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Well @Matt Cycle I got to this point but still haven't made it outside.
To be honest it's just the weather putting me off now, mostly.. a little nervous about hypos but I guess I can only do it and see, I did an hour on the turbo with water only so that's got to be a good sign.
The tool kit has been reduced in size and scope to free up space for food and monitors. It's all about what's in my head from here onwards
Well @Matt Cycle I got to this point but still haven't made it outside.
To be honest it's just the weather putting me off now, mostly.. a little nervous about hypos but I guess I can only do it and see, I did an hour on the turbo with water only so that's got to be a good sign.
The tool kit has been reduced in size and scope to free up space for food and monitors. It's all about what's in my head from here onwards

Absolutely. Yes, plenty of gels, banana, malt loaf, cereal bars etc. The stuff that people without diabetes would take. You could just go for a short ride and see how you get on and build up from there. It can be tricky in the beginning because of the possible honeymoon period so it's wise to be a bit cautious but it certainly shouldn't stop you going out. After my diagnosis all they used to go on about was 'be careful of hypos' and weren't exactly encouraging regarding exercise. I remember going out on my Falcon Black Diamond a week or so after diagnosis (not very far) with dextrosol to hand and fully expecting to be collapsing from a hypo. Of course that never happened, in fact I was probably sky high. I can't remember what the BM strip showed when I got back (dark blue and brown probably or was it green?). Things have definitely changed now in terms of monitoring, management and the fact they encourage T1's to get out there doing stuff albeit with usual caveats.
Cooler day today and it was into the Peak District hills for a ride that unfortunately I had to cut short. I'd watched my box set of award winning TV comedy Benidorm about the larger than life characters in the Solano resort last night and set out early this morning reinforcing the generalisation to any passing motorists that all road cyclists are slim. Conditions were dry, occasionally sunny but cool as I headed on the Ashbourne road to Ilam. I started getting a 'noise' from what I thought was the rear wheel and checked things over. I couldn't see anything wrong and guessed it was the wheel bearings making the noise. The bike was rideable but noisy so I decided to cut things short and turned left at Hulme End for the long climb up to Morridge and home. Still patches of snow up on the tops from a couple of weeks ago with a fresh lot forecast for tomorrow. 😱

The first Sunday each month in Leek is a 'totally locally' day where the independent shops open and there are craft type stalls outside as well. With the shops being open I went into the local bike shop on my way back to discuss the wheel problem. The Shimano wheels I'd got on 'only' cost £70 and have done over 3000 miles and he said he could repack the bearings (they're not sealed) but wasn't sure how long this would last or I could go for an upgraded wheel with sealed bearings. He said have a think about it. I suppose I could have bought some online and I'm usually quite careful with money 😉 but wheels are a good upgrade and the guy who runs the shop is pretty decent, knows his stuff and will be building them. So I've gone with the upgraded wheels which is a bit over the top for the bike but hopefully they'll last and I could always swap if I upgraded the bike itself and you never know who you may be riding with. :D

Strava stats are 30.3 miles completed at an average speed of 12.8mph and elevation gain of 2701 feet. Despite the noisy wheel I managed to equal my top speed on this ride of 49.9mph (still waiting for the 50)!

Levels, well 🙄 I decided to go with a TBR of 40% and at the start was 6.3 mmol/l, at 13 miles was 4.3 mmol/l and then didn't check until I got back which was after the bike shop and anything to do with spending money is stressful :D anyway it was 14.3 mmol/l. 🙄 On the ride I had 1 gel, half fruit bar from last ride and 1 cereal bar. I think the 40% would have been fine without the wheel issues so I'll see what happens next time.

