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Towns for Tour de Yorkshire 2018 have been announced. Exact routes to be declared in Dec 2017. I hope I can get a volunteer location to which I can cycle 🙂

Yes, 3-6 May 2018. Nearest to me looks like it will be Barnsley but that's still some distance. The race has been extended to 4 days and the women's race to 2 days. Some big names being being touted - apparently the organisers are trying to get Chris Froome to race it.
I did both but mostly whilst stopped. I wanted to see if it was possible to extract the meter from rear jersey pocket, press the button and swipe to take a reading and then put it back - without swerving all over the road or dropping it. The thicker winter gloves made it tricky as I had to remove a glove but the readings through layers of clothing are fine - I had two base layers and a winter jersey. Would be a lot easier with the summer fingerless gloves on but it was possible. As Robin says it mentions the reader only works down to certain temperatures but I had no problems in the cold yesterday. I would recommend getting one for Adam - the sensors are fairly flat to the skin and go on the back of the arm to avoid being banged or knocked. The adhesive that holds them in place seems to a super strength type but you may have to keep an eye on it to ensure he doesn't try and pick it off!

Ah, gloves. Yes they are always euphemistically described as having a 'soft material on the edge of the finger to wipe away sweat.' This is on winter gloves!! Now I know there is supposed to be global warming and all that but when wearing my winter gloves it has never yet been warm enough to wipe away sweat and if it was I wouldn't be wearing them. Everyone knows it's a snot wipe. :D
Did "U" not know Matt was a Stunt Man. Only joking Matt 😉:D
With the weather over the last few days being a bit damp 🙄 it left the roads today damp (started to dry out later on) with leaf litter etc, although it didn't rain. It was overcast with the odd drizzle but felt reasonably warm - I still had the shorts on. It was a bit breezy and it was like Chicken Licken with the amount of acorns (and conkers) falling down and all over the lanes. I had put the mudguards on last night and set out this morning into Cheshire taking in Alderley Edge again. Very nice. Enjoyed this one although the bike definitely needs a clean now.

Strava stats are 60.5 miles completed at an average speed of 15.5mph and elevation gain of just over 2500 feet.

Levels: at start 6.9 mmol/l, then got carried away, felt okay and didn't test until 28 miles after the coffee stop and was 11.1 mmol/l, at 37 miles 8.1 mmol/l, at 47 miles 5.0 mmol/l, at 53 miles 5.1 mmol/l, at 57 miles 6.2 mmol/l and back home 6.6 mmol/l. Okay with those. On the ride I had 2 gels, half energy/protein bar and a cortado in Alderley Edge at Costa. 🙂

Goostrey maize still there - farmer must be hoping for dry weather 🙄

This field near Gawsworth was full of wheat not long ago. Already something growing again.

This is also near Gawsworth

The Garmin
Brilliant numbers Matt on them miles. Very impressed. I was on the Tv this week. BMR taken, met Angela Rippon "How to Stay Young" but they did not do my storey. I had excellent BMR ! Cycling is good for you 🙂😎
Last day tomorrow to log rides in Cycle September challenge... I'vw recorded rides whenever cycling has been the best option. Not practical today for taking 12kg of waste aluminium cans to scrap dealer and getting replacement windscreen wipers for car. Will cycle to work on Monday, 10 mile round trip, quicker, cheaper and more convenient than walking and bus / driving and walking from expensive car park.
Good for you Copepod, Cans in the right place ! A nice lady at our Duk group collects milk bottle tops & gets money for our group, 😎
Thanks Hobie. 12kg of aluminium collected in 2 months. Nearly all picked up from streets and paths, with just a few cans and trays from home. It's easy for me to keep bags outside, then drive to dealer, 1 mile from home, when I'm going past anyway.
Thanks Hobie. 12kg of aluminium collected in 2 months. Nearly all picked up from streets and paths, with just a few cans and trays from home. It's easy for me to keep bags outside, then drive to dealer, 1 mile from home, when I'm going past anyway.
Your bit of going GREEN ! When I am at work every bit of Copper from off cuts of cable goes in a big pile of my overcrowded garage :D, Its the way to go. Did you see that prog about how much plastic everyone is eating ? Fish etc in sea eat bags & rubbish from us ? Well done You
Your bit of going GREEN ! When I am at work every bit of Copper from off cuts of cable goes in a big pile of my overcrowded garage :D, Its the way to go. Did you see that prog about how much plastic everyone is eating ? Fish etc in sea eat bags & rubbish from us ? Well done You
Yep, keen to prevent plastic from entering sea. I've never used much cosmetics and never any with micro beads. All plastic in house, plus many items I pick up in streets, go in recycling bin. I spent 3 hours with a volunteer canalside clear up group on Saturday. Admitedly, most items were bagged up to be collected by council for landfill rather than recycling. At least 10 binbags, plus some large items such as broken laundry basket, road sign, length of guttering, and lots of syringes and needles which we put in sharps bins.
Probably ought to get back to cycling, which was my means of transport home / canal.
Gold Star for you Copepod 🙂. Just been watching a prog about Russia, Cutting trees down by Massive proportions. There permafrost is melting rapidly & gas from there is harming o zone layer. o_O
Good picks Phonic ! Winter is a coming 😱 (I must be getting old) :D
Back out today into the Peak District for a ride that took in Hartington, Monyash, the edge of Buxton and Flash i.e. hills. Weather was mixed - a few bits of drizzle, mainly cloudy with the odd bit of sunshine. I have to say I struggled a bit on this one and certainly didn't feel 100% but persevered, as you do. :D I was going to go over the Cat and Fiddle but cut that out and headed back via Flash. Still had the shorts, summer jersey/base layer on with the rain jacket called into action a couple of times. Felt a bit cool up in the hills - I know we didn't have a Summer but what's happened to our Indian Summer? 🙄 Any cooler next week and it'll be bibtights time.

