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Yes, that's interesting. 4u for the 50g yoghurt/granola seems quite high. Are you on a bigger ratio in the morning than a 1:10? I can't remember what basal you're on and when you take it but do you find you need a reduced basal after a ride as drop low during the night/next day. I never like bolusing when riding aside from occasional corrections because of the complete uncertainty of speed of insulin when riding and what I'm eating. I have done it on occasions on longer rides and just muddled through. Still alive (I think) so something must have worked. :D Most of the things I normally eat I treat as free carbs obviously the basal and exercise is dealing with those along with any glucose released by the liver. The temporary basal on the pump is very good and through trial and error the 50% was working well but like all things changes! I think I'll go with a 55% and see what things are like at the stops or on the road with the Libre although can't easily alter pump settings whilst pedalling along! I'll certainly need to bolus though for the things consumed at the stops and lunch. Half bolus is quite a common method of dealing with it. I'm sure things will be fine. :D
Four units and wait an hour before eating gives me an almost flat line, if it is dropping after eating I can sneak a few extra grams of carb.. single figures. Ratios are worse am than pm but around one unit to 5g, closer but never getting to 1:10 during the day. Basal is 16 units and I never vary it because it is about right and I have enough to handle at the moment keeping up with the changing requirements with the bolus! I am thinking about maybe using two basal shots 12 hours apart to give me some flexibility but not just yet..

I think I am expecting a sedate ride next week, there is a lot of time allowed to get the distance done so either long stops and short distances between at a higher pace or slow riding between shorter stops.. it's going to be about hopefully talking to other t1 riders and having a ride without having to bother looking at maps or road signs! I don't know what lunch will be, basically I will eat in the morning and carry some bars.. not expecting to eat outside of that.
It's getting close!
Cafe Ventoux is within riding distance for me, but I haven't been yet. Must try to get down there in the next few weeks.

Legs didn't feel to bad today so I went out with the club, up onto the Belvoir ridge with a tea stop at Scalford. 46 miles at 16.5 average with 1500 feet of climbing.
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Cafe Ventoux is within riding distance for me, but I haven't been yet. Must try to get down there in the next few weeks.

Legs didn't feel to bad today so I went out with the club, up onto the Belvoir ridge with a tea stop at Scalford. 46 miles art 16.5 average with 1500 feet of climbing.
They have put it in a good location, maybe they have gone a bit overboard with the "experience " but it is very popular and well worth a detour
Four units and wait an hour before eating gives me an almost flat line, if it is dropping after eating I can sneak a few extra grams of carb.. single figures. Ratios are worse am than pm but around one unit to 5g, closer but never getting to 1:10 during the day. Basal is 16 units and I never vary it because it is about right and I have enough to handle at the moment keeping up with the changing requirements with the bolus! I am thinking about maybe using two basal shots 12 hours apart to give me some flexibility but not just yet..

I think I am expecting a sedate ride next week, there is a lot of time allowed to get the distance done so either long stops and short distances between at a higher pace or slow riding between shorter stops.. it's going to be about hopefully talking to other t1 riders and having a ride without having to bother looking at maps or road signs! I don't know what lunch will be, basically I will eat in the morning and carry some bars.. not expecting to eat outside of that.
It's getting close!

1:5 ratios suggests some insulin resistance which if you're waiting for 45 mins to 1hr 15 mins in the morning for it to take effect suggests the same. Try and raise it with the DSN/consultant next time you see them. If you're on Levemir then this lends itself to split doses as it doesn't last 24 hours anyway. Helps also if you're exercising in that you can reduce it that morning if you decide to go out. Tresiba is a once a day basal. I can't comment on splitting Lantus or Toujeo as I've never taken them.

I think it's going to be steady. For Rochdale to Stoke we stop at the Manchester velodrome after 7.5 miles for a photo/meet and greet, it's then a morning stop after 20ish miles, lunch stop at 40ish miles and afternoon stop at 60ish miles. Our morning one is at a community cafe and both lunch and afternoon stops are at pubs. Not sure what sort of food they'll put on at these places but gels, drinks and cereal bars are from Novo Nordisk. When it's free I won't say no. :D Looking forward to it. 🙂
That was my plan on the next visit but that's in August so I might well feel like adjusting it before then.. at the moment it's a minor inconvenience so not a big deal..

