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after being diagnosed T1 3 weeks ago I plucked up the coreage to get back on thebike today. I decided just to doa short run of 40km as I didn't know what to expect. I took a reading before I went it was 9.0 I stop about half wayand it was 6.9 I had an sis energy bar and carried on feeling good. Having getting home I took another readingand it was 6.2. Got to say I was well glad after the ride it was no where near what distance I was doing before T1decided to take a liking to me, but to be honest it's probably the happiest I felt for the last few weeks. It's a startWELL HAPPY

Anyone ever made their own flapjacks ?

Anything you recommend to change the recipe, reduce the sugar, swap syrup for honey ?

I made some about 10 years ago loaded with syrup, so much so that my cycling partner looked away for a few seconds only to look back & find a wasp chomping on his flapjack just as he was about to take a bite himself.
This was on our tour of Ireland.

I usually buy mine - definitely quicker and easier. I have made them in the past but that was to a standard recipe. On the bike I usually want something high energy so probably wouldn't reduce anything in it.
after being diagnosed T1 3 weeks ago I plucked up the coreage to get back on thebike today. I decided just to doa short run of 40km as I didn't know what to expect. I took a reading before I went it was 9.0 I stop about half wayand it was 6.9 I had an sis energy bar and carried on feeling good. Having getting home I took another readingand it was 6.2. Got to say I was well glad after the ride it was no where near what distance I was doing before T1decided to take a liking to me, but to be honest it's probably the happiest I felt for the last few weeks. It's a startWELL HAPPY

Well done Robin. 🙂 Good readings as well but bear in mind levels can carry on falling for several hours after you exercise. The main thing is you've gone out and done it and nothing happened apart from making you feel good. That's what I would call a result. 🙂
Just for @HOBIE 😉 I decided to go and do a few more hillocks today. :D Weather conditions were not bad, dry and a mixture of sun and cloud. Felt a bit cooler up on the tops in just my bibshorts and short sleeved jersey - I must be getting a bit nesh living further south. Tan lines are slowly appearing but it's not been up to much so far this 'Summer'. I headed into the Staffordshire and Derbyshire peaks to Monyash, Crowdecote, Longnor, Hollinsclough, climb up to Flash then up again to the A54 (near the Cat and Fiddle) before heading for home. After last Sunday's hillfest, then Thursday's ride the legs were feeling it a bit today on the hills. Always good to get out though.

Strava stats are 54.2 miles completed at an average speed of 13.5mph and elevation gain of just under 4800 feet.

Got a Libre sensor on again (has been pretty accurate over the last 2 days it's been on) - it started at 7.2 mmol/l, and hovered around the 7, 8, 9 mark. I did a blood check when it was showing 7.2 and the blood result was 4.5 mmol/l. 🙄 Could have been the delay but the Libre had a steady arrow. After that I did a combination of Libre and blood and it was between 4 and 8. I got back to a 7.0 mmol/l. On the ride I had 1 gel and 2 quinoa cereal bars.

Looking back towards Longnor - I came up here with the DF last year on the second ride I did with her

That's the Cat and Fiddle pub on the horizon but I was taking the road (A54) going off to the left. Bit bleak up there!

Hopefully you can read it - (Ice Cream Farm) now that's my type of farm. The kids have been there for a school project and got to taste the merchandise. This is near a place called Allgreave.

This is what the Garmin said and was in agreement with Strava for once.
Hello all

Just thought I'd bore you 😉 with my cycling today. Nice sunny early Autumn day and I completed just over 60 miles at an average speed of 15.4 mph (no, I'm not the quickest) and elevation gain of 2400 feet.

BG levels as follows: 30 minutes before start this morning 6.0 mmol/l (too low so had 3 biscuits), at 10 miles 7.9 mmol/l, around 40 miles it was 9.2 mmol/l and at 50 miles it was 6.2 mmol/l. Back home it was 5.3 mmol/l. Apart from the biscuits before the start - during the ride I had two pieces of malt loaf, a flapjack plus some dextrose gel - no need for the banana. Levels often carry on dropping hours after and during the night - so extra testing is normally required.

Anyone else get active on this sunny Sunday?
Keep it up Matt. My electric bike was stolen in early May. I shall buy a none electric bike soon so that I can get some exercise done apart from just walk.
Keep it up Matt. My electric bike was stolen in early May. I shall buy a none electric bike soon so that I can get some exercise done apart from just walk.

That's a shame about your e-bike John. :( It's good that you are able to get another bike. Hopefully you have some nice routes to ride where you live. Enjoy it. 🙂 I'm lucky in that I have the countryside close by including the Peak District. Although whichever route I take hills are always involved.
A run out today into Cheshire to the Whitegate Station Cafe passing through Goostrey and Middlewich. Weather was fine - dry and a bit cloudy but not that warm. Blood glucose levels have been all over the place for a couple of days - mainly high. Lots of corrections. I don't feel ill, I've changed my pens, don't think I'm pregnant (although I haven't done one of those tests :D) so I'm not sure what is going on. I suspect it's the basal but not sure what's happened. I've opened a new pack of Levemir and will give that a go. The Libre was acting up with its reading so it's all very frustrating. :( All this impacted a bit on my enjoyment of the ride. Apart from all that it was great. :D Anyone else do owt today?

Strava stats are 76.5 miles completed at an average speed of 15.2mph and elevation gain of just over 2900 feet.

As mentioned above levels have been a bit wayward although I started at 7.8 mmol/l, at 20 miles the Libre was showing 17.7 😱 but the blood reading showed 12.9 mmol/l - still not good so I took 1u correction. With the Libre way off the mark most of the time I relied on blood readings and at 31 miles it was still 12.9 mmol/l (took another 1u correction), at 40 miles 9.0 mmol/l, at 48 miles 7.1 mmol/l, 56 miles 4.1 mmol/l, at 64 miles 5.7 mmol/l and back home 6.7 mmol/l. I very rarely take correction doses but I thought I've been riding for 20 and 31 miles and it's still 12.9. It wasn't coming down and I hadn't eaten anything - had to be some sort of insulin problem. With the issues I've had for the last couple of days the corrections were the only answer. If it's a Levemir problem then correcting with NovoRapid is just a temporary fix. 🙄 On the ride (this was all after 31 miles) I had 3 gels and a quinoa cereal bar and a coffee from the Whitegate cafe.

Apologies for the lack of photos today. I was planning to take some at Whitegate but forgot. 🙄

Here's an old favourite. It's like we've gone straight to early Autumn - cooler temperatures, blackberries out. We want our Summer! :D

Here's what the Garmin said. Average speed, distance and time taken.
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Hope your nos get better Matt. Ex picckie. Been out all day watching my son playing footie in a tournament. him & team got to semi-final. Enjoyed. Keep at it Matt 😎
I'll let you borrow some Oxfordshire scenery from my ride the other day, when daughter let me wear her headcam. It's all stubblefields round us at the moment, which we are allowed to ride on until they're ploughed up and resown.image.png
I'll let you borrow some Oxfordshire scenery from my ride the other day, when daughter let me wear her headcam. It's all stubblefields round us at the moment, which we are allowed to ride on until they're ploughed up and resown.View attachment 4465

Very nice. Is it a GoPro or Garmin Virb or something like it?
Very nice. Is it a GoPro or Garmin Virb or something like it?
It's a Drift Stealth 2, (apparently, I'm not the expert) The advantage is, it's small, and attaches neatly to the side of the hat with a strap or adhesive mount, rather than sticking up, and needing a fixture through the top of the hat. ( and it was a lot cheaper than a GoPro!)
The picture quality is great and I'm sort of tempted but I can't really justify the expense. If you're riding in the city they can prove useful. :D

Lovely day today so I decided to head into the hills of the Peak District to Bakewell (no pudding this time). It was warm and dry but not too hot. The route passed through Hartington, Monyash, Ashford in the Water, Crowdecote and Longnor. Lots of people out and about this bank holiday weekend - ramblers, walkers, sightseers, cyclists, blackberry pickers. Busy in the popular places. Ride was good but my legs were aching a bit on this one.

Strava stats are 56.3 miles completed at an average speed of 13.5mph and a not unexpected elevation gain of 4800 feet. Almost two thirds of the year now gone 😱 where did it go? but that ride takes me over 2200 miles for the year so far. More unpredictable weather in the latter part of the year but I'm hoping to at least match last years total of 3010 miles for the year so I'll see where I've got to in December.

Levels were okay on this ride and have been this past week after the issues last weekend. It's just diabetes messing with my head as well as my body. 😉 The Libre sensor finished on Friday so these are all blood levels. At start 7.6 mmol/l, at 9 miles 7.0 mmol/l, at 19 miles 8.2 mmol/l, at 27 miles 7.6 mmol/l, at 34 miles (coffee stop) 7.1 mmol/l, at 40 miles 9.7 mmol/l, at 46 miles 6.8 mmol/l, at 52 miles 5.7 mmol/l and back home 6.8 mmol/l. On the ride I had 1 gel and a quinoa cereal bar and a latte from the Old Smithy cafe at Monyash.

This is near Hartington. Carboniferous limestone from a few hundred million years ago when the area was covered by sea. Didn't see any clints and grikes and limestone pavements (A Level geography was useful).

Climb up to Monyash looking back towards Bakewell

Another long climb here not far from Longnor

This is the same climb on the moors at the top looking back at about 1600 feet.

Here's what the Garmin said
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With the forecast today saying rain this afternoon (which has now arrived) it was an earlier start as I headed out this morning into the leafy Cheshire lanes and to the footballers favourite hangout of Alderley Edge. Range Rovers a plenty there but it was a nice ride out. I came back via Knutsford having passed through Henbury, Chelford, Goostrey and the like. Very nice. The weather yesterday was lovely - I was gardening, blackberry picking, bike cleaning etc but today it was overcast and attempting to rain with odd bits of passing showers although not cold. Still bibshorts weather but there was a definite feel of Autumn with leaves starting to fall and a slight chill in the air. Strong headwind on the way back but I didn't notice a tailwind on the way out. 🙄

Strava stats are 60.7 miles completed at an average speed of 15.7mph and elevation gain of just under 2600 feet.

Levels were fine (a bit of a shocker low yesterday but I'll post about that in general message board), started at 4.0 mmol/l so had 3 fig rolls and as I felt fine (probably a bit stupid after yesterday🙄) just kept going until I got to Alderley Edge. So at 30 miles it was 7.1 mmol/l, at 38 miles 7.8 mmol/l, at 50 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 55 miles 4.6 mmol/l and back home 7.9 mmol/l. On the ride I had 2 gels, half a protein/energy bar and a cortado from Costa whilst people watching in Alderley Edge.

Another maize maze - this is near Knutsford

The cows knew the rain was coming - this is near Jodrell Bank

Autumnal look about this not far from home near Longsdon

Here's what the Garmin said
Well, this is how I spent my lunchtime. Rain arrived right on cue with the first police motorbikes, but fortunately no thunder and lightning. Pictures courtesy of my son, I was wielding the umbrella!
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