This is the at the top of the steep climb out of Ilam

Looking back on the long climb up to Morridge

From the same place - still some way to go (the bit on the horizon is not the top there's still more after it)

Here's the Garmin
Well I got out.. it felt the same, don't know what I was expecting! Did 30 miles also @Matt Cycle but it's a bit flat around here. Was at 7.2 before I set out, I ate some bread raisins and chocolate as well. 15 miles later I was at 3.9 which I kind of expected, fuelled on dextrose for the ride home and got home with 4.9.
Need to take a bit more food on when riding but it isn't terrible, long way to go yet but it's a step in the right direction.
Didn't feel the need to upgrade anything ! Maybe next time..
Well I got out.. it felt the same, don't know what I was expecting! Did 30 miles also @Matt Cycle but it's a bit flat around here. Was at 7.2 before I set out, I ate some bread raisins and chocolate as well. 15 miles later I was at 3.9 which I kind of expected, fuelled on dextrose for the ride home and got home with 4.9.
Need to take a bit more food on when riding but it isn't terrible, long way to go yet but it's a step in the right direction.
Didn't feel the need to upgrade anything ! Maybe next time..

Well done. You'll need to check bloods more frequently tonight and there is also the possibility of dropping low in the night and maybe even tomorrow. Libre is good for things like that. I rarely have the sensors so have to wing it most of the time and I'm not dead yet. :D Still waiting for the CCG in my area to decide - either that or hopefully for me a CGM linked to the pump. I wouldn't mess with any of your doses at this stage but longer term once things are settled you could discuss with your DSN about basal reductions as these can work well. It depends on what basal you're on but when I was on split Levemir doses I could alter one or both that day and sometimes the next morning Some people will reduce bolus amounts as well. Trial and error involved. Since being on the pump from December it has made it a bit more straightforward as I can use temporary basals. Still trial and error involved and I don't always get it right. 🙄:D
Not looking forward to tomorrow! Have to wait and see though, didn't use the Libre so it's going to be a bit vague ..
Got to ask.. do you use a heart rate monitor? I don't know if they're any use really but if you have any use for them I'd be interested..
I use a single injection of Tujeo, it has been ok for the most part .. it's what they gave me at the GP on day one. All feels ok just now, I will know tomorrow
Not looking forward to tomorrow! Have to wait and see though, didn't use the Libre so it's going to be a bit vague ..
Got to ask.. do you use a heart rate monitor? I don't know if they're any use really but if you have any use for them I'd be interested..
I use a single injection of Tujeo, it has been ok for the most part .. it's what they gave me at the GP on day one. All feels ok just now, I will know tomorrow

No, I don't use a heart rate monitor. As long as it carries on beating I'm happy. :D I've never used Toujeo (or Lantus) and I understand it to be a high strength/concentrated form of Lantus at 300u/ml. Most insulins are 100u/ml. If it's working okay then that's fine. I think certain doctors have their favourite insulins for prescribing. If things aren't working as well then ask for a change. I had 1 basal injection for years but the split Levemir doses gave me more flexibility and any alteration in the Levemir dose seemed to work fairly quickly in contrast to what people have said about Lantus.
Same for the heart rate monitor! I have a couple, never use them, wondered if there was any peculiarity to look for but on/off are the only situations worth knowing..
I don't know why I was prescribed this particular insulin.. or if any other would be beneficial or not, at the moment it is doing what I think it should so apart from the occasional tweak I guess it's good enough.

So what are the wheels?? I was out on my Trek Domane yesterday.. is a bit bulky but a nice thing to be on.. different wheels were on the shopping list a while back but some little thing got in the way, oh yes Type 1 that was it..
Have you tried hydraulic discs? Would be good for some of those descents you mentioned!
I think they're Mavics - sounds terrible that I'm not even sure but I got a bit flustered in the shop as I think he assumes I know more than I do - he specialises in wheel building and was showing me various rims. They're certainly Miche hubs and he's building the wheels. At the end of the day my cheap Shimano's lasted a year so I thought with these being better quality and more easily maintained not only will they ride better and last longer I could also transfer them if I upgraded the bike. I'm not spending tons of money on them but should be an improvement.

