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And here we are at the finish line waiting for the cyclists to arrive. Torrential rain, how do they cycle that fast in such awful conditions! Brilliant to see them sprint past. Just home soaked to the skin but fabulous to see live. Thanks for cheering them on across the Cotswolds Robin 🙂
I couldn't co ordinate arms to film live, hold crutches and wait for them to sprint past me! 😛


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Well, this is how I spent my lunchtime. Rain arrived right on cue with the first police motorbikes, but fortunately no thunder and lightning. Pictures courtesy of my son, I was wielding the umbrella!
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And here we are at the finish line waiting for the cyclists to arrive. Torrential rain, how do they cycle that fast in such awful conditions! Brilliant to see them sprint past. Just home soaked to the skin but fabulous to see live. Thanks for cheering them on across the Cotswolds Robin 🙂
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I couldn't co ordinate arms to film live, hold crutches and wait for them to sprint past me! 😛

Great pics but a pity about the weather. 🙂 Plenty of big names taking part. No Team Novo Nordisk again this year. It didn't really go anywhere near me this year and I missed out on the Women's Tour when it passed close to me. It's one of the few sports you can get close to the riders at the side of the road and it's all free but blink and you'll miss them. You wait ages and they've gone in seconds!! Did you get any souvenir water bottles Robin - the team name will be on them? They usually just chuck the empties into the verge. I'm assuming the council or someone goes around picking them up.
With rain forecast this afternoon I headed out this morning into Cheshire for a quickish spin meaning I could get back for the ToB final stage (Lars Boom has just taken the GC) and Chris Froome's historic Vuelta final stage into Madrid. Back to more trivial matters and my ride - the weather was very similar to last weeks ride being overcast (I had the lights on for the whole ride today), dry but threatening rain with the occasional drizzly shower. Bit cooler than last week as well but still warm enough for me for the bibshorts although I did see some riders in what looked like full winter gear! I was seriously considering putting the mudguards on which is like an admission that Autumn is here along with the crap weather. I headed to one of my favourite places - the Jodrell Bank area. Legs felt good and I enjoyed this ride. Got back home and it was 'can you go to Morrisons?' 🙄 A 2 mile walk there and back. :D

Strava stats are 54.9 miles completed at an average speed of 15.9mph and elevation gain of just under 2400 feet.

I've got a Libre sensor on and it showed my levels between 6 and 12 mmol/l. I took some blood readings as well and they weren't a million miles out for the most part apart from where the Libre showed the higher readings (12's) and the blood was 7-8. 🙄 I find the Libre really frustrating in these situations and it makes me start to doubt the accuracy of subsequent readings. I can understand 1,2 or even 3 mmol/l but when it's 4 or more it just makes a nonsense of it. It's not individual sensors either it seems to be all of them. Blood reading on return was 6.5 mmol/l. On the ride I had 1 gel, a quinoa cereal bar and a double macchiato from the cafe. Caffeine boost for the return journey. (The bike shed at Jodrell Bank cafe had some nice bikes including a Pinarello Dogma c. £8k and 2 Bianchis c. £5k each - I lowered the tone of the shed with my bike at £350 :D).

Near Siddington - lanes drying out

Green grass in this field near Jodrell Bank (looks like a golf course in this pic :D) - crop rotation as it was a maize field last year

Here's the Garmin
Did you get any souvenir water bottles Robin - the team name will be on them? They usually just chuck the empties into the verge. I'm assuming the council or someone goes around picking them up.
Sadly not, they didn't seem to be drinking much as they passed us. There was a feeding station a few miles before, and several of the ones at the back were eating energy bars as they passed! I assumed the bright orange riders were the Dutch team. They were so bright as they whizzed past, they'd almost got an orange glow round them, they reminded me of the Ready Brek kid.
I was amused that bringing up the rear with the ambulances was an AA van. Assume the support cars occasionally need supporting!
Sadly not, they didn't seem to be drinking much as they passed us. There was a feeding station a few miles before, and several of the ones at the back were eating energy bars as they passed! I assumed the bright orange riders were the Dutch team. They were so bright as they whizzed past, they'd almost got an orange glow round them, they reminded me of the Ready Brek kid.
I was amused that bringing up the rear with the ambulances was an AA van. Assume the support cars occasionally need supporting!

The team in orange are actually Polish (CCC Sprandi Polkowice) a pro continental team. On your second picture from the front are two from world tour team Lotto NL Jumbo (team of stage winner Dylan Groenewegen and overall winner Lars Boom - I'm not sure who the two riders in the picture are but it's neither Groenewegen or Boom as both those two have rainbow bands on their jersey sleeves as former national champions), one from Cylance Pro Cycling (a US continental team), two from Bike Channel Canyon (a British continental team - just lost their main sponsor last week), then the Ready Brek boys and then the familiar black and blue of the Sky train.* The race is a mixture of World Tour teams and pro continental and continental. A lot of teams change sponsors and therefore kits on a regular basis. It's only the bigger and more successful teams like Sky and Movistar who keep the sponsors for any length of time and therefore similar looking kits.

