along at a peak of 29.8mph, but in a cross wind was a bit dicey and was hard going into the wind. I was mainly on B and unclassified single track roads, but managed a few mile 'off-piste' towards the end of the ride. It was great to be able to get out again after a couple of weeks of frost and icy conditions. Was also nice to get back home and still able to feel my fingers!

Well done Dave. It certainly looks brighter where you are. It's turning colder again from Boxing Day. I thought e-bikes had a speed limiter?
Well done Dave. It certainly looks brighter where you are. It's turning colder again from Boxing Day. I thought e-bikes had a speed limiter?
Yes Matt they are limited to 15 mph, but it only applies to when solely under electric power. I make very little use of the electric assist and pedal like hell. My bike is rated for about 30 miles on a charge but I can do over 20 and it still shows over 50% charge. It's been a great investment for this geriatric. When I got it I set a notional target of covering 200 miles before the end of the year, but according to Strava I'm up just over 340 and I didn't start using Strava until I'd had the bike for about a month so I guess my total is nearer 400. Hopefully with a bit of half decent weather I'll get my Strava total to the 400 before 2018!
Yes Matt they are limited to 15 mph, but it only applies to when solely under electric power. I make very little use of the electric assist and pedal like hell. My bike is rated for about 30 miles on a charge but I can do over 20 and it still shows over 50% charge. It's been a great investment for this geriatric. When I got it I set a notional target of covering 200 miles before the end of the year, but according to Strava I'm up just over 340 and I didn't start using Strava until I'd had the bike for about a month so I guess my total is nearer 400. Hopefully with a bit of half decent weather I'll get my Strava total to the 400 before 2018!

I think e-bikes are great if they get people out riding especially those who may have problems with a standard bike - I could have done with one yesterday! :D You should get an e-mail from Strava in the next week with an animated summary of your riding (and running and swimming if you do them) statistics for the year.
It snowed here last night and was very cold but I decided to chance it with a shorter ride into Cheshire to keep the legs turning although I haven't been feeling 100% these last two days - a bit of a sore throat/cold. I went to the Jodrell Bank cafe for a welcome macchiato before returning. The main roads were clear but the lanes at lower levels had some slush and ice which made things tricky in places - the sun was out giving it a bright feel despite being very cold. Surprisingly the legs felt good and I enjoyed it. The bike will need another clean 🙄.

Strava stats are 43.3 miles completed at an average speed of 14.7mph and elevation gain of 2065 feet.

With this cold I've had a 150% TBR on at times and also had to correct at times. When I set off it was 14.2 mmol/l so I corrected that and left the basal at 100%, at 11 miles it was 10.7 mmol/l, however at 21 miles it was 3.2 mmol/l, at 30 miles it was 7.2 mmol/l, at 36 miles it was 5.6 mmol/l and back home it was 6.8 mmol/l. More tweaking to be done until this cold disappears and I'll have to see the impact of the exercise with the cold through the night and tomorrow. 🙄 On the ride I had 2 gels, a fruit bar and the coffee.

Keep pedalling! :D

Here's the telescope at Jodrell Bank

Frozen farm pond near Gawsworth

I think that's a rural Cheshire o_O

Snow on the hills near Rudyard as the sun is going down

Snow and ice on the lanes not far from home - I've just come up that - a bit tricky!

Here's the Garmin
It snowed here last night and was very cold but I decided to chance it with a shorter ride into Cheshire to keep the legs turning although I haven't been feeling 100% these last two days - a bit of a sore throat/cold. I went to the Jodrell Bank cafe for a welcome macchiato before returning. The main roads were clear but the lanes at lower levels had some slush and ice which made things tricky in places - the sun was out giving it a bright feel despite being very cold. Surprisingly the legs felt good and I enjoyed it. The bike will need another clean 🙄.

Strava stats are 43.3 miles completed at an average speed of 14.7mph and elevation gain of 2065 feet.

With this cold I've had a 150% TBR on at times and also had to correct at times. When I set off it was 14.2 mmol/l so I corrected that and left the basal at 100%, at 11 miles it was 10.7 mmol/l, however at 21 miles it was 3.2 mmol/l, at 30 miles it was 7.2 mmol/l, at 36 miles it was 5.6 mmol/l and back home it was 6.8 mmol/l. More tweaking to be done until this cold disappears and I'll have to see the impact of the exercise with the cold through the night and tomorrow. 🙄 On the ride I had 2 gels, a fruit bar and the coffee.

Keep pedalling! :D

Here's the telescope at Jodrell Bank
View attachment 6245

Frozen farm pond near Gawsworth
View attachment 6246

I think that's a rural Cheshire o_O
View attachment 6247

Snow on the hills near Rudyard as the sun is going down
View attachment 6248

Snow and ice on the lanes not far from home - I've just come up that - a bit tricky!
View attachment 6249

Here's the Garmin
View attachment 6250
Good piccies Matt. Your levels are really good. Out of interest how long are you cycling for?

Hope the pump training goes well. I went straight onto insulin with mine, but had a bit more Support than you have been offered.
Good piccies Matt. Your levels are really good. Out of interest how long are you cycling for?

Hope the pump training goes well. I went straight onto insulin with mine, but had a bit more Support than you have been offered.

Thanks SB. It depends really, yesterday's ride was just under 3 hours but they probably average around 4-4.5 hours. The longest so far was the Wales ride last year and that was 8h 45 mins - that's moving time as the Garmin uses GPS and pauses itself for any stops. Elapsed time for the Wales ride was 11.5 hours.

I try to aim for a bg level of around 7-10 mmol/l (not always easy) as recommended by Team Novo Nordisk and this seems to work well if I can do it. Very rarely need to correct on a ride and don't like doing it - it can cause problems - and usually just keep topping up with carbs as and when required as someone without T1 would do (nowhere near the carb levels suggested by High 5 etc although they have a vested interest 😉 and mine is governed by what my bg levels are doing rather than I need an energy boost to get up a hill 🙄). On return, levels can continue dropping through the night and even into the next day.

Started on the pump 3 weeks ago and loving it so far. Some experimenting still needed with post ride TBR's but so far so good. 🙂
When you snack after a cycle do you give bolus as well?
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