No, never tried hydraulic discs - again something to consider for the future. I'm out all year round so discs would be good not only on the descents but in the foul weather compared to rim brakes.
Should be good. Mavic and Miche are both very well established, they'll do the job and be repairable should they need it.
I understand the situation you were in so probably not helpful.. but do you know of Just Riding Along in Sheffield?? These are decent people as well.
You're not wrong about the discs... fine things they are. My Domane has a Ultegra-level set up braking wise, they just work in all weathers with no nasty moments. The TCR is Ultegra, rim braked, but I spent a lot on the Dura Ace wheels, they are too nice to consider changing yet!
No, hadn't heard of JRA but checked out the website. With the bike off the road no cycling today but probably wouldn't have gone out anyway as it's raining heavily here with sleet as an added bonus. Snow up in the hills - I went through Warslow yesterday, white over today from the pics on Buxton weather.

Will have to make do with a walk. It's 32 years today diagnosis anniversary. 😱

Just seen that the Buxton weather person is saying mediterranean air is on it's way and temps could reach 20 degrees from second week of April. :D
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After last weeks rear wheel malfunction I went slightly crazy and after discussing wheels at the local bike shop I spent big (for me anyway). Still not sure why I did it. o_O I collected the bike on Friday and I thought I'd take them for a run out today with a steady 100km ride to Knutsford. The wheels are great. Weather was dull and dry (no jokes please :D ) with the sun creeping through on occasions. Warmed up as the ride went on but it was one of those days where some people had shorts, some tights, long sleeve, short sleeve? I'm limited so it's shorts or tights and I went for tights and long sleeve as there was still a slight chill in the air. I think we can say Spring has sprung with daffodils everywhere, other flowers coming through and buds on some of the trees. Saw loads of riders out today. A great day to be out. 🙂

Strava has it as 64.3 miles completed at an average speed of 14.9mph and elevation gain of 2677 feet.

I was going to go for a 40% but I opted for a 45% TBR today. Levels as follows: at start 3.4 mmol/l (oh dear - woke to an 8.4 mmol/l so basal needs tweaking and then waited too long before starting my brekkie , I couldn't hang around so to be on the safe side I had a couple of dextrosol and 3 biscuits and set off), at 10 miles 4.6 mmol/l, at 25 mies 9.5 mmol/l, at 34 miles 9.9.mmol/l, at 41 miles 8.4 mmol/l, at 50 miles 5.9 mmol/l, at 58 miles 5.4 mmol/l and back home 5.5 mmol/l. Fairly pleased with those. Only had 2 cereal bars, half a fruit bar and a cortado at Costa.

Bit of a daffodil special on the photos this week.

This is about all that remains of the Cranage/Byley ones. The rest have died off.

The new wheels - Mavic OpenPro with Miche hubs. Well they're round and look like wheels. This is at Goostrey - wonder what will be in this field this year?

More daffs near Siddington. Was raced by a pheasant a bit further on but he gave up after a bit and I then swerved to avoid a rabbit. You wouldn't get that in a car - you'd just splatter them. The road was filthy. Guardians of the countryside 🙄 - apart from keeping rusty farm junk, old tyres and black plastic everywhere they like to spread mud from the fields all over the roads creating a hazard.

Also near Siddington

Here's the Garmin.

