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yes, the cat & fiddle, a great climb, I normally do it from the Macc side, it's 7 miles to the pub
TDF 2008 Stage 2.jpg
"Mur der Bretagne"

This was me at the 2008 TDF, 2nd stage , one day before the pro's, this was at the top of the "wall of Brittany" during doing the whole stage

You can see the barriers being set up for the following day
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"Mur der Bretagne"

This was me at the 2008 TDF, 2nd stage , one day before the pro's, this was at the top of the "wall of Brittany" during doing the whole stage

You can see the barriers being set up for the following day

Excellent. I'd love to go and see the TdF (in France) and maybe ride one of the stages. I even missed out in 2014 when the first three stages were here. My plans were to go over to Sheffield for the end of Stage 2 but I felt unwell that day and didn't make it.
Yes, in 2014, I rode over to Holme Moss from Sale, the week before , I was moving house the following week so I missed seeing it too.

I managed to see part of three stages in 2008 in France
With the weather not looking too marvellous tomorrow I managed to sneak out for a 'quick blast' (it's all relative :D) into Cheshire this afternoon. I headed towards Knutsford but passed through Marthall and back round through Allostock. There was a TT near Jodrell Bank, they leave at minute intervals and several of the riders came flying past me - skinsuits, aero helmets etc. After the rain of yesterday the weather had been dry all day with a mixture of sunshine and cloud and reasonably mild - just alright really, although a few spots of rain just as I got back. One of the straps on my saddle bag broke - it's a webbing material and must have rubbed and worn through. 🙄 A motorist slowed down to tell me which was good of them and I was conscious that it was now only held on by one on the saddle and one around the seatpost but I got back okay without incident. Another £10-15 Wiggle order required! 🙄 Legs felt really good on this one - an enjoyable afternoon ride.

Strava stats are 56.0 miles completed at an average speed of 16.2mph and elevation gain of 2350 feet.

Levels, well I chanced it a bit on this one as I got a bit of a pace on for the first 20 - I started at 10.6 mmol/l but didn't test until 21 miles (not ideal with no hypo awareness), so at 21 miles 4.5 mmol/l, at 30 miles 6.1 mmol/l, at 37 miles 5.0 mmol/l, at 45 miles 6.1 mmol/l, at 51 miles 5.7 mmol/l and back home 6.7 mmol/l. So not too bad really but usually aim for a bit higher when on the bike. On the ride I had 3 gels, the other half of the protein/energy bar from last Sunday and a cereal protein bar.

Quite clearly doesn't belong to The Wurzels as it's not brand new. 😉🙄 This is near Jodrell Bank.

Near Rudyard

That's a very close up view of the Garmin! :D
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Good control there Matt - you may have no hypo control, but your instincts of when to test must be pretty good! 🙂
Got my new saddle bag last week and it was back out this morning for a hilltastic ride into scenic Derbyshire taking in Winnats Pass and the Cat and Fiddle 😱. It was similar to the ride I did a few weeks ago but this time I did the whole Cat and Fiddle. The ride took in Longnor, Tideswell, Bradwell, Hope, Castleton, Buxton and then over the Cat. It was quite hard work! The legs felt it on this one although it was good to get out and do it. Weather was not bad and stayed dry - a mixture of sun and cloud, it wasn't overly warm and was very windy.

Strava stats are 69.3 miles completed at an average speed of 13.2mph and elevation gain 6004 feet! (The 4 made all the difference 😉).

Levels were a bit up and down - at start 9.8 mmol/l, at 11 miles 12.6 mmol/l (took 1u of NovoRapid), at 24 miles 10.2 mmol/l, at 31 miles 7.7 mmol/l, at 38 miles 4.9 mmol/l, at 44 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 51 miles 8.1 mmol/l, at 58 miles 7.2 mmol/l, at 65 miles 4.7 mmol/l and back home 7.4 mmol/l. On the ride I had 3 gels, protein cereal bar and half energy/protein bar. This is one of things I find most frustrating with this and T1 diabetes. Any normal person about to attempt a hill like Winnats Pass thinks I know I need an energy boost I'll have a gel. Not me, I've got to check my blood glucose and even if I want a gel which would hit my blood stream pretty quickly I'd have the faff of injecting for it by which time my blood glucose level if it was say 10 would probably shoot up into the teens from the gel and the insulin would hit some time later probably dropping me into hypo territory with the exercise done since. Most of the time I'm reacting to what the meter says rather than what a normal person would do. 🙄

Took a breather 😉 before attempting Winnats Pass this time. This is at the bottom - Winnats Pass is the road going to left and climbs up through the cleft in the rock rather steeply. There are show caverns towards the bottom part of the pass.