Strava stats are 52.3 miles completed at an average speed of 13.7mph and elevation gain of 4057 feet.

Keeping it real as a proper T1, levels have been a bit over the place recently (with the Medtronic pump seemingly on hold at present due to the hurricane in Puerto Rico I'll just have to plod on as I am). At start 12.2 mmol/l (took a 1u correction), at 10 miles 12.4 mmol/l, at 21 miles 4.7 mmol/l, at 29 miles 6.8 mmol/l, at 36 miles 5.1 mmol/l, at 42 miles 6.3 mmol/l, at 47 miles 4.0 mmol/l and back home 7.6 mmol/l. High at the start and a few lower than I'd like but I survived. :D Had 4 gels and a quinoa cereal bar. No coffee stop this time. :(

Heading towards Monyash

Black clouds and drizzle near Chelmorton

Who's that miserable idiot? Not been here for a bit. Flash.

Also at Flash.

Here's the Garmin.
Woke up at the crack of dawn today (OH wasn't best pleased as her name's Sue 😉:D) with the intention of getting out early as I thought I needed to be back. Apparently plans had changed so I didn't need to get back and therefore waited until it was light and had brightened up a bit. Turned into a lovely Autumnal day, some cloud, some sun, dry and reasonably warm. Headed towards Knutsford and surrounding areas for a 100km ride. Bibshorts and short sleeved jersey with base layer was plenty warm enough. Stopped at Jodrell Bank cafe for a coffee but the place was rammed so gave it a miss and headed back. Nice weather meant loads of cyclists out and about today in Cheshire today. Love rides like that. 🙂

Strava stats are 63.4 miles completed at an average speed of 16.0mph and elevation gain of 2441 feet.

Levels: at start 5.8 mmol/l (had 3 biscuits), at 25 miles 9.2 mmol/l, at 38 miles 6.5 mmol/l, at 46 miles 4.4 mmol/l, at 52 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 58 miles 5.6 mmol/l and back home 8.9 mmol/l. On the ride I had 3 gels and a quinoa cereal bar.

For those over 40 (put your reading glasses on 😉) and can you remember what you were doing on this date 40 years ago? Normally I'd say no as well but I have a certificate from Saturday 15th October 1977 saying I'd passed my cycling proficiency test - my cycling licence. :D It was 6 Saturday mornings training at a local school followed by a test.

Certificate's a bit battered now but I've still got the triangular enamel badge as well.

Near Rudyard

Also near Rudyard

The Garmin
I have got my Cycling Pro Badge somewhere. A red triangle. A very good ride 60mile at 16m an hour ! Well done 😎
I have been out on ped bike this morning, not as far as you do Matt but was windy & it has took it out of me 🙂

Well done! 🙂 How far did you get? Managed to get out myself but it was very windy today.
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