I'm fairly new to the forum - diagnosed as Type 2 in August last year and taking Metformin. I'm a regular cyclist averaging around 100 miles a week. I couldn't cycle for 4 months last year but started back in November and I've been building my fitness back up since then. I recently rode to Skegness, a 72 miler, so my endurance seems to have returned. Did a local, flattish 50 miler yesterday.
Matt and Trev put me to shame, this was always going to be a tv weekend but I had hoped to get outdoors again. Most people of the weekend was spent parked on the sofa watching the tv as predicted ( Tigers, Moto GP, Paris-Roubaix..) failed the outdoors part!
Turbo again Sat and Sun, some power there but no endurance.
Some suggestions perhaps? Is it better to have "too much" in terms of bg and let the body use it up and feed as if to stay high, or start normal and try to maintain the "normal" level? Asking as Matt's fruit and cereal bars would send my bg soaring but I know the exertion would bring them right down, do you feel this is better than say being 6.0 and having little hits of dextrose tablets as you go?
Btw Superdrug have 3 for 2 on dextrose tablets, I think I bought a couple of months worth...
@Matt Cycle wheels look like they are going to last a while, very solid build. Shouldn't need any emergency shopping for a long time to come..!
Matt and Trev put me to shame, this was always going to be a tv weekend but I had hoped to get outdoors again. Most people of the weekend was spent parked on the sofa watching the tv as predicted ( Tigers, Moto GP, Paris-Roubaix..) failed the outdoors part!
Turbo again Sat and Sun, some power there but no endurance.
Some suggestions perhaps? Is it better to have "too much" in terms of bg and let the body use it up and feed as if to stay high, or start normal and try to maintain the "normal" level? Asking as Matt's fruit and cereal bars would send my bg soaring but I know the exertion would bring them right down, do you feel this is better than say being 6.0 and having little hits of dextrose tablets as you go?
Btw Superdrug have 3 for 2 on dextrose tablets, I think I bought a couple of months worth...

Turbo is better than nothing. 🙂

In terms of levels it's a tricky one to answer really. The TNN boys aim for between 7 and 10 and that's what I try and aim for 🙄 and probably a good place to be, i.e. the higher end of normal. Too high - 14 and over and my legs feel heavy and sluggish (I occasionally do corrections when out but that in itself can cause problems), too low and everyone knows the problems that causes. The body needs insulin to convert glucose into energy so too high glucose/not enough insulin leads to problems.

I have tried the High5 4:1 energy powder drink and sipping from that as I go round. Sometimes I don't want to keep drinking though especially in the colder weather. Most of the things I have - cereal bars, bananas, malt loaf etc are always eaten when my levels are steady 5's and 6's or dipping and it gives it a gentle boost or counteracts that. Non diabetics would take on carbs to fuel them on the way round. They're fairly slow release and ideal for exercise where a more sustained energy release is needed. I wouldn't have one if levels were 7 and above. I also carry gels if a quick blast of energy is required. All these I treat as free carbs in that I don't 'inject' for them. I'm still fiddling about with temporary basal rates on the pump to find the optimum level for that. I've always found though that requirements seem to vary quite a bit and you really need to use your Libre or meter to deal with things as they happen on the day.

Dextrosol from Home Bargains is always 2 for 99p. 🙂 Only do orange though and I prefer the blackcurrant. 🙄

@Matt Cycle wheels look like they are going to last a while, very solid build. Shouldn't need any emergency shopping for a long time to come..!

I hope so. They're out all year round so needed something that can cope with a lot. Definitely felt lighter than the Shimano's as well.

I'm fairly new to the forum - diagnosed as Type 2 in August last year and taking Metformin. I'm a regular cyclist averaging around 100 miles a week. I couldn't cycle for 4 months last year but started back in November and I've been building my fitness back up since then. I recently rode to Skegness, a 72 miler, so my endurance seems to have returned. Did a local, flattish 50 miler yesterday.

Hi Trev and welcome to the forum. Well done. 🙂 Bracing Skeggy! :D I usually only get out once a week myself for a ride so try and make the most of it. There are a number of us on here with all types of diabetes or caring for people with diabetes who like to cycle. I originally started the thread when the sports/exercise section was down at the bottom in the information part of the forum. o_O As diet and exercise is the first point of call for T2 and useful for T1 that didn't make sense to me. So with Northerner and Copepod's help the whole section was moved into a more prominent position on the forum. All are welcome to post with details of rides (long or short - road bike, mountain bike, penny farthing or whatever), photos, questions etc and a bit about managing your diabetes (if you are diabetic) which hopefully will inspire others to get out.
Turbo is better than nothing.🙂

700-900 kcal in an hour on a good day... a swipe with the libre and a quarter to a half of dextrose tablet when I can co-ordinate it. I am usually utterly wasted after 40 minutes so I try to hang on for as long as I can.
I am basically experimenting on my bg in the safety of my own house rather than outdoors!
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