At the top of the Cat and Fiddle again looking in the direction of Macclesfield with the Cheshire plains in the distance.

Here's the Garmin.
Just read out your route to the family, they nearly passed out!

Ha, I thought I was going to pass out myself on Winnats! On the way to a place with the delightful name of Sparrowpit I got passed by another rider and he said after the big hills even the smaller ones seem like mountains. I couldn't help but agree. When I reached Buxton I was tempted to shorten the ride and go up Axe Edge on the Leek Road and miss the Cat and Fiddle. There's not a lot in it as regards climbing as Axe Edge is on the A53 and goes up to Flash. I stuck to my original plan and went up the Cat. The wind was very strong today and made things even more difficult. I think I'll put this particular route on hold for a bit. :D
Winnats Pass is hell
Winnats Pass is hell

One of my problems with it is by the time I get there (at around 30 odd miles) I've already negotiated various hills through the Staffordshire Moorlands and into Derbyshire and I'm then faced with that (that's my excuse anyway 😉:D).
it can be glorious weather BUT there is ALWAYS a force 9 wind blowing head on on Winnats Pass
I'm off work for a couple of days but youngest daughter is at her Nan's today so I thought I'd take advantage of the fine weather and head out for a ride. After Sunday's leg burner I opted for a less hilly route and headed to Knutsford (again). Following discussions on the forum I also conducted a scientific experiment - more details on that below. Weather was okay - a mixture of warmish sunshine and cloud but again a bit breezy. Legs felt okay but any more and I think I would have felt it. Probably the after effects of Sunday. 🙄

Strava stats are 60.6 miles completed at an average speed of 16.1mph and elevation gain of just over 2400 feet. That ride takes me to 2023 miles for the year in 37 rides.

Levels behaved themselves on this one - at start 7.2 mmol/l, at 11 miles 7.5 mmol/l, at 21 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 30 miles 5.9 mmol/l, at 37 miles 7.1 mmol/l, at 45 miles 5.8 mmol/l, at 53 miles 8.3 mmol/l, at 58 miles 6.6 mmol/l and back home 4.5 mmol/l. On the ride I had cereal protein bar, half energy/protein bar, 1 gel, malt loaf and a macchiato (very nice it was as well) from the Jodrell Bank cafe.

Right then, this experiment, apparently as muscle weighs more if you exercise a lot you put weight on from increasing muscle. So I weighed myself before I left (can't confirm accuracy of scales but OH got one of them expensive digital efforts from Argos so should be alreyt) and was 66.0 kg. Went out for 60.6 mile cycle ride as detailed above. Came back and weighed missen again - 66.0 kg. What's all that about then? Which clown comes up with these theories. Reyt load of b***cks! 😉:D

Wanted to keep an eye on the progress of the maize at Goostrey and just look at this.

Rudyard Lake

The Garmin
Are you sure you're not a cyborg Matt? 🙂 Great pictures, looks like a really good ride 🙂

I wish I was sometimes. :D However, legs still seem to be functioning correctly but then again I'm 'only' 49. Ride was great. 🙂
I've been trying to hold off commenting that the crop at Goostrey looks amaizing, but I give up!🙄

Ha, I think I've used that one myself in the past. :D A few years ago we went on holiday to Jersey and one of the attractions we visited was a maze on a farm made out of maize. Unsurprisingly called the Amaizin' Maze. 🙄 We took the kids in and I thought it's not going to be that difficult and if it was I'll just jump up to see which way to go. I'm 6' 1 and the height of the maize was well over the top of my head - couldn't see even when I jumped. Managed to get out eventually. :D

Anyone ever made their own flapjacks ?

Anything you recommend to change the recipe, reduce the sugar, swap syrup for honey ?

I made some about 10 years ago loaded with syrup, so much so that my cycling partner looked away for a few seconds only to look back & find a wasp chomping on his flapjack just as he was about to take a bite himself.
This was on our tour of Ireland.
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