I didn't realise it was going to be as slack as that! I suppose it's easy to say when you don't need to ride every day for a week... but it is still slack.. 🙂
Did you get all that information from the dial-in talk? as far as I am aware it's just a question of turning up at the start point.. hopefully there will be someone there who is expecting strange people to show up armed with a bit of carbon fibre and a couple of pens.. looks like there is no actual need to indulge in the hospitality but it will be rude not to..
It sounds like plenty of opportunity to chat and have a decent day out.. has @Zillah been asked about the weather arrangements??
That was my plan on the next visit but that's in August so I might well feel like adjusting it before then.. at the moment it's a minor inconvenience so not a big deal..

I didn't realise it was going to be as slack as that! I suppose it's easy to say when you don't need to ride every day for a week... but it is still slack.. 🙂
Did you get all that information from the dial-in talk? as far as I am aware it's just a question of turning up at the start point.. hopefully there will be someone there who is expecting strange people to show up armed with a bit of carbon fibre and a couple of pens.. looks like there is no actual need to indulge in the hospitality but it will be rude not to..
It sounds like plenty of opportunity to chat and have a decent day out.. has @Zillah been asked about the weather arrangements??

Yes, the dial in gave details of each day's ride with stops etc. I only made notes on the one I'm on but from what I can remember it's the same each day with 3 food stops at roughly every 20 miles. I wouldn't normally stop every 20 miles for something to eat (I may pause for a few moments at the side of the road to check my blood and have a cereal bar but that's about it). Each day the distance is approximately 80-85 miles. The only exception is the last day which is shorter and therefore finishes a lot earlier. You need to be at the start point time to sign in (45-60 mins before departure time). If your registration forms have been returned they will be expecting you. No registration forms no ride.
Forms returned as in filled in and sent to NovoNordisk or some kind of acknowledgement from the event? I had an email saying all was ok but I guess I had better check! Bit too late now that I have arranged some things but.. it is what it is. Just a couple of very short turbo rides this week and a couple of unwanted weight sessions at work, all ok to go otherwise..
That was my plan on the next visit but that's in August so I might well feel like adjusting it before then.. at the moment it's a minor inconvenience so not a big deal..

I didn't realise it was going to be as slack as that! I suppose it's easy to say when you don't need to ride every day for a week... but it is still slack.. 🙂
Did you get all that information from the dial-in talk? as far as I am aware it's just a question of turning up at the start point.. hopefully there will be someone there who is expecting strange people to show up armed with a bit of carbon fibre and a couple of pens.. looks like there is no actual need to indulge in the hospitality but it will be rude not to..
It sounds like plenty of opportunity to chat and have a decent day out.. has @Zillah been asked about the weather arrangements??
Its always sunny when I ride- managed 14 miles at 10.9 mph on Saturday- well chuffed
Quick spin after work this evening. With the glorious sunny weather - it'd be rude not to. Just rode down to Gawsworth and back through Rudyard. Very pleasant. 🙂

Strava says 30.9 miles completed at an average 15.4mph and elevation gain of 1770 feet.

Messed up levels a bit. Went into hypo levels before leaving work and treated that and at home before ride I started at 4.3 mmol/l so put the TBR on and had a few biscuits. At halfway it was 3.7 mmol/l. Had a gel and cereal bar and back home it was 14.1 mmol/l. Timing issues. 🙄

Wheat field near Gawsworth.
Cycling weekend in Tewkesbury- glorious and managed 35 miles around the Cotswold's. Still not going as fast or far as you two...but one day.....
Not far apart today at least @Zillah .. got to keep you on side for the sunshine!
And I don't care how far or fast you are going.. you are doing it for yourself and that's all that counts. Personally I am beating the hell out of myself to prove something to my body.. and I enjoy it so diabetes isn't taking it from me even..if it took half my quads!
Out tomorrow. Have got a lend of an electric bike to try. Expensive but an going out to do a few miles o_O. Hope it warms up a bit up here 😉
Out tomorrow. Have got a lend of an electric bike to try. Expensive but an going out to do a few miles o_O. Hope it warms up a bit up here 😉

Keep an eye on the power - you don't want to be running out and having to pedal it uphill. 😱 Cooler here as well - yer need to get yersel a gansey like. :D Enjoy yourself. 🙂
It was superb. Only did about 5miles but I got to 20MPH. Fancy gears & big wheels. Was busy when I set off with to many cars about but it was a road bike & I am used to my Mountain bike which is good away from traffic. Superb pic Northy :D. I might think about getting one. Will do more than 80mile a charge. 😉 A couple of turns of the peddles & then OFF.😎
Back out today into Cheshire to test out my new shoes and pedals and a bit of a contrast to last Monday with the weather. Not quite Gansey weather but certainly a lot cooler, bit of sun but mainly cloudy - base layer on. Breezy again and the BBC forecast for what seems like forever has said breezy - sun and breezy, cloudy and breezy, rain and breezy etc. Must be summat to do with El Nino or climate change. 🙄 Loads of riders out and about today with a sportive going on. I've gone from double sided clipless pedals to single sided clipless road pedals. There's a million and one adjustments to get the cleats right on the shoes - measuring where the ball of the foot is, marking it on the shoe, adjustments fore and aft and left and right and angle of the foot. After that ride it needs a couple of adjustments. The main issue was with the pedals which have a spring adjustment for clipping in and out. I'd adjusted them to a middle setting, clipped in and set off. Unclipping I nearly broke my ankles twisting to release the cleat and realised I had to put all my weight (there's not a lot of it) on to clip in. Foolishly didn't take a 2.5mm allen key to adjust it to an easier setting so had to put up with it. Despite that enjoyed the ride and although I don't feel 100% the legs felt really good.

Strava stats are 61.6 miles completed at an average speed of 15.4mph and elevation gain of 2683 feet. With the Pedal for 7 ride that's over 150 miles for the week.

Sort of feel okay at the moment but think I may have a sore throat/cold or something on the way as I've had to put my basal up over the last 2 days to 115% due to wayward levels. Today I started with a 60% TBR but changed this part way round to a 70%. Still got the Libre on and I have to say the readings have been pretty much spot on compared to the Contour Next. I think the Neo or the Neo strips in the Libre when I used those tended to read low. Either that or both the Libre and Contour are wrong. o_O The Libre started at 6.4 mmol/l then it was into the 7's but climbed to the 10's and 11's before dropping back to the 6's/7's/8's and I came home to a 5.7. Quite like riding along checking as you go. On the ride I had 2 cereal bars. Missed out on my coffee as Costa was rammed at Alderley Edge and the same at the Jodrell Bank cafe. Had one when I got back. :D One of the riders on the Pedal for 7 as well as being T1 was training to be a DSN. He said he thinks within a couple of years everyone (T1) will have access to the Libre on the NHS.

Back here again near Goostrey and it looks like maize again to me.

It's only a week since I was last here at Gawsworth and it's already turning golden. Some of the other wheat fields I saw look ready for harvesting.

Don't want to frighten you too much but it's one of me at the top of the climb near Rudyard. Does anyone else find it difficult (getting the background in and not looking like an idiot) taking selfies?

Here's what the Garmin said - the same as Strava!
It was superb. Only did about 5miles but I got to 20MPH. Fancy gears & big wheels. Was busy when I set off with to many cars about but it was a road bike & I am used to my Mountain bike which is good away from traffic. Superb pic Northy :D. I might think about getting one. Will do more than 80mile a charge. 😉 A couple of turns of the peddles & then OFF.😎

Brilliant. 🙂 I've seen a few people with them. I think if it gets people out in the fresh air not in their cars and you still can pedal then I'm all for it. I was on my bike and I went past a man and woman on mountain type bikes 2 weeks ago at the bottom of a very steep hill not far from where I live. I was slowly struggling up and the next thing the woman just went flying past me uphill and said "I know it's cheating but I need to do it." I realised they were on e-bikes - we had a laugh and I said I wasn't bothered.
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