* I didn't know all the teams and had to look some of them up. :D
I am bereft now that the ToB and La Vuelta have finished! I've really got into watching the cycling this year and starting to understand a lot more about the various tactics, jerseys and competitions - think it must be because they televised Le Tour live so you got to see more of the subtleties as each stage and the overall GC developed, rather than just seeing highlights - would have liked it if they could have done La Vuelta live too, although some compensation to have ToB live 🙂
Looking at the pics makes me more want to get back on my bike again. I used to enjoy my 50 miles rides and dashing along long straights at over 30mph. Not sure I can do that these days, but my bike is crying to be used 🙂
Looking at the pics makes me more want to get back on my bike again. I used to enjoy my 50 miles rides and dashing along long straights at over 30mph. Not sure I can do that these days, but my bike is crying to be used 🙂

Just take it out for a spin and see how you get on. 🙂 I'm not sure I've reached 30mph for any length of distance on the flat - I'd need a bit of a slope for that. :D
Just take it out for a spin and see how you get on. 🙂 I'm not sure I've reached 30mph for any length of distance on the flat - I'd need a bit of a slope for that. :D

Not sure I can these days, I'm much older, but would be nice to check after getting myself fit again. I will have to answer my bikes screams 🙂
MATT seriously Well done. 28pgs on this tread. Lots of good picks ! 😎😎😎

Thanks Hobie. 🙂 The thread is 2 years old now and I've just had a look on Strava and in that time (Sept 13th 2015 to date) I've done 6008 miles. There are lots of people who do much more but my excuse is I only usually get out for a ride once a week. 😉:D I just enjoy getting out in the fresh air and seeing the countryside (although I do like looking at my ride stats on Strava when I get back :D) - Type 1 shouldn't stop people from exercising. I've had it for over 30 years now - we can do anything! :D
Thanks Hobie. 🙂 The thread is 2 years old now and I've just had a look on Strava and in that time (Sept 13th 2015 to date) I've done 6008 miles. There are lots of people who do much more but my excuse is I only usually get out for a ride once a week. 😉:D I just enjoy getting out in the fresh air and seeing the countryside (although I do like looking at my ride stats on Strava when I get back :D) - Type 1 shouldn't stop people from exercising. I've had it for over 30 years now - we can do anything! :D
Keep going Matt. You know its good for you. 🙂
Headed out early this morning as I had to get back for an important appointment (more on that in a bit). I decided to head to the hills - Monyash, skirted around Buxton and then the Cat and Fiddle to give my legs a work out. Weather was great, dry and mild with the sun poking through on occasions. It was slightly misty to begin with and leaves are starting to fall from the trees so Autumn is here. Always seem to see lots of roadkill - squirrels, badgers, rabbits, pheasants but today I saw a dead cat at the side of the road. :( It was still intact so must have been clipped by a vehicle. Only farms nearby so I'm assuming it came from one of those.

Strava stats are 58.1 miles completed at an average speed of 14.6mph and elevation gain of over 4200 feet. Pleasantly surprised with the average speed considering the climbing involved. (I also did a 44.3 mile last week - it's on Strava but my mind wasn't focused so I didn't write it up).

Libre finished last week so these are all blood readings - at start 5.0 mmol/l (had a couple of biccies), 8 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 25 miles 4.3 mmol/l, at 32 miles 6.4 mmol/l, at 40 miles 8.4 mmol/l, at 49 miles 8.1 mmol/l, at 54 miles 4.3 mmol/l (I know I was going up uphill but how can it drop so fast o_O) and back home 7.8 mmol/l. On the ride I had 3 gels, quinoa cereal bar and half energy/protein bar. The pump saga is still ongoing - I spoke to the DSN last week and she said it should be anytime soon.

The important appointment was getting back to watch live on Sky the mighty Blades stuff Wednesday 4-2 at Hillsborough. After a great ride a great match. What a good day.:D

Early morning mist near Waterfall

From the same place looking towards Waterhouses with the sun trying to break through

Here's the Garmin
I did just ten miles at 15mph 7.3 start and down to 4.4 on the finish. T2 have lost over three stone and five inches off the waist. Back fitish but still working out the intake whilst cycling so as to up the mileage to the 60-80 I was on three years back.
Well done Bryan keep going 😎
Last day tomorrow to log rides in Cycle September challenge... I'vw recorded rides whenever cycling has been the best option. Not practical today for taking 12kg of waste aluminium cans to scrap dealer and getting replacement windscreen wipers for car. Will cycle to work on Monday, 10 mile round trip, quicker, cheaper and more convenient than walking and bus / driving and walking from expensive car park.
Towns for Tour de Yorkshire 2018 have been announced. Exact routes to be declared in Dec 2017. I hope I can get a volunteer location to which I can cycle